Suggest correction - #1845 - 1992-09-18

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    $200 17
In 1985 & 1986 he was the top-ranked tennis player in the world

Show #1845 - Friday, September 18, 1992

Linda Sheppard game 2.


Phil Brown, an audio engineer originally from San Francisco, California

Cherie Brown, a graphic manager from San Jose, California

Linda Sheppard, a housewife from Hayward, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,700)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You'll recall last year we had MOOSE POTPOURRI. We are following it up this season with...)
    $100 13
Like Stratford, England, Stratford Ontario lies on a river named this
    $100 3
Martha & the Vandellas sang, "Summer's here and the time is right for dancing" here
    $100 2
These bog berries can be candied in a simple syrup made of sugar & water
    $100 1
She was praised in the 1988 State of the Union speech for her "Just Say No" to drugs campaign
    $100 21
Some people believe every person has one of these looking out for them
    $100 26
The December 21, 1991 TV Guide cover featured John Corbett & the moose from this series
    $200 14
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia boasts a choir of these miners called the Men of the Deeps
    $200 6
According to a Supremes hit, "Whenever you are near, I hear" one of these
    $200 4
A small pie, or an adjective that means agreeably sharp or piquant
    $200 8
Known for her propensity for pink, this first lady's favorite shade was soon dubbed "Mamie Pink"
    $200 22
The first line of this Christmas carol was originally "Hark How All the Welkin Rings"
    $200 27
"The Gourmet Guide to" this beverage says Moosehead has "a sweet, lemon nose and palate"
    $300 15
Craigdarroch Castle is 1 of 2 castles in this city named for a queen
    $300 10
It begins, "I bet you're wond'ring how I knew about your plans to make me blue"
    $300 5
Dessert whose name is French for "Russian Charlotte"
    $300 9
As an editor at Doubleday, this former first lady edited Michael Jackson's best seller "Moonwalk"
    $300 23
According to "It's A Wonderful Life", it happens every time a bell rings
    $300 28
Part of this 1956 musical takes place in the Bullmoose Mansion in Dogpatch, U.S.A.
    $400 16
Le Devoir, Le Soleil & La Presse are 3 of Quebec's major ones of these
    DD: $700 11
Group heard in the following No. 1 hit:

"I can turn the gray sky blue / I can make it rain when I want it to / I can build a castle"
    $400 7
Hermits are chewy ones that contain chopped fruit & nuts
    $400 19
This First Lady set up her sewing machine in the White House to make hospital shirts for AEF soldiers
    $400 24
In "Paradise Lost" Book I, line 392, Milton begins to list names of these disgraced beings
    $400 29
This eerie '60s TV family's home, a museum, featured a moose head with mismatched antlers
    $500 17
St. Boniface Basilica, the oldest cathedral in western Canada, is in this Manitoba capital
    $500 12
This 1965 hit by The Four Tops is also called "Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch"
    $500 18
The "cabinet" type of this dessert often contains dried or candied fruit
    $500 20
For 14 years, this President's wife, Florence, was circulation manager of Ohio's Marion Star
    $500 25
According to Islamic tradition, this archangel took Muhammad to heaven on a miraculous steed
    $500 30
In Shrewsbury, Vermont a moose made the news with its 2-month-long courtship of one of these animals

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Linda Cherie Phil
$300 $900 $2,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Cherie Phil
$900 $2,000 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This vice president's signature appears on the Bill of Rights
    $200 23
Entomophily is pollination carried out by these creatures, as an entomologist could tell you
    $200 17
In 1985 & 1986 he was the top-ranked tennis player in the world
    $200 11
This comedian & author of "Fatherhood" talks about "Childhood" in his latest best seller
    $200 16
Scandinavian for "pirate" or "rover", they raided the coasts of Europe from the 8th- 10th centuries
    $200 6
This capital of Norway lies at the head of a fjord, about 60 miles from the open sea
    $400 2
The Fourth Amendment protects the individual from these 2 "unreasonable" acts
    $400 24
A biennial plant takes this many years to complete its life cycle
    $400 18
In 1986 he blew the whistle on Michael Milken & Drexel Burnham Lambert
    $400 12
His "Presumed Innocent" was the best-selling paperback novel of 1988
    $400 19
When the British raided Danbury, Conn. in April 1777, he counter- attacked; this was while he was on our side
    $400 7
Its name is derived from old Persian words meaning "warm place"
    $600 3
A citizen shall not "be deprived of life, liberty, or" this "without due process of law"
    $600 25
Most of the latex from which this substance is produced comes from the species Hevea brasiliensis
    $600 28
He's the only Ivan to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; we'll be doggone
    $600 13
A bedroom game turns deadly in this author's terrifying new thriller "Gerald's Game"
    $600 20
Feared throughout Texas & N. Mexico, these Indians were the finest horsemen among Western tribes
    $600 8
Among this city's famous squares are Colonna, Spagna & Campidoglio
    $800 4
Until transferred to the National Archives, the Bill of Rights was kept in the custody of this cabinet department
    $800 26
A xerophyte is a plant adapted to living in places where this is in short supply
    $800 14
Norman Mailer called this Pulitzer Prize winner about Gary Gilmore "a true life novel"
    $800 21
In 1916, soon after she opened the U.S.' 1st birth control clinic in Brooklyn, it was raided & she was arrested
    $800 9
The capital of Antigua & Barbuda, it's also the name of the capital of Newfoundland
    DD: $1,000 5
Essay No. 84 of this series of letters argued that a Bill of Rights was not necessary
    DD: $600 27
This disease in which fungus grows on the surface of a plant has powdery & downy types
    $1000 15
This 1960 novel by John Knowles tells of the friendship & ultimate tragedy of two prep school boys
    $1000 22
This Virginia colonist led a rebellion in 1676 protesting the lack of protection from Indian raids
    $1000 10
This city's 1st major secular construction projects were made by King Mongkut in the 19th c.

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Cherie Phil
$5,100 $3,600 $10,200
(lock-tie game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 1940s this star made 8 films with Bing Crosby, more than any other actress

Final scores:

Linda Cherie Phil
$10,200 $7,100 $10,200
2-day co-champion: $16,900 2nd place: trip to Quail Lodge Resort, Carmel, California + Pinseeker golf clubs New co-champion: $10,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Linda Cherie Phil
$5,100 $3,600 $10,300
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R,
0 W
29 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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