Suggest correction - #23 - 2024-01-02

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    $200 9
With a name like Janus, you'd think it would orbit Uranus, but it's a moon that orbits this ringed planet

Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! game #23 - Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2023-2024 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! semifinal game 1.


Lisa Ann Walter, an actor and stand-up comedian originally from Washington, D.C.

Mira Sorvino, an actress and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador born in New York, raised in New Jersey

Utkarsh Ambudkar, an actor originally from Baltimore, Maryland

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll give us the series.)
(Ken: Old Jeopardy! favorite...)
    $100 11
Stephenie Meyer:
"New Moon";
"Breaking Dawn"
    $100 17
Phoenix NBA team, or
male offspring
    $100 21
You can call me a holy roller, since I'm customized to drive this official as he greets crowds
    $100 1
Larynx, liver, lung:
it's the one a person has two of
    $100 6
It's the title of a Black Sabbath song, or, a Robert Downey Jr. movie
    $100 30
The coronation oath he took in 2023 had some minor changes since it was last taken in 1953
    $200 10
R.L. Stine:
"The Ghost Next Door";
"Vampire Breath";
"Say Cheese & Die!"
    $200 18
MLB team whose stadium features a giant illuminated "Liberty Bell", or
young female horses
    $200 22
I've evolved over the years from a red convertible in comic books to the tumbler you saw in "The Dark Knight", I am this vehicle
    $200 3
Scapula, spine, spleen:
it's the one a person has two of
    $200 5
Superman was born on this planet named after one of the noble gases
    $200 26
Though not in the Constitution, these four words are typically spoken at the end of the presidential oath of office
    $300 12
C.S. Lewis:
"The Magician's Nephew";
"Prince Caspian";
"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
    $300 19
The NFL's "Monsters of the Midway", or
what someone does when they strip nude
    $300 23
You can say I'm flashy since I'm this first responder vehicle, like what Ernest Hemingway drove in WWI
    $300 4
Ulna, urethra, uterus:
it's the one a female has two of
    $300 7
This HBO comedy series set in Northern California used former Facebook & Twitter executives as consultants
    $300 27
In 2000, the word "doping" was first included in the oath for participants of this event, being held in Australia
    $400 13
George R.R. Martin:
"A Dance with Dragons";
"A Storm of Swords";
"A Game of Thrones"
    $400 2
NHL team that left Hartford in 1997, or
Bob Marley's band
    $400 24
I'm a traveling wiener and I was conceived in 1936 by the nephew of this company's founder
    $400 15
Alimentary canal, femoral canal, optic canal:
it's the one a person has one of
    $400 8
In Disney's "The Fox and the Hound", the fox is named Tod, while the hound shares his name with this reddish metal
    DD: $500 28
One translation of this early oath begins "I swear by Apollo the physician"
    $500 14
Philip Pullman:
"The Golden Compass";
"The Subtle Knife";
"The Amber Spyglass"
    $500 20
The individual loops that make up a chain, or
Minnesota's WNBA team
    $500 25
As the presidential limo, I'm a Cadillac known by this name, also the counterpart to Belle in a Disney movie
    $500 16
Epiglottis, naris, testis:
it's the one a male has one of
    $500 9
This toxic element is paired with "Old Lace" in the title of a 1944 movie starring Cary Grant
    $500 29
According to "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory, this group was required to take what we know as the Pentecostal Oath

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$1,300 $1,100 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$1,500 $2,800 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: We'll give you the artists; you need to name the song title they have in common.)
(Ken: Each correct response will begin with the word "lady".)
    $200 28
Medieval Timbuktu was a college town offering university education out of these Islamic houses of worship
    $200 13
Lionel Richie
(is it me you're looking for?)
    $200 25
"P" + a country that uses the ruble as its currency = this historic German realm
    $200 9
With a name like Janus, you'd think it would orbit Uranus, but it's a moon that orbits this ringed planet
    $200 20
For wildlife lovers, Maine offers safaris to spot this large mammal featured on its flag
    $200 4
Seen here, this insect's spots & bright color signal to predators that it will taste really bad if eaten
    DD: $1,000 29
The Agojie, an all-female army corps in the Kingdom of Dahomey, is at the center of this Viola Davis film
    $400 14
Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch,
the Beach Boys
(she's giving me excitations)
    $400 26
Central U.S. state + "polis" = this capital city of that same state
    $400 10
Over 1.6 billion miles from Uranus, the Gowanus is a canal that flows through this NYC borough; go Nets!
    $400 21
If you're in Bangor & don't scare easy, stop by this prolific writer's house, seen here
    $400 5
A famous scene from this 1955 Disney film is nicknamed the "spaghetti kiss"
    $600 19
In 1975, both Angola and Mozambique gained their independence from this Iberian country
    $600 15
Céline Dion,
Huey Lewis & the News
(don't need no credit card to ride this train)
    $600 3
A West African country + "IA" = this other West African country
    $600 11
Hey, kids! If you think Uranus is a funny name, manus is the Latin word for this human body part
    $600 22
In Maine, the 4th Sunday of March is devoted to a celebration of this tree & its products
    $600 6
This pop star said she died her hair blonde because she was tired of constantly being confused with Amy Winehouse
    $800 17
This country, where "Casablanca" is set, is often considered the first to have recognized the U.S. by a 1777 shipping decree
    $800 16
Elvis Presley,
Cheap Trick
(Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird)
    $800 30
"Ar" + a central U.S. state = this other central U.S. state
    $800 2
With no known cases on Uranus, tetanus is an infectious bacterial disease also known as this seven-letter "L" word
    DD: $1,000 23
Portland's historic Abyssinian Meeting House was a hub for this secret 19th century network
    $800 7
When making a classic tiramisù, these small sponge cakes are soaked in espresso
    $1000 18
Seen here is the flag of this country where Ellen Johnson Sirleaf took office as Africa's first elected female head of state in 2006
    $1000 1
Def Leppard,
Ed Sheeran
(so you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans)
    $1000 27
"As" + a Middle Eastern country = this ancient empire
    $1000 12
Uranus was first discovered in the 18th century; Shakespeare wrote "Coriolanus" in this century
    $1000 24
Maine boasts this first national park established in the East which also happens to be first alphabetically
    $1000 8
In legend, King Arthur got his beloved sword Excalibur from this woman who lived underwater

