Suggest correction - #1926 - 1993-01-11

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    $300 18
An entomologist might know this kind of market is called a "Marche aux Puces" in France

Show #1926 - Monday, January 11, 1993

Composited clue zooms replace in-camera clue zooms.


Jim Dolge, a consultant from Reston, Virginia

Nancy Butts, a reporter from Barnesville, Georgia

Paul Klein, a professor from North Miami Beach, Florida (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,602)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
Elephants use this as a snorkel, to throw dust, pick up small objects, make noise & breathe
    $100 2
Pressman's version of this children's party game comes with 14 "donkey tails"
    $100 23
The nation's No. 1 fast-food restaurant, it serves about 6% of the U.S. population on an average day
    $100 21
A crystal one which belonged to James Fenimore Cooper's family hangs from the ceiling of the Library
    $100 16
This ex-actor & ex-president once said, "My right side is my good side—my far-right side"
    $100 1
This Hawaiian greeting actually means "love"
    $200 5
A mother seal uses this sense to know for sure a pup is hers; the pup's cry isn't enough
    $200 10
The Vatican authorized the use of this man's likeness on Catechic, the Catholic trivia game
    $200 24
In 1879 this retailer opened the 1st of his variety stores, the Great Five Cent Store, in Utica, New York
    $200 22
The White House's original design was inspired by Leinster House, where the Irish Parliament meets in this city
    $200 17
This common condiment usually has a tomato base but you can make it with walnuts, too
    $200 3
This device used to transmit & receive radio signals is also called an aerial
    $300 6
This aquatic animal uses a stone as an anvil to open shells as well as to dislodge abalones
    $300 13
The Junior version of this game features ticket booths for amusement park rides instead of hotels
    $300 25
This Bentonville, Ark. retail company operates 220 membership-only Sam's Wholesale clubs
    $300 28
She was the first First Lady to live in the White House, & she used to hang her laundry in the East Room
    $300 18
An entomologist might know this kind of market is called a "Marche aux Puces" in France
    $300 9
Diophantus, a Greek who lived in the 3rd century A.D., has been called the father of this branch of math
    $400 7
As opposed to moving on all fours, these pocket mice hop on their hind legs to get around
    $400 14
The funny bone is worth $400 in this surgical "skill game where you're the doctor"
    DD: $1,000 26
This Plymouth, Massachusetts company is the biggest seller of canned & bottled juice drinks in the U.S.
    $400 29
The "regal" name of this room refers to the royal women who slept there; so did Crystal Gayle & W. Churchill
    $400 19
The 11 stripes on this African country's flag represent the 11 signers of its Declaration of Independence
    $400 11
This crop is mostly grown as livestock feed, though people sometimes eat its sprouts
    $500 8
This soft covering on a deer's antlers has been used in Oriental medicines
    $500 15
One lucky player gets to be Erica Kane in the "How to Host A Murder" game inspired by this soap opera
    $500 27
The nation's largest chemical company, it's also the largest maker of carpet fiber
    $500 30
While the White House was being reconstructed, President Truