Suggest correction - #1999 - 1993-04-22

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    $600 11
He was the first vice president to serve 2 terms

Show #1999 - Thursday, April 22, 1993

Walt Senterfitt game 5.


Carl Courant, an economist from New York City, New York

Laura Abrahamsen, a Ph.D. candidate originally from Cleveland, Ohio

Walt Senterfitt, a registered nurse from Los Angeles, California (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $63,101)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1930s
    $100 1
Though fed by freshwater streams, this lake is saltier than the oceans
    $100 2
The Liverpool form of this game isn't quite as popular as the gin type
    $100 4
Elizabeth Post says children should never wear this color at funerals
    $100 11
Something defined as congenital is present at this time
    $100 21
Led by Ruth & Gehrig, this team swept the 1932 World Series in 4 games
    $100 15
If A.A. Milne had written in Pig Latin, he would have called this character Igletpay
    $200 6
The American Dam at El Paso controls the waters of this river
    $200 3
This country's Gosho dolls, which represent chubby babies, are named for an imperial palace in Kyoto
    $200 5
It's the color as well as the name of those grainy little particles on the beach
    $200 14
A sprain is an injury to these connective tissues between the bones of a joint
    $200 23
In June 1938 FDR signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, establishing this at 40 cents an hour
    $200 22
A doctor who's fluent in Pig Latin could tell you Inesway Uflay is this
    $300 7
Indian River, Gulf & Sarasota were among the last counties established in this state
    $300 12
These New Zealanders like to play with their potakas, which are spinning tops
    $300 10
A shade of green for Grace or Gene
    $300 16
It's the thigh bone of a tetrapod (hint: you're a tetrapod)
    $300 25
In August 1932 95,000 people gathered at the Coliseum in this city for the Olympic closing ceremonies
    $300 28
On a Pig Latin menu, this snack would be listed as Ickledpay Igspay Eetfay
    $400 8
The Diamond Shoals area off this North Carolina cape has been the site of numerous shipwrecks
    $400 13
Guinness says one of these ursine toys was sold at auction for a record-breaking £55,100
    $400 18
The Capri shade of this was probably named for the famous grotto on Capri
    $400 17
New molds form from these, not from seeds
    $400 26
This "People's Car" designed by Ferdinand Porsche made its debut in 1936
    $400 29
It's how you say "Pig Latin" in Pig Latin
    $500 9
This state's Northwest Angle on Lake of the Woods is the northernmost point in the USA except for Alaska
    $500 24
Colorful fragments form patterns inside this toy whose name is from the Greek for "beautiful form viewer"
    $500 20
The 2 colors on Canada's flag
    $500 19
During meiosis the number of these is cut in half so there aren't twice as many in the next generation
    DD: $1,000 27
In February 1934 General Augusto Sandino was slain by national guardsmen in this country
    $500 30
The Pig Latin translation of this slang phrase is "ENWHAY IGSPAY YFLAY"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Walt Laura Carl
$1,700 $400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Walt Laura Carl
$4,700 $100 $3,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The crew for his 1492 voyage was recruited from Palos, Spain & nearby villages
    $200 8
A salmon pink rose has been named for this entertainer, the original flower girl in "My Fair Lady"
    $200 7
In November 1960 he was elected vice president & reelected senator from Texas
    $200 6
"Fodor's India" suggests that you tip an Indian bellboy one of these for every bag he carries
    $200 15
The Spode Holiday pattern that features one of these with gifts under it was designed in 1940
    $200 21
It was 30 yards long, 9 feet high, & saddened poor Tom Sawyer
    $400 2
Xochimilco & Texcoco were 2 of this Indian civilization's principal cities in 1500
    $400 16
The University of Maryland's Performing Arts building is named for this woman, jazz' "First Lady of Song"
    $400 10
Nixon called him "Ted"
    $400 9
This Indian musician's son Shubho is a sitar player, too
    $400 20
In her book "My Turn", she emphasized that she didn't buy new china for the White House; it was donated
    $400 22
Unimaginative conformists came to be called "Babbitts" after a character he introduced in 1922
    $600 3
In the early years of the French Revolution, this Marquis was commander of the National Guard
    $600 17
The play "The Front Page" was co-written by Charles MacArthur, this actress' husband
    $600 11
He was the first vice president to serve 2 terms
    $600 14
The "Ramayana", one of India's literary classics, was written in this classical language
    $600 28
This "madame", King Louis XV's mistress, was an important patron of the Sevres Porcelain Factory
    $600 23
"Flappers and Philosophers" was his first collection of short stories
    $800 4
Lorenzo de Medici's nickname, it was also what people called Ottoman sultan Suleiman
    $800 18
In 1972 this singer from Butcher Hollow, Ky. became the 1st woman named Entertainer of the Year by the CMA
    $800 12
The Whigs chose this Virginian as W.H. Harrison's running mate in order to carry the South
    $800 26
Like London, Bombay has a museum named for this royal couple
    $800 29
This famous Josiah named his Queen's Ware for King George III's wife
    DD: $1,000 24
The emotionally vacuous Flem Snopes moves into a Mississippi mansion in his novel "The Mansion"
    $1000 5
In the 1820s this country was formed from the Cisplatine Province of Brazil
    $1000 19
On Broadway she created the roles of Anita in "West Side Story" & Rose in "Bye Bye Birdie"
    DD: $2,000 13
The vice presidency under James A. Garfield was his first elective office
    $1000 27
In 1947 this viceroy was chosen the first governor-general of independent India
    $1000 30
It's a drinking mug shaped like a stout man in a three-cornered hat
    $1000 25
In English this German peasant known for his merry pranks is called Tyll Owlglass

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Walt Laura Carl
$10,100 $1,900 $10,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first form of address transmitted by telephone

Final scores:

Walt Laura Carl
$100 $0 $20,300
2nd place: trip on Delta to Panama City, Florida & stay at Marriott's Bay Point Resort + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version 3rd place: Maytag washer & dryer + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version New champion: $20,300

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Walt Laura Carl
$8,600 $1,700 $10,900
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
25 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $21,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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