Suggest correction - #1 - 1998-05-03

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    $300 20
Oscar-winner Martin Landau roomed with & taught acting to this "Rebel Without a Cause" star

Battle of the Bay Area Brains game #1 - Sunday, May 3, 1998

1998 Battle of the Bay Area Brains.
From Zellerbach Auditorium at the University of California-Berkeley.
Benefiting the Bay Area chapter of the American Red Cross.
Aired only on KGO in the Northern California Bay Area.


Beverly Spurs, a podiatrist from Concord, California

Michael Rankins, a minister from Rohnert Park, California

Leslie Frates, a Spanish teacher from Hayward, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 24
In 1991 the U.S. & its allies bombed Baghdad to force Iraq to get its troops out of this country
    $100 14
(San Francisco 49ers defensive lineman Bryant Young delivers the clue in person.) Joe Montana & I both joined the 49ers from this college
    $100 18
In 1997 this star of "Emma" & "Great Expectations" bunked with her pal Winona Ryder
    $100 6
From the Latin for "flat", these instruments can be "grand" or "upright"
    $100 11
In 1992 this Billy Ray Cyrus song was a No. 1 country hit as well as a No. 4 pop hit
    $100 1
3Com Park was still known by this name when the 1989 World Series was interrupted by an earthquake
    $200 25
TV series that featured the Baghdad native seen here in doll form
    $200 15
Joe ended his career having thrown 273 touchdown passes & just 139 of these
    DD: $1,600 19
(Vivian and Marian, the San Francisco Twins, deliver the clue in person and in unison.) These co-stars & co-writers of "Good Will Hunting" were co-renters of a place in L.A.
    $200 7
From the Latin for "provisions for a journey", it now means a journey; have a "bon" one!
    $200 12
Elvis found this title dwelling "down at the end of Lonely Street"
    $200 2
In spring, the cherry trees blossom in the Japanese Tea Garden in this park
    $300 23
Joe was born June 11, 1956 in Monongahela, a city in the southwestern part of this state
    $300 20
Oscar-winner Martin Landau roomed with & taught acting to this "Rebel Without a Cause" star
    $300 8
From the Latin for "to warn", it could be Frankenstein's or any other malformed creature
    $300 13
Brokenhearted singer heard here:

"Where do broken hearts go? / Can they find their way home / Back to..."
    $300 3
Shaped like the nozzle of a firehose, this tower was built to honor the city's firefighters
    $400 21
Fellow Yankee Ping Bodie said of this high-living 1920s slugger, "I room with his suitcase"
    $400 9
From the Latin for "to lay claim to", it's "mine... saith the Lord"
    $400 16
Toni Braxton won a 1997 Female Pop Vocal Grammy for this tribute to heartache
    $400 4
The '60s psychedelic scene was centered at the intersection of these 2 streets
    $500 22
Tiger Woods once roomed with this man who in 1998 won the right to use a cart on the PGA Tour
    $500 10
From the Latin for "to hide", it's the small room where a monk hides away from the world
    $500 17
This group had a No. 1 hit in 1971 with "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart"
    $500 5
The unique hat seen here is featured in this long-running Bay Area revue

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Leslie Michael Beverly
$2,600 $300 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Leslie Michael Beverly
$3,000 $900 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This "Call of the Wild" author had some wild times at Heinold's First & Last Chance Saloon in Oakland
    $200 6
(Actress Julie Pinson clears her throat before singing the jingle in person.) It promotes itself as "the San Francisco Treat"
    $400 2
This "On the Road" author often beat it to Vesuvio, a North Beach hang-out of the Beat Generation
    $400 7
In 1849 the Boudin family "started" baking this type of bread the Bay Area is famous for
    $600 15
In 1995 English professor Robert Hass was named to this post by the Librarian of Congress
    $600 3
Tourists cometh to Tao House, the Danville home where he wrote "The Iceman Cometh"
    $600 8
You can sample chocolate & sundaes at this company's "Chocolate Manufactory"
    $600 20
This 1961 film set in San Francisco's Chinatown features the song heard here

"When I have a brand new hairdo / With my eyelashes all..."
    $800 16
In 1947, winning the first college World Series, Cal beat this school whose first baseman was George Bush
    $800 4
Mary Ann Singleton drinks Irish coffees at the Buena Vista in his book "Tales of the City"
    $800 9
Wineries in this nearby valley include Robert Mondavi & Beringer
    $800 12
This counterculture guru, Ph.D. 1950. "turned on, tuned in", but "dropped out" permanently in May of 1996
    DD: $2,600 13
Its full name is Hebrew for "Institute for Intelligence & Special Tasks"
    $800 18
The 1984 documentary about "The Times of" this gay city supervisor won an Oscar
    $1000 17
Commencement 1903, the first event held at the Hearst Greek Theatre, had an address from this U.S. president
    DD: $1,000 5
A plaque on Burritt Street in S.F. marks the site where Miles Archer was murdered in this novel
    $1000 10
San Francisco's Italian immigrants are credited with creating this fish stew with tomatoes
    $1000 11
He helped Berkeley win an NCAA water polo championship & in 1988 captured 7 medals at the Seoul Olympics
    $1000 14
Bob Woodward's 1987 book "Veil" recounted deathbed confessions by this CIA director
    $1000 19
This actress really brought down the house singing the following in a classic film

"San Francisco / Open your golden gate / You'll let no stranger..."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Leslie Michael Beverly
$4,400 $5,100 $3,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

This religious order founded in 1209 is sometimes called the Gray Friars or Begging Brothers

Final scores:

Leslie Michael Beverly
$0 $8,801 $5,200
3rd place: $10,000 to Bay Area American Red Cross Community Education + a Sony electronics prize package including a 36” standard definition television set, a VCR, a DVD player & a surround sound system including tall floor speakers Winner: $15,000 to Bay Area American Red Cross Disaster Relief + a Sony electronics prize package (valued at $7,700) including a VAIO laptop computer, a digital camcorder, a 36” standard definition television set, a VCR, a DVD player & a surround sound system including tall floor speakers 2nd place: $10,000 to Bay Area American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness + a Sony electronics prize package including a digital camcorder, a 36” standard definition television set, a VCR, a DVD player & a surround sound system including tall floor speakers

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Leslie Michael Beverly
$8,600 $5,100 $3,400
25 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)
9 R,
1 W
7 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $17,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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