Suggest correction - #9011 - 2024-01-08

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    $400 25
If I may be this with you, it means honest & open

Show #9011 - Monday, January 8, 2024

2023-2024 Second Chance competition week 3, final game 2.


Randall Rayford, a solar project developer from Houston, Texas (subtotal of $0)

Michael Cavaliere, a consultant from New York, New York (subtotal of $6,600)

Matt Harvey, a healthcare administrator from Providence, Rhode Island (subtotal of $10,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
LBJ had several of this breed, which, if you remove the first letter, becomes a national symbol
    $200 27
Well, here's one of these; call someone who cares
    $200 9
Rosario Dawson moves into the title domicile in this 2023 film based on a Disney attraction
    $200 28
For what possible cause or reason! (Asking for a friend)
    $200 29
The circle with the white "F" for Facebook is this color because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind
    $200 30
If you want to visit the United States Military Academy, head to 606 Thayer Road in this New York spot
    $400 17
Bill Clinton had Buddy, this breed that shares a name with a place in Canada
    $400 13
There's only one consonant in the name of this woodwind that tunes the orchestra by playing a long sustained A
    $400 14
(I'm Shameik Moore.) As Miles Morales in "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse", I'm relaxing at home, unmasked, when I get a surprise visit from this spider-powered woman voiced by Hailee Steinfeld
    $400 26
An affirmative preference when an issue is put up for a referendum
    $400 25
Nebraska fight song lyricists took advantage of the school colors being scarlet & this, which rhymes with team
    $400 24
Colombia's Point Gallinas, the northernmost part of mainland South America, juts into this sea
    $600 16
George W. Bush is seen here with his pal Barney, this national type of terrier
    $600 11
In 1953 he became the first American to conduct at La Scala in Milan; 4 years later, he helped tell a "West Side Story"
    $600 18
A romance sparks between Ember, who is flamin' hot, & a guy named Wade, a drip (of water), in this 2023 Pixar film
    $600 10
Nickname for Philadelphia's Market-Frankford Line, above the city's streets for much of its route
    $600 20
In the 1780s the Dutch Patriot movement briefly forced the house of this color from power & declared carrots treasonous
    $600 23
Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbor is home to this building, one of the most photographed in the world
    $800 7
Reagan's spaniel Rex was indeed kingly; his breed contains this name of multiple English monarchs
    $800 12
We could drone on & on about this Aussie Aboriginal wind instrument--that it's a 5'-long pipe made of eucalyptus wood, sounds cool...
    $800 19
She played Indy's goddaughter Helena in "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny"
    $800 1
The Tethys one separated Laurasia from Gondwana during the Mesozoic Era
    $800 3
Unlike any human's, the great horned owl's driver's license would say its eyes are this color
    $800 5
Further from land than anywhere else on Earth, a South Pacific spot is called Point this, after a fictional captain
    DD: $1,000 8
Portie for short, it's the 3-word breed of the Obamas' beloved Sunny
    $1000 15
In 1814 this Viennese composer put music to a Goethe poem & innovated the German lied, or art song
    $1000 22
This Scorsese film is based on David Grann's nonfiction book about Osage murders in 1920s Oklahoma
    $1000 2
A gathering or contest of many types, one of which is seen here
    $1000 4
A "fuchsia pink" & "purplish red" describe this color that has the French name of a fruit
    $1000 6
Head north to Alaska, then keep heading north & you'll hit this northernmost point in the state

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Michael Randall
$3,800 $1,600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Michael Randall
$4,200 $4,000 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Responses will begin and end with those two letters.)
    $400 21
These "States" ruled by His Holiness were created in 756 & lasted about 1,100 years
    $400 29
Of the NBA's
Steph & Seth
    $400 30
The basis of quantum science is that energy exists at specific levels; a jump between them is called this, like a TV show & its reboot
    $400 25
If I may be this with you, it means honest & open
    $400 19
Matteo Bandello's short stories inspired a number of Shakespeare's plays, including this Verona-set tragedy
    $400 27
A 2023 survey by the National Confectioners Association found 18% of folks eat the wide yellow end of this sweet first
    DD: $13,200 18
Around 1,000 years ago, this island's parliament, the Althing, said everyone is getting baptized
    $800 28
Of the NFL brothers seen here
    $800 17
The roughly 10 million compounds formed by this element include acetylene & potassium cyanide
    $800 24
Here's a lovely one of these central areas, with a fountain
    $800 16
Lorenzo Da Ponte wrote the librettos to 3 of this man's most famous operas, including "Cosi fan tutte"
    $800 26
The Dept. of Energy notes that more than 98% of U.S. gasoline contains this product primarily made from corn
    $1200 10
Known as an "enlightened despot", Joseph II ruled as a member of this dynastic family aka the House of Austria
    $1200 22
Of "New Girl" Zooey & "Bones" actress Emily
    $1200 3
Sir Peter Medawar proposed Medawar's paradox to explain why this system in women doesn't reject a fetus
    $1200 1
It means to understand or grasp the nature of; got it?
    $1200 5
This genre of Italian comedy popular from the 1500s to the 1700s was characterized by stock characters & situations
    $1200 9
The Missouri Meerschaum Company is the world's oldest manufacturer of this item made from a corn's core
    $1600 7
In the 10th century this kingdom "roared" as it allied with Castile to become a daunting force on the Iberian Peninsula
    $1600 20
Of actor brothers Ralph & Joseph
    $1600 12
Seismic waves suddenly change speed in the D'' layer, the lowest 150 miles of this, just above the core
    DD: $5,400 2
It describes the human heart with 4, as well as a certain type of nautilus
    $1600 4
In Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose", murders at a 14th c. monastery center on a book on laughter by this ancient Greek
    $1600 8
The murals at the Mitchell Corn Palace in this state are designed by students at a nearby university
    $2000 11
To link the Yangtze & Yellow Rivers, this was rebuilt during the Sui Dynasty
    $2000 23
Of Good Charlotte twins Joel & Benji
    $2000 13
In the 1780s John Goodricke IDed the 1st star known as this type of binary, for what one star in the system regularly does to the other
    $2000 14
In the painting seen here, a young woman is playing this instrument
    $2000 6
Around 1224 this Italian saint composed the poetic "Canticle of the Creatures"
    $2000 15
In "The Omnivore's Dilemma", this author writes, "You are what you eat... & if this is true, then what we mostly are is corn"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Michael Randall
$18,800 $29,200 $3,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 closest state capitals, at about 40 miles apart, one was founded by someone no longer allowed in the other

Final scores:

Matt Michael Randall
$37,600 $17,200 $0

Cumulative scores:

Matt Michael Randall
$47,600 $23,800 $0
Tournament champion: $35,000 + advance to the 2024 Champions Wildcard tournament 1st runner-up: $20,000 2nd runner-up: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Michael Randall
$15,000 $16,800 $3,000
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
12 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $34,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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