Suggest correction - #1947 - 1993-02-09

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    $400 20
This rust-resistant kind of steel is 12% to 30% chromium

Show #1947 - Tuesday, February 9, 1993


Ellen Miele, a tutor from Voorhees, New Jersey

Joe Ryan, a graduate student originally from Elmhurst, Illinois

Krista Huckabone, a French teacher from Kenmore, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
Kids who turned 1 in 1893 were among the first to hear this song by Patty & Mildred Hill
    $100 26
English-language newspapers in this country include the Daily Yomiuri & Asahi Evening News
    $100 1
In the 1970s this "Murphy Brown" star did photojournalism work for Nat'l Geographic & the "Today" show
    $100 3
The city of Khartoum lies at the confluence of the Blue & White branches of this river
    $100 5
It's official: a survey of over 1,000 adults by Bruskin/Goldring found this is the worst day of the week
    $100 8
If farm living is the life for you, this youth org. sponsored by the Dept. of Agriculture can help
    $200 18
He built a motion picture studio at his laboratories in West Orange, New Jersey
    $200 27
Ireland's largest newspapers, the Irish Independent & Irish Times, are published in this city
    DD: $700 13
In April 1992 this biochemist & author of over 400 books of science fact & fiction died at age 72
    $200 2
One of the world's longest over-water highways spans Lake Pontchartrain in this state
    $200 20
According to a Valvoline poll, 69% of American motorists don't mind changing these blades
    $200 9
Though the world is round, this phrase is used to mean the most remote parts of it
    $300 19
In March the Diplomatic Appropriation Act created this rank for our foreign representatives
    $300 28
Cuba's Granma Daily was named for the boat taken from Mexico to Cuba by his guerrillas in the 1950s
    $300 14
This "Far Side" cartoonist has an unusual honor: a species of louse is named for him
    $300 4
Leading ports on this "colorful" sea include Lu-Ta in China & Inchon in South Korea
    $300 21
Entertainment Weekly found 54% of those polled wanted to appear on this game show
    $300 10
It's slang for a home run
    $400 24
This Dvorak symphony had its premiere in New York City
    $400 29
This Athens morning paper is named for a citadel in the city
    $400 15
Inducted into the Texas Women's Hall of Fame in 1985, she became the state's governor in 1990
    $400 6
The Vaal is the northernmost headwater of the Orange, this country's longest river
    $400 22
In a poll for Easy Spirit, 36% of women said they wear these for the look even though they hurt
    $400 11
In the Bible they symbolize conquest, war, famine & death
    $500 25
William Wrigley, Jr. introduced 2 gum flavors, Wrigley's spearmint & this
    $500 30
The Free Press of Winnipeg is this Canadian province's largest daily newspaper
    $500 16
An ordained minister, Jeff Smith is better known to TV viewers as this PBS chef
    $500 7
Upper & lower Michigan are separated by these straits
    $500 23
TV Guide readers picked Patrick Stewart & this model/MTV host as TV's top male & female turn-ons
    $500 12
Roger Bannister called this sports record "an Everest—a challenge to the human spirit"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Krista Joe Ellen
$0 $100 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Krista Joe Ellen
$1,200 $1,200 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In honor of Black History Month...)
    $200 6
Under a 1763 treaty, Britain gained Canada from this country
    $200 22
A recreation of the first Pilgrim village is located in this Massachusetts town
    $200 9
The greatest use of this heavy metal is in batteries like the one in your car
    $200 10
This etiquette authority was born Emily Price in 1873
    $200 13
Upon this man's death in 1968, Ralph Abernathy became head of the SCLC
    $200 1
Of Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy or Laurie, the one who's not a young lady in "Little Women"
    $400 7
In 1917 the British Royal Family changed its name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to this
    $400 27
Elvis Presley's birthplace in Tupelo in this state is now part of Elvis Presley Park
    $400 20
This rust-resistant kind of steel is 12% to 30% chromium
    $400 16
Following the 1975 death of her husband the Generalissimo, she moved from Taiwan to the United States
    $400 14
The original draft of this 1863 declaration is often displayed at the New York State Library in Albany
    $400 2
By the end of this book, Phileas Fogg has married Aouda, who "made him the happiest of men!"
    $600 8
The cathedral in this city, which was accidentally burned in 1067, was rebuilt by Archbishop Lanfranc
    $600 28
Montezuma Castle, a 5-story prehistoric cliff dwelling, lies about 50 miles south of Flagstaff in this state
    $600 21
Placer & lode are the 2 basic methods of mining this precious metal
    $600 17
She was a Union spy during the Civil War as well as a conductor on the Underground Railroad
    $600 15
In 1971 this Chicagoan founded People United to Save Humanity in order to combat racism
    $600 3
D.H. Lawrence described her as "a ruddy, country-looking girl... full of unusual energy"
    $800 11
In 1440 Henry VI founded this prestigious boys' school as sort of a prep school for King's College
    DD: $2,000 29
Exhibits on nuclear energy are on display at the American Museum of Science & Energy in this Tennessee city
    $800 25
Compounds of this lightest of all metals are used to treat manic-depression & to build H-bombs
    $800 18
This English dame edited the literary annual "Wheels"; her brothers Osbert & Sacheverell contributed
    $800 23
These laws, named for a character in an old song, required segregation in some public places
    $800 4
In this Hawthorne novel, some folks regard Pearl as "the demon offspring"
    $1000 12
Later to compete with Sotheby's, this art auction house opened in London in 1766
    $1000 26
Rhodium, iridium & palladium are members of this precious metal's "group"
    $1000 19
This woman, dubbed "Empress of the Blues", studied informally with singer Ma Rainey
    $1000 24
This league was founded in 1910 to improve living conditions & job opportunities in cities
    DD: $1,000 5
Magnolia's daughter Kim becomes a Broadway star in this Edna Ferber novel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Krista Joe Ellen
$1,200 $4,600 $7,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

The symbol of this organization is a lighted candle with barbed wire surrounding it

Final scores:

Krista Joe Ellen
$1,200 $7,950 $9,200
3rd place: Sierra fireplace 2nd place: 7-day Caribbean cruise aboard Cunard Countess New champion: $9,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Krista Joe Ellen
$3,900 $5,600 $7,900
13 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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