Suggest correction - #8976 - 2023-11-20

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    $1200 17
Underneath the sculpture of Ramses II & his falcon god friend is an example of this type of writing

Show #8976 - Monday, November 20, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Clubs quarterfinal game 8.


Deanna Bolio, a community outreach supervisor from Campbell, California

Kevin Hirsh, an attorney from Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Verlinda Johnson Henning, a human resources and leadership consultant from Memphis, Tennessee

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: That's an old Jeopardy! favorite.)
    $200 7
Walter Payton:
13 seasons for Da these
    $200 25
An owl cannot move these from side to side, so it must move its head
    $200 30
Anzio &
    $200 12
In Hollywood, it's the major street 2 blocks north of Sunset Boulevard
    $200 28
"Satyagraha" is a Philip Glass opera about the early years of this world leader
    $200 1
In 1858 Douglas & Lincoln engaged in 7 of them about slavery
    $400 6
Mariano Rivera:
19 seasons of near perfection
    $400 24
Grévy's, the biggest species of this striped mammal, is named for former French president Jules Grévy
    $400 29
Amiens &
Belleau Wood
    $400 21
A 2009 study recommended treating heroin addicts with diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient in this
    DD: $2,600 27
These are repetitions of a theme with changes; Paganini's Opus 9 is these on "God Save The King"
    $400 8
They go in the left column on an accounting statement
    $600 3
Troy Aikman:
How 'bout them for 12 seasons?
    $600 15
Called a "bamboo chicken" by locals in Belize, a male one of these lizards can reach over 6 feet
    $600 2
Lake Erie &
New Orleans
    $600 13
This lubricant's name means "Water Displacement, 40th formula"
    $600 16
His sole opera, "Fidelio", tells a tale of a young woman disguising herself as a boy
    $600 9
From the French for "leading off", it's a young woman introduced to fashionable society
    $800 4
Sharpshooting Reggie Miller--18 seasons of making Spike Lee miserable
    $800 19
This 2-humped camel is probably named for the ancient country in Central Asia where it originated
    $800 22
Palo Alto &
    $800 14
If today is Jan. 14, 1952, this show is premiering on NBC
    $800 17
It's the title of Elgar's Opus 78 & of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical, Opus No. unknown, featuring actors on roller skates
    $800 10
You'll find her exploits extolled in the Bible's Book of Judges
    $1000 5
Steve Yzerman:
22 seasons in Hockeytown
    $1000 23
Extinction may have befallen the Baiji dolphin, known as "the Goddess" of this longest Chinese river, its only habitat
    $1000 26
Kennesaw Mountain & Poison Spring
    $1000 20
China's Song Dynasty was noted for its contributions to the tz'u, a form of this
    $1000 18
His Opus 68 is "From the Bohemian Forest", composed around 1883
    $1000 11
They're his "Fireworks" heard here

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Verlinda Kevin Deanna
$2,000 $1,800 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Verlinda Kevin Deanna
$2,400 $2,400 $8,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll need to name the original movie.)
(Ken: These are all words that end in the letters "U-S".)
    $400 30
The inscription on the London statue of this man seen here reads, "There is no darkness but ignorance"
    $400 7
"Meet the Fockers"
    $400 29
The item seen here or the taste it might have if made with lemons
    $400 28
Last name of the husband & wife with an atomic weight of 247
    $400 26
In taxonomy:
Kingdom, phylum...
    $400 3
What a social climber! His name precedes "symbol" to mean something that represents high position
    $800 16
Outside the building where this group meets is a statue with a tablet that reads "Lex", Latin for "law"
    $800 8
"The Dark Knight"
    $800 2
Cacao beans, the source of chocolate, aren't sweet; they contain this bitter popular stimulant
    $800 27
There is just the value of this clue, no prize, for knowing this man for whom element 102 was named
    $800 13
In the Greek alphabet: rho, sigma...
    $800 4
His hand turned red when he touched orange juice, blue when he touched seawater
    $1200 17
Underneath the sculpture of Ramses II & his falcon god friend is an example of this type of writing
    $1200 1
    $1200 6
1 of the 3 zesty ingredients of the original Tabasco brand sauce
    $1200 21
Johan Gadolin wonders will you still need him, will you still feed him now that he's element number this
    DD: $2,600 14
In U.S. House GOP leadership: Speaker,
Majority Leader...
    $1200 5
In Rome his name meant simply "good"; to us it implies that he gave a little something extra
    $1600 18
When the Nabateans ruled Jordan from about 400 B.C. to 106 A.D., their capital was this city, carved from stone
    $1600 9
"Conan the Destroyer"
    $1600 11
Don't bring the "May" type of this to your teacher; Webster's says it tastes "insipid"
    $1600 20
This physicist born in Ulm, Bavaria just made it into the top 100 elements by a hair; he's No. 99
    $1600 15
In geologic time:
eon, era...
    $1600 24
His name came from the Latin for "dispute" & he would drag you into court any chance he got
    $2000 19
A 4th century statue of this emperor once held a cross that said, "Through this sign of salvation, I rescued your city"
    $2000 10
"Honey, I Blew Up the Kid"
    DD: $3,400 12
Wine-tasting term for the final impression left on the palate--it's supposed to be "long"
    $2000 22
The element with atomic number 107 was named for this scientist played by Kenneth Branagh in "Oppenheimer"
    $2000 23
In the Chinese calendar: dragon, snake...
    $2000 25
Nobody was more skillful than him with a tool in his hand--his right hand, of course

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Verlinda Kevin Deanna
$6,800 $8,000 $19,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

7 U.S. presidents were born in the state of Ohio, beginning with this man who entered West Point in 1839

Final scores:

Verlinda Kevin Deanna
$13,600 $16,000 $19,721
3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Verlinda Kevin Deanna
$6,800 $8,000 $14,800
10 R,
2 W
11 R,
2 W
25 R
(including 3 DDs),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $29,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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