Suggest correction - #9014 - 2024-01-11

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    $400 28
Under the Moors this European capital was called Olissibona

Show #9014 - Thursday, January 11, 2024

2023-2024 Second Chance competition week 4, semifinal game 3.


John Guszkowski, a planning consultant from Pomfret, Connecticut

Allison Strekal, a nonprofit development director from Missoula, Montana

Long Nguyen, a retired engineer from Las Vegas, Nevada

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: The letter U will appear twice in each response.)
    $200 26
"And the evening and the morning were the fifth day"
    $200 27
Bill Murray, mis-hearing "gophers" in this pic: "If I kill... the golfers, they're gonna lock me up & throw away the key"
    $200 24
Nicknamed for his facial hair, this 18th c. buccaneer who terrorized the East Coast reputedly amassed a still-hidden treasure
    $200 28
    $200 29
Will & shall form this verb tense
    $200 30
York is "the Chocolate City" & in 1935 was the birthplace of this candy bar made up of breakoffable fingers
    $400 22
Living up to its name: "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning"
    $400 12
In "While You Were Sleeping", Bill Pullman doubts--& should--that this actress is who she seems
    $400 23
Beginning in 1932, this couple went on a crime spree that lasted 21 months before both were killed
    $400 20
temple tip,
    $400 25
Iowa uses this type of local party meeting to select presidential candidates
    $400 19
A York native, she began bonding with 007 as M in 1995's "GoldenEye"
    $600 15
"And I saw in the right hand of him... a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals"
    $600 9
The late, great Bill Paxton was out of this world as astronaut Fred Haise in this 1995 real-life adventure
    $600 3
Ronnie & Reggie Kray, twins who ran a 1960s criminal empire in England, were among the last prisoners held in this fortress
    $600 11
Safety glass,
blue line,
face-off circle
    $600 17
Derived from French, it's a small, specialized retail store
    $600 13
Also meaning a total mess, as in "left the place in" these, it's the name for an area of York with narrow, medieval streets
    DD: $4,000 16
"For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas"
    $800 7
This "SNL" alum played Amy Schumer's love interest in "Trainwreck"
    $800 1
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic was convicted of war crimes by an international tribunal in this Dutch city in 2016
    $800 4
    $800 6
You should know this swinging item like clockwork
    $800 14
The Sixth, a York-based Roman legion, was big in the making of the wall begun in 122 A.D. on the orders of this emperor
    $1000 21
"Ye shall not... print any marks upon you: I am the Lord" (so no tattoos)
    $1000 8
This Brit has been in "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel", "Shaun of the Dead" & a slew of other films
    $1000 2
In June 2022 this man who tried to assassinate President Reagan in 1981 was released without conditions
    $1000 5
Lhotse Face,
the Death Zone,
Khumbu Icefall
    $1000 10
Time to drink in this hearty reddish color... ohhhh yes... bold, with a hint of je ne sais quoi
    $1000 18
Born in York in 1570, he would have an annual day in November named for him, but he probably would not appreciate it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Long Allison John
$1,200 $1,400 $7,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Long Allison John
$2,200 $2,600 $14,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 22
The convention was originally called to revise these, but delegates soon created a new framework for government
    $400 28
Under the Moors this European capital was called Olissibona
    $400 26
Early in this city "Blues", the first of about a dozen Tess Monaghan novels, ex-reporter Tess is rowing toward Fort McHenry
    $400 27
"Pawnee Rangers" & "Swing Vote"
    $400 29
Yokohama's Cosmo Clock 21 features a ginormous digital clock face at the center of this amusement park ride
    $400 30
Your pain & sadness from past experiences is known as your emotional this, also carried on a journey
    $800 18
Delegates met in secret in this building's assembly room with the windows sealed despite the hot summer
    $800 23
4th century A.D. Roman emperor Jovian was born in Singidunum, now this Serbian capital
    $800 21
The book that started it all, 1993's "Along Came a Spider", was this author's first novel to feature detective Alex Cross
    $800 11
"The Hofstadter Isotope" &
"The Wedding Gift Wormhole"
    $800 24
A clock on Prague's Town Hall Tower features wooden carvings of these followers of Christ
    $800 25
A city in the Czech Republic gives this type of beer its name
    $1200 17
This oldest delegate's proposal that presidents should serve without pay was disregarded without vote or debate
    $1200 3
This former name of Kinshasa reflects its nation's history as a colony of the Belgian monarchy
    $1200 12
Cathy Queen of Cats is a character in "The House on Mango Street" by this author
    DD: $5,000 10
"The Two Mrs. Sheffields" &
"Where's Fran?"
    $1200 15
The clock tower in this city's Piazza San Marco was once used to spot incoming ships
    $1200 19
It's a place where skins & hides of animals are treated to make leather
    $1600 8
Much of what we know about the convention is from this future president's copious notes of the debates
    $1600 1
Dushanbe, capital of this landlocked "stan", was called Stalinabad until 1961
    $1600 4
"The Escapists" comic series features an "Amazing" superhero conjured up in this novel by Michael Chabon
    $1600 6
"Will Gets a Job" &
"The Philadelphia Story"
    $1600 14
The almost 2,000-foot tall Makkah Clock Royal Tower in Mecca overlooks this sacred cube-shaped building
    $1600 16
A Lil Wayne line that caused some linguistic controversy said, "Real Gs move in silence like" this pasta dish
    DD: $5,800 9
This state's plan where all states would have equal representation regardless of size was proposed by William Paterson
    $2000 2
Called Ciudad Trujillo from 1936 to 1961 in honor of its dictator, this city returned to its old name after his assassination
    $2000 5
His sci-fi story "Burning Chrome" & his novel "Neuromancer" had some of the first uses of the term "cyberspace"
    $2000 7
"Blanche and the Younger Man" & "Dateline: Miami"
    $2000 13
A clock keeping this time, from Latin for "starry", gains 3 minutes, 56 seconds a day over a standard clock
    $2000 20
It refers to a virtuoso solo toward the end of a movement; Joseph Joachim wrote one for Brahms' violin concerto

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Long Allison John
$15,000 $19,000 $18,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Originally called Fruit Scones, the name of this food brand introduced in 1964 was influenced by an art movement of that time

Final scores:

Long Allison John
$19,001 $1 $6,200
Finalist 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Long Allison John
$15,000 $11,400 $15,000
18 R,
4 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $41,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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