Suggest correction - #9010 - 2024-01-05

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    $1200 10
Mustarded or not, this L.A. stadium treat has been eaten in Chavez Ravine since the '60s & close to 3 million are sold each year

Show #9010 - Friday, January 5, 2024

2023-2024 Second Chance competition week 3, final game 1.


Randall Rayford, a solar project developer from Houston, Texas

Michael Cavaliere, a consultant from New York, New York

Matt Harvey, a healthcare administrator from Providence, Rhode Island

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Barack Obama quickly resigns from the Senate for a very good reason
    $200 25
Budgies are the first known non-mammals to experience contagious this action, perhaps leading to a nap
    $200 30
All hail the king! In 1991 Saskatchewan discovered it was home to Scotty, a 42-foot-long, 20,000-pound type of this dinosaur
    $200 9
In this book you'll find "I shall cut off her head and fill her mouth with garlic, and I shall drive a stake through her body"
    $200 10
Writers once had some pizzazz using these -nyms! Ben Franklin was Silence Dogood & Washington Irving, Jonathan Oldstyle
    $200 27
Coming on the pitch in the 60th minute in his Inter Miami regular season debut in 2023, he got his first MLS goal 29 minutes later
    $400 8
Martin Luther King Jr. gives his immortal "I Have a Dream" speech in D.C.
    $400 24
In 1993 the Supreme Court said "claims of actual" this from new evidence aren't grounds for appeal--you must have been shafted at trial
    $400 26
Bugs Bunny would've lost his mind after learning Guinness certified that one of these in Minnesota grew to be 22-plus pounds
    $400 5
In a 17th century classic, he tells the title character, "What we see there are not giants but windmills"
    $400 19
In addition to being an acronym, this device that determines an object's distance & velocity is also a palindrome
    $400 14
In addition to being a Hall of Fame running back, Jim Brown could stick it to foes by scoring goals in this sport & Jim's in its Hall, too
    $600 11
Rosa Parks stays seated on mass transit & makes history
    $600 22
Look at the name MOhandas DEwese for the stage name of this artist who slayed Busy Bee in an early rap battle
    $600 1
Heavyweight Tyson Fury was 277 pounds for a 2021 fight; this character weighed but 190 against heavyweight Apollo Creed in 1976
    $600 4
It includes, "I had only just gone to my room, when my Mary told me a lady had thrown herself under the train"
    $600 17
A retronym is a new term created to show the difference between new & old forms, like paper book or this rhyming postal term
    $600 15
In 2021 Ryan Crouser heaved a metal sphere 76 feet, 8 1/4 inches, breaking a world record set in this sport before Ryan was born
    $800 12
At John Glenn's request, Katherine Johnson verifies the computer's planning of Friendship 7's flight
    $800 6
Hugh Chisholm edited the 11th edition (1910-11) of this, an edition called the greatest encyclopedia ever
    $800 28
These clouds are associated with blue skies, especially the humilis type; they look all fluffy but weigh over a million pounds
    DD: $1,600 3
The very long opening line of this novel includes the phrase "It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair"
    $800 16
A cryptonym is a secret name or code word; this 1960s Vietnamese leader had several, including Agent 19
    $800 20
In 2023, Corey Seager won his 2nd World Series MVP award as this team became champions
    $1000 13
Just after World War II, Jackie Robinson integrates Major League Baseball
    $1000 23
Romans, Arabs, Normans etc. have overrun this home of resilient Sicilians that's been called the world's most conquered city
    $1000 29
Fluting on armor reduced weight; in Maximilian armour, a set for fighting weighed just 50 pounds, while a set for this was 100
    $1000 2
This Sinclair Lewis guy hears "Preacher... damned if I'm going to watch you seducing the first girl you get your big sweaty hands on"
    $1000 18
Crohn's disease, the Ferris wheel & Parkinson's law (for Burrill, George & C. Northcote, respectively) are these -nyms
    $1000 21
New Zealand's Jonah Lomu topped's list of this sport's 25 best players of all time

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Michael Randall
$1,000 $1,200 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Michael Randall
$4,200 $3,600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: For example, Asia might link up with Africa for Chinamibia.)
    $400 22
Castro's country swims a few miles north to link up with a former British colony
    $400 24
A new kind of hero, she made her cover debut in "Sensation Comics" in 1942
    $400 25
Edward I, called the "Hammer of the Scots", took this coronation block of theirs south to England in 1296
    $400 27
She kissed me, then pushed me out the door; talk about these contradictory signals
    $400 28
The historical average of these Titanic menaces is about 500 entering N. Atlantic shipping lanes, but there are recent 4-digit years
    $400 30
The first woman to win this prize for criticism, Emily Genauer took it (& $1,000!) in 1974 for her writing on art
    $800 23
Myanmar's aka slides down the peninsula below Thailand
    $800 29
One of the hottest toys of the late '90s was a plush, red Tickle Me him
    DD: $4,000 16
Carbon-14 dating tests in 1988 said the fabric of this had been made roughly between 1260 & 1390, not much earlier
    $800 26
To get down to discussing the important point; it seems to come from a 19th century folktale about a hunting trip
    $800 13
Harmonic analysis helps predict the rise & fall of these, but it's tough to account for local variations in shore & seafloor
    $800 19
Pretty big in the legal field, she got judicial appointments from Bush I, Clinton & finally Obama in 2009
    $1200 12
Kabul's country safaris to East Africa to meet Dar es Salaam's
    $1200 7
It was party time with the introduction of these plastic storage containers, the lids inspired by those of a paint can
    $1200 9
The National Museum of American History has this great swing bandleader's clarinet, though probably not his corset & pen
    $1200 10
Mustarded or not, this L.A. stadium treat has been eaten in Chavez Ravine since the '60s & close to 3 million are sold each year
    $1200 4
If you don't want to miss "Krill and Grace", better set your VPR or video "this organism" recorder
    $1200 17
In 1965 Cambridge awarded her a Ph.D. in ethology, the study of animal behavior, 5 years after she began a major chimp study
    $1600 2
North America's second most populous hooks up with South America's second most populous
    $1600 1
In 1923, more than 30 years before the talking one, Cecil B. DeMille directed a silent version of this biblical epic
    $1600 8
The Harry Ransom Center at UT Austin has one of the 21 complete, intact these, from the 1450s
    $1600 11
Old West mom, did your little one burn himself? Administer this stuff made from the fat of the gander
    DD: $4,000 5
A halocline is a zone of ocean water in which this measurement changes rapidly with depth
    $1600 18
In 1977 Sally Ride wrote to NASA, "I am a PhD candidate in" this type of physics & "interested in the Space Shuttle program"
    $2000 3
A Balkan "black mountain" country vaults over Serbia to meet the former Walachia & Moldavia
    $2000 21
Seen here are twins Pauline & Esther Friedman who doled out advice under the names Abigail Van Buren, aka Dear Abby, & her
    $2000 14
When the president pounds on his desk, it's likely this one, with the determined name of a British ship whose timbers it was made from
    $2000 15
This alliterative dramatization of Jesus' suffering, performed in Oberammergau since 1634, now goes easier on the Jews
    $2000 6
Underwater canyons are part of the vast submarine mountain range called the mid-Atlantic this
    $2000 20
This American woman went pro in 1916, founded a dance company in 1926, retired at 70 but choreographed until her death in 1991

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Michael Randall
$16,200 $13,200 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 2020 edition of this beloved 1911 novel came with a glossary of horticultural terms & a location guide

Final scores:

Matt Michael Randall
$10,000 $6,600 $0

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Michael Randall
$17,000 $14,800 $7,600
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $39,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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