Suggest correction - #8955 - 2023-10-20

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    $1000 15
To attack where someone is most vulnerable is to go for one of these large veins, here or here

Show #8955 - Friday, October 20, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Diamonds quarterfinal game 1.


Kristin Hucek, an attorney from Washington, D.C.

William Chou, a foreign policy think-tank research fellow from Cheverly, Maryland

Dave Pai, a field application scientist originally from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Joop Sinjou & Toshitada Doi played a role in changing the music industry when this product debuted in 1982
    $200 10
Schoolteacher Justin Morgan lent his name to a breed of this animal developed in the U.S. in the 1800s
    $200 29
Aruba is a mecca for this board & sail sport & hosts an annual event with long distance & slalom competitions
    $200 28
X marks the spot where the New York City Opera premiered "X: The Life and Times of" this activist
    $200 11
Come on, champ, you have to be brave & "keep a stiff" this
    $200 30
Dye some gauze in black tea for an aged look & wrap yourself up as this guy whom Abbott & Costello met in a 1955 film
    $400 3
In the 1960s Robert Moog became a household name for the invention of one of these instruments that bears his name
    $400 7
2009's "My World" was the debut EP from this then 15-year-old
    $400 23
This racket sport named for what the soft rubber balls do when hit against a wall is popular in Bermuda
    $400 27
Once called "America's most lurid talk show", it inspired a 2001 opera that took London by storm
    $400 13
It's an honest & sincere talk between 2 people (& their cardiac muscles)
    $400 26
If the guys are gangsters, wear fringed dresses & be these '20s gals found in a Fitzgerald title
    $600 1
He substituted mercury for alcohol in a tube around 1714, creating the modern thermometer
    $600 4
Him, as Sean Parker in "The Social Network": "You don't even know what the thing is yet, how big it can get, how far it can go"
    $600 18
The Clericus Cup is a soccer tournament for teams around this tiny state
    $600 16
The 2000 opera "In the Penal Colony" is based on a gruesome 1914 story by this author of "The Metamorphosis"
    $600 12
Someone as naive or innocent as a newborn baby is said to be this "moist" phrase
    $600 21
A costume for 2:
This double-crossing pair from Mad magazine, one in black & one in white, created by Antonio Prohías
    $800 8
This amusement park claims the invention of the hot dog & the roller coaster
    $800 5
This world leader's 2014 book "Common Ground" told of growing up at 24 Sussex Drive
    $800 19
This ancient sport also known as hawking is still popular in Saudi Arabia
    $800 17
Sister Aloysius suspects Father Flynn of illicit acts in an opera version of this John Patrick Shanley play
    $800 14
When you're idle or just plain bored, you do this with your pollex digits, literally or figuratively
    $800 24
Roll up the sleeves of a blue denim workshirt, put a red bandana in your hair & you can be this feminist WWII icon
    $1000 9
In the 1830s Samuel Colt got cocky with the invention of this type of handgun
    $1000 6
Justin Henry earned an Oscar nomination as Dustin Hoffman's son in this film
    DD: $4,000 20
A combination of sport, dance & martial art, capoeira is popular in this country where it was created
    $1000 22
"Nixon in China" is an opera by this composer with the name of a Founding Father
    $1000 15
To attack where someone is most vulnerable is to go for one of these large veins, here or here
    $1000 25
Dress in black with a red plastic flowerpot for a hat & you can "Whip It" good like a member of this New Wave group

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave William Kristin
$2,600 -$200 $4,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave William Kristin
$11,200 $1,200 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Yes, she is.)
    $400 20
Her reign from 1558 until her death in 1603 is often called the golden age of English history
    $400 28
Amy Poehler cohosting the Golden Globes--"This Oscar winner is not here tonight; she has the flu, & I hear she's amazing in it"
    $400 24
Apollo missions that landed on the Moon:
11, 12, this
    $400 29
His "All My Sons" centers on Joe Keller, whose shoddy plane parts led to the death of his son & other pilots in WWII
    $400 30
Unlike many plants, these, which include the barrel & snowball types, prefer to get completely dry
    $400 26
Use this tool for relatively large areas, like if you're doing the whole bedroom in Sherwin-Williams mindful gray
    $800 19
The first section of this 1215 document states that "the English Church shall be free"
    $800 27
As Leslie on this show: "Hey, honey! Good morning! How did you sleep? I adopted 32 cats & dogs. Do you want pancakes?"
    $800 23
On the periodic table: carbon,
    $800 22
The Pollitts get together to celebrate Big Daddy's 65th birthday in this play; family drama ensues
    $800 13
If other plants are too exciting for you, try lithops or living this, seen here
    $800 12
A rodent that carries off items to store in its nest gives us this term for one who hoards useless articles
    $1200 1
Some call the 1487 Battle of Stoke won by Henry VII the last battle in this war between 2 royal houses
    $1200 3
In the 3rd "Shrek" it's no problem for Amy as this woman to give a live-in babysitter to Fiona, as "I've got 6 more at home"
    $1200 15
States, alphabetically: New Mexico,
New York,
    $1200 7
In an August Wilson play, Troy Maxson builds these title structures around the family home
    $1200 5
Put in raised planters for an herb garden & be sure to grow this "royal herb"
    $1200 6
It has the domain extension
    DD: $5,600 2
This title was re-created in 1301 when Edward I gave it to his son who was born in Caernarfon
    $1600 4
Amy Poehler's performance was pure Joy in this 2015 Pixar film
    $1600 16
U.S. presidents:
Van Buren,
    DD: $3,000 8
The title character of this Ibsen play is revolted to discover she's pregnant & commits suicide with her father's pistol
    $1600 14
Though its name means "loving tree", it's very popular indoors as a houseplant
    $1600 10
It's a system in which one's work is evaluated by those in the same field; NIH grants are subject to dual ones
    $2000 18
A London hospital founded for the Order of the Star of Bethlehem became known as this, also meaning a state of chaos
    $2000 21
She's got this old-fashioned word for spirited determination; it's also the title of a 2021 Amy Poehler film
    $2000 17
Geologic time eras: Paleozoic,
    $2000 9
This "vulpine" Lillian Hellman play set in 1900 sees southern gentility fall prey to greed & revenge
    $2000 25
Like Spanish moss & pineapple, Earth star & air plant are in this family of attractive tropical plants
    $2000 11
It's the beef that Lawry's restaurants are famous for serving

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave William Kristin
$13,200 $3,600 $10,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Meaning "palace", this word in the name of a UNESCO World Heritage Site follows Jal & Lal in the names of other historic structures

Final scores:

Dave William Kristin
$20,001 $7,200 $2,500
Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave William Kristin
$15,800 $3,600 $8,600
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $28,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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