Scores at the Double Jeopardy! Round commercial break (after clue 15):

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$3,700 $5,400 $5,400

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$4,500 $11,200 $4,400

Triple Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each correct response will end with "-ology".)
(Ken: "C.J." will be the initials of all of those correct responses.)
    $300 19
This field in which Mariah Carey was a student includes hairstyling and nail care
    $300 14
Don't call them U2!--Larry Mullen Jr. & Adam Clayton were absent; the Edge did a Tiny Desk Concert with this singer in 2023
    $300 25
This form of income is officially called "Old-Age, Survivors, & Disability Insurance"; most people just call it this
    $300 21
Sojourner Truth was born into slavery around 1797 as Isabella Baumfree in this state's Hudson Valley
    $300 8
A popular way of saying something is uncomplicated is to say it's not this field of Wernher von Braun
    $300 20
Written in 1908, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" features the lyric "Buy me some peanuts and" this ballpark treat
    $600 18
Someone in charge of giving you an MRI or X-ray should certainly have a degree in this
    $600 13
It's the network that has broadcast Tiny Desk Concerts (1,000 and counting) since folk singer Laura Gibson did the first in 2008
    DD: $1,000 26
For film buffs, it's a Tom Cruise hitman-in-a-taxi movie; for bank nerds, it's an asset pledged to secure a loan
    $600 22
Having been raised in an area settled by immigrants from the Netherlands, this was Truth's first language
    DD: $3,000 7
Through her book "Silent Spring", Rachel Carson spurred interest in this field, the "EP" in the federal agency EPA
    $600 9
As an April Fools' prank in 2023, Michael Che directed the audience at "SNL" to not laugh at this co-anchor's jokes
    DD: $1,500 15
Geek out if you graduated from MIT where the "T" stands for this
    $900 12
He sang hits like "Watermelon Sugar" for his Tiny Desk Concert; he also calls his sweater a "jumper" (aw, how British)
    $900 27
It's a number that signals to lenders how likely you are to pay back a loan; above 670 is pretty deece
    $900 23
At the age of 9 Truth was separated from her family when she was sold along with a flock of these animals for $100
    $900 6
Galileo's name is repeated in a hit by this band whose guitarist Brian May is an astrophysicist
    $900 1
Many of these treasures stored at the Tower of London have been on display since 1661
    $1200 16
Otology is the medical study of the ear while this "ology" is the study of hearing
    $1200 10
This singer opened her 2020 Tiny Desk Concert with "Show Me Love"; she closed it with "Fallin'"
    $1200 28
It's the "H-E" in "HELOC", a line of credit that can pay for your kitchen reno, your wedding... even your divorce
    $1200 24
In this year when America celebrated its 50th anniversary of independence, Truth sought her independence by escaping bondage
    $1200 5
Not only did this scientist invent the electric battery as his name suggests, he also discovered methane gas
    $1200 2
She ran in a special election for California governor in 2021; who knows how many Kardashians voted for her
    $1500 17
If your PhD is in the similarities of folk songs from Bhutan and Cameroon, you're an expert in "ethno" this
    $1500 11
For a Tiny Desk Concert he did with Sting, this "It Wasn't Me" singer proudly sang "I'm a Jamaican in New York"
    $1500 29
If you're eligible, sock away some after-tax retirement scratch in one of these accounts, named for a late Delaware senator
    $1500 30
Though evidence suggests she never uttered the words, Truth's famous 1851 speech is known by the title "Ain't I a..." this
    $1500 4
When hired at Tuskegee Institute in 1896, George Washington Carver served as director of this department
    $1500 3
The image here depicts Verdi's version of this type of entertainer

Scores at the end of the Triple Jeopardy! Round:

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$8,400 $16,100 $17,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Her 2019 Oscar win & 2021 Emmy win were both for portraying a British queen

Final scores:

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$16,800 $0 $32,201
2nd place: $50,000 to the SAG-AFTRA Foundation supporting the Emergency Financial Assistance and Disaster Relief Fund 3rd place: $50,000 to the UN Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking Winner: Finalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Utkarsh Mira Lisa Ann
$8,400 $14,900 $13,900
23 R,
7 W
30 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W
27 R
(including 3 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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