Suggest correction - #2002 - 1993-04-27

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    $600 6
This author of "Tropic of Cancer" passed away in pacific Palisades, California on June 7, 1980

Show #2002 - Tuesday, April 27, 1993


Steve Ricker, an exporter from Laguna Beach, California

Jane Remus, a writer originally from Wellfleet, Nebraska

Richard Beaton, a prep school teacher from St. Petersburg, Florida (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
81 nations participated, & over 60 did not, in the Summer Olympics held in this city
    $100 21
In the '60s Abby Dalton was Joey Bishop's TV wife; in the '80s she was Lorenzo Lamas' mother on this series
    $100 1
This undersea explorer's expeditions inspired a series of ecological books for children
    $100 4
Until 1868 women weren't allowed to visit the shrine on top of this Japanese mountain
    $100 26
Water left over from the refining of sugar beets yields this seasoning better known as MSG
    $100 5
Someone who craves candy is said to have one of these
    $200 17
The May 18 explosion of this Washington State volcano was estimated to be as strong as 10 megatons of TNT
    $200 22
Paul Scofield played Karenin, the betrayed husband, in a TV version of this novel
    $200 2
This "revolution" that began in the 1700s spread smoke & soot throughout Great Britain
    $200 12
Since 1867 the bishops of this church have gotten together for occasional talks at the Lambeth Conferences
    $200 27
This island leads the Caribbean in the production of sugar
    $200 6
"Big Spender" was one of the featured songs in this 1966 Cy Coleman-Dorothy Fields musical
    $300 18
This U.S. auto company suspended payments to suppliers while waiting for govt-guaranteed loans
    $300 23
Butch Patrick played Greg on "The Real McCoys" before playing Eddie on this show about a spookier family
    $300 3
The Nature Conservancy hopes to restore the natural flow of the Roanoke River in this "Tar Heel State"
    $300 13
After going through all the trouble of conquering this city in 630 A.D., Muhammad only stayed a couple of weeks
    $300 28
In 1795 Jean Etienne Bore founded the U.S. sugar industry in this Mississippi River port
    $300 7
In this 1985 film biography, Jessica Lange starred as country singer Patsy Cline
    $400 19
Rosie Ruiz' victory in this marathon was invalidated on April 29
    $400 24
This star of "Hearts Afire" played Patrick on "Anything But Love" & was one of the show's exec. producers, too
    $400 9
Rachel Carson warned the world about pesticides & pollution in this, her last & most famous book
    $400 14
His cousin Devadatta tried to kill him by sending a mad elephant to stomp him
    $400 29
It's the chemical name for common table sugar
    $400 8
It follows "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name..."
    DD: $1,400 20
Jose Napoleon Duarte was sworn in as president of this country on December 22
    $500 25
This Oscar nominee for "The Hustler" & "Carrie" played Catherine on "Twin Peaks"
    $500 10
In 1992 this environmental organization founded by John Muir celebrated its 100th anniversary
    $500 15
In the early 1200s he founded the First Order of Friars
    $500 30
This Canadian province produces more maple syrup than all the U.S. states combined
    $500 11
This organization is for women interested in barbershop quartet singing

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Richard Jane Steve
$600 $1,900 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Richard Jane Steve
$1,000 $1,900 $4,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
The Sioux called him "Long Hair", though at the time of the battle his hair was short
    $200 16
A pieta in the Vatican is his only signed work
    $200 1
In 1992 this former Central American dictator was sentenced to 40 years on drug & racketeering charges
    $200 14
In 1932 a special mass was held in Dublin on the 1,500th anniv. of this saint's arrival in Ireland
    $200 3
He based "The Naked and the Dead" on his experiences in the Philippines during WWII
    $200 21
It's the traditional Japanese way of greeting people & of showing respect
    $400 10
Of a mountain, a river or a valley, the one for which the battle was named
    $400 19
This American engraver & silversmith's most famous print is "The Bloody Massacre"
    $400 2
In voting announced Jan. 7, 1992, pitchers Tom Seaver & Rollie Fingers were elected to this body
    $400 15
Possibly from a type of shoe once worn there, it's what we call an Irish accent
    $400 5
P.L. Travers, creator of this perfect English nanny, was born in Queensland, Australia
    $400 22
In 1893 Southern cook Nancy Green became the 1st woman to act as this pancake promoter
    $600 11
After the battle an "agreement" redrew the reservation boundaries to exclude these gold-filled S.D. Hills
    $600 28
Hans Holbein the Younger was not only court painter to this English king, he designed his state robes
    $600 4
American gangster Jack Diamond got this nickname from his speedy escapes
    DD: $1,500 17
The library at this college is home to many rare works, including the 8th century Book of Kells
    $600 6
This author of "Tropic of Cancer" passed away in pacific Palisades, California on June 7, 1980
    $600 23
Actress Ruth Roman was one of the survivors when this Italian liner sank in 1956
    $800 12
He was U.S. president when the battle occurred
    $800 27
His mythological allegories "La Primavera" & "The Birth of Venus" are in the Uffizi Gallery
    $800 18
Last name shared by the fourth man on the Moon & the "Law West of the Pecos" judge
    $800 29
Known to locals as Port Lairge, this city has been turning out cut crystal since the 1700s
    $800 8
When this author of "Gigi" died in 1954, she was given a state funeral
    $800 24
Actor & war veteran Harold Russell recently sold one of his Oscars from this 1946 film
    $1000 13
After the battle this Hunkpapa leader got up & fled to Canada
    $1000 26
This painter of "The School of Athens" was appointed architect of St. Peter's in 1514
    DD: $1,000 20
He developed the V-2 rocket for Germany & the Saturn 5 for the United States
    $1000 30
One of the country's main tourist attractions is this group of lakes at the foot of Purple Mountain
    $1000 9
She won a 1941 N.Y. Drama Critics Circle Award for her play "Watch on the Rhine"
    $1000 25
Students in England devised this sport from the game of racquets, but used a spongier ball

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Richard Jane Steve
$8,300 $6,700 $6,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the last unmarried man elected president

Final scores:

Richard Jane Steve
$3,100 $7,000 $9,301
3rd place: Michael C. Fina 5-piece buffet silver service + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: trip on Delta to San Juan, Puerto Rico & then stay at Ocean Terrace Inn on St. Kitts + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $9,301

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Richard Jane Steve
$9,800 $6,700 $5,800
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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