Suggest correction - #8954 - 2023-10-19

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    $1600 12
To expose false claims, theories or legends

Show #8954 - Thursday, October 19, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Spades final game 2.


Lucy Ricketts, a book designer and freelance illustrator from Atlanta, Georgia (subtotal of $14,200)

Josh Saak, a traffic engineer from Boise, Idaho (subtotal of $25,200)

Sam Stapleton, a college consultant from Los Gatos, California (subtotal of $15,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
390 B.C.:
These people usually associated with ancient France sack Rome
    $200 23
Maurice "Rocket" Richard of this 1950s team's dynasty was the first NHL player to score 500 goals
    $200 30
The belief in the need to secure rights & opportunities for women equal to those of men
    $200 12
Fran Lebowitz jokingly said, "My favorite animal is" this, but she didn't specify porterhouse or T-bone
    $200 27
This superhero was raised by his Aunt May
    $200 28
In addition to 2 regular decks of 52 cards, the game of canasta uses 4 of these as wild cards
    $400 18
410 A.D.:
Under Alaric, these "Westerners" sack Rome
    $400 14
This "Rocket" was the first pitcher to win the Cy Young Award 7 times
    $400 24
Late 19th century movement that characterizes the work seen here
    $400 11
This breakfast goody has been described as "an unsweetened doughnut with rigor mortis"
    $400 1
Aunt Chloe is the long-suffering wife of this Harriet Beecher Stowe character
    $400 4
The highest hand you can have in five-card stud is called this
    $600 15
455 A.D.:
These people, whose name is now synonymous with pillage & destruction, sack Rome
    $600 20
Jason Candle coaches football for the Rockets of this university that's in Ohio but sounds like it could be in Spain
    $600 25
It's the predominant religion of India
    $600 9
Mark Twain said that cauliflower "is nothing but" this vegetable "with a college education"
    $600 2
In "Pride & Prejudice", this heroine tours Pemberley with Mrs. Gardiner, a favorite aunt
    $600 13
The suit cards of this fortune telling deck of cards are known as the minor arcana
    $800 16
1084 A.D.:
Having successfully invaded England 18 years before, they then sack Rome
    $800 21
This NBA center was "the Dream" leading the Houston Rockets to 1994 & 1995 NBA titles
    $800 26
The name of this severe, sometimes fatal form of food poisoning comes from the Latin for "sausage"
    $800 8
This president said, "You can tell a lot about a fellow's character" by his way of eating jellybeans
    $800 3
Ann Dowd won an Emmy for playing the tyrannical overseer Aunt Lydia on this dystopian favorite
    $800 6
Energy & Trainer cards are 2 of the 3 types in the trading card version of this game; make sure you have a good fit
    $1000 17
1527 A.D.:
Spanish & German troops working for this "Empire" end the High Renaissance by sacking Rome
    $1000 22
Rod "the Rocket" Laver of this country is tennis' only repeat Grand Slam winner
    $1000 29
A division of a group into mutually antagonistic factions, like the Catholic Church in 1054
    $1000 10
Thackeray's "Ballad of" this dish calls it "a sort of soup or broth... or hotchpotch of all sorts of fishes"
    DD: $1,800 7
Betsey Trotwood is great-aunt & guardian to this Dickens title character
    $1000 5
You play gin with 52 cards but pinochle with this many

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sam Josh Lucy
$1,800 $1,800 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Josh Lucy
$4,600 $4,800 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
Nietzsche named the wild, creative impulse for Dionysus & the orderly one for this sun god
    $400 10
She testified on the Hill, playing Anita Hill in "Confirmation"
    $400 22
This male voice range falls between tenor & bass
    $400 28
This ex-planet's average distance of 3.7 billion miles from Earth could pose commuting problems
    $400 30
Thousands died in 1952 in a notorious smoggy event in this European capital
    $400 19
The Siberian species of this small striped squirrel has been carrying ticks & disease across Europe
    $800 24
Henri Bergson saw this not as a series of moments but as a flow he called duration
    $800 5
He spoke the line "Hokey religions & ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side"
    $800 9
A direction to singers, the term "bouche fermée" literally means that your mouth should be this
    $800 15
You might want to wish upon Proxima this, a star only 4.2 light-years from our sun
    $800 18
This molecule, O3, is a pollutant low in the atmosphere; in the stratosphere, it absorbs harmful radiation
    $800 8
This term for a dilapidated old auto like my '52 Chrysler refers to the sound it makes
    $1200 23
His "Two Treatises of Government", which influenced Jefferson, said man has a natural right to liberty
    $1200 3
"Get Smart" & tell us the name of this actor, who was the voice of Inspector Gadget
    $1200 4
String players debate how much of this technique to use; a little adds warmth... too much & you get the nanny goat effect
    $1200 11
Not many are looking to settle in Valles Marineris, canyons discovered on this planet by Mariner 9 in 1972
    $1200 7
Most air pollution comes from burning these alliterative combustibles that consist of organic remains
    $1200 14
An underling of unquestioning obedience
    DD: $10,000 25
This man who died around 347 B.C. said we perceive examples of things, not their ideal forms
    $1600 1
In between roles her husbands included Eddie Fisher & Senator John Warner
    $1600 16
German for "song", it's a German folk or art song
    $1600 20
If you have your heart set on this 2-letter moon of Jupiter, pack a coat; temperatures get below -225 degrees
    $1600 6
Dust pollution from this "depleted" metal used on armor-piercing weapons may cause cancer
    $1600 12
To expose false claims, theories or legends
    $2000 26
Hobbes followed this -ism, not meaning he was greedy but that he reduced every experience to a physical process
    $2000 2
Two presidents share a surname with this actress, known for playing Detective Erin Lindsay on Chicago P.D.
    $2000 17
This Italian word is used of music gradually getting softer, the same as decrescendo
    DD: $7,200 21
Want land? Buying on this moon of Saturn is a no-brainer; its 3,200-mile diameter is bigger than Mercury!
    $2000 27
PM is short for this, which can be composed of soot, smoke or dust in the air
    $2000 13
It's the activity the explorers here are practicing

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Josh Lucy
$5,000 $22,000 $11,600
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name Jennifer is an alteration of this name that in early Welsh literature belonged to the "first lady of the island"

Final scores:

Sam Josh Lucy
$5,000 $22,000 $17,100

Cumulative scores:

Sam Josh Lucy
$20,200 $47,200 $31,300
2nd runner-up: $25,000 Tournament champion: $100,000 + advance to the 2024 Tournament of Champions 1st runner-up: $50,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sam Josh Lucy
$15,000 $16,800 $10,800
20 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $42,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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