Suggest correction - #1911 - 1992-12-21

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    $100 21
Named for a village in England, this cheese, is popular on nachos

Show #1911 - Monday, December 21, 1992


Israel Yarchun, a U.S. Air Force rescue coordinator originally from Boston, Massachusetts

Victoria Bassetti, a law student from New Orleans, Louisiana

Lillian Bosworth, a teacher from San Diego, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
A 221-foot obelisk completed in 1843 honors this famous 1775 battle
    $100 6
Liquid at room temperature, this metal is used in electrical switches & dental alloys
    $100 11
A herm is a pillar often topped with a head or bust of this god for whom it was named
    $100 16
Mickey Rooney claims that this famous rodent was named for him
    $100 21
Named for a village in England, this cheese, is popular on nachos
    $100 26
The head of the Coptic Church resides in this Egyptian capital city
    $200 2
The Hatch Shell on the Charles River is home to its summer concert series
    $200 7
Radiation from an isotope of this metal, symbol Co, is used to kill cancer cells
    $200 12
A bribe can be called "a sop to Cerberus", an allusion to a 3-headed one of these who guarded Hades
    $200 17
"Here I come to save the day! means that this mouse is on his way
    $200 22
The taste & texture depend on 3 things: the type of milk, the treatment after coagulation & this process
    $200 27
There's a Coptic style of this musical form as well as a Gregorian style
    $300 3
What Paul Revere knew as Christ Church is more commonly called this
    $300 8
Pewter is an alloy that consists of antimony, copper & at least 90% this metal
    $300 13
She's the goddess of grain for whom cereal was named
    $300 18
Her coachman was an enchanted rat, and he turned back into a rat at midnight
    $300 23
Gorgonzola & Stilton are lumped together in this color category
    $300 28
The Copts used a high-warp loom to produce some of the finest of these wall hangings in ancient times
    $400 4
A red line tracing the Freedom Trail begins at this 51-acre park
    $400 9
Identified in gold-bearing deposits in 1735, this valuable metal is used in jewelry & medical instruments
    $400 14
It's the male counterpart of the Electra complex
    $400 19
The "Reading Buddies" family reading program chose this star of "An American Tail" as its "Mousecot"
    DD: $500 24
Made from the whey drained from provolone, this cheese by-product's name is Italian for "recooked"
    $400 29
The use of these passed from the Semites to the Greeks to the Copts, where they replaced the old hieroglyphics
    $500 5
The Sacred Cod is displayed in the State House on this hill
    $500 10
Light bulb filaments made of this whitish metal were patented by a General Electric scientist in 1913
    $500 15
He was willing to give his life for his friend Pythias & they became symbols of true friendship
    $500 20
This author who called his son "Mouse" wrote about a water rat in "The Wind in the Willows"
    $500 25
This Greek "pickled" cheese is made from goat's or sheep's milk
    $500 30
After being conquered in the 600s, a large number of Copts copped out & embraced this religion

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Lillian Victoria Israel
$1,000 $1,500 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lillian Victoria Israel
$1,100 $4,200 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
In the spring of 1927 the 15,000,000th of these rolled off the assembly line at Ford
    $200 16
In September 1983 Vanessa Williams became the 1st Black woman to win this beauty title
    $200 21
A peninsula called Calabria forms the "toe" of this country's "boot"
    $200 1
Legend has it that if a groundhog sees this on February 2, there'll be 6 more weeks of winter
    $200 6
He's set several of his works in Castle Rock, Maine but "Needful Things" is reportedly the last
    $200 11
Exiled King Michael of Romania is now a stockbroker; he lives near Lake Geneva in this country
    $400 27
Helen Morgan, Belle Livingston & Texas Guinan were among those who ran these
    $400 17
In 1949 Wesley A. Brown became the 1st Black Midshipman to graduate from this service academy
    $400 22
The Laccadive Islands in the Arabian Sea & the Nicobars in the Bay of Bengal are territories of this country
    $400 2
In the Roman Catholic Church, this first day of Lent is marked by the burning of palms
    $400 7
Shelby Foote wrote several novels before publishing his 3-volume history of this war
    $400 12
Crown Prince Alexander, heir to the throne of what was once Yugoslavia, is this English queen's godson
    $600 28
A Jewish man falls for an Irish woman in this play that opened May 23, 1922
    $600 18
In 1966 Andrew F. Brimmer became the 1st Black member of this government banking system's Board of Governors
    $600 23
This strait was named for a Spanish promontory formerly called Jebel Tariq
    $600 3
In Scotland this day of practical jokes is known as Huntigowk Day
    $600 8
In 1984 Ronald Reagan awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to this man known for Western novels
    $600 13
Grand Duke Vladimir, a close relative of Nicholas II, was the heir to this throne
    $800 29
In August 1926 it took this 19-year-old 14 hours & 31 minutes to swim the English Channel
    $800 19
No relation to Jackie, he became Major League Baseball's first Black manager in 1974
    $800 24
Hekla, the best-known volcano in this island nation, erupted in 1991 for the first time in 10 years
    $800 4
Citizenship Day, September 17, is celebrated on the anniversary of the signing of this
    $800 9
"Murder at the Pentagon" is the 11th novel in her Capital Crime series
    $800 14
Archduke Otto, a member of this family, is heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne but doesn't want it
    $1000 30
After Leopold & Loeb confessed, this lawyer helped them escape the death penalty
    $1000 20
Her "A Raisin in the Sun" was the 1st play by a Black author to win a New York Drama Critics Circle Award
    DD: $1,000 25
These 3 states meet Arizona at the Four Corners
    $1000 5
National Maritime Day celebrates the 1819 transatlantic voyage of this Southern ship
    DD: $1,300 10
She's Britain's Queen of Romance, & her daughter Raine is Princess Diana's stepmother
    $1000 15
Now exiled, Simeon II became king of this Balkan country at age 6 after his father, Boris, was poisoned

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lillian Victoria Israel
$5,000 $9,600 $3,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

Founded by a Philadelphia Baptist in 1884 as an evening college, it became a university in 1907

Final scores:

Lillian Victoria Israel
$100 $9,199 $100
2nd place: Daniel Mink his & hers watches + Greif Companies his & hers fashions New champion: $9,199 3rd place: Ray-Ban sunglasses + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lillian Victoria Israel
$6,300 $9,500 $3,900
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
14 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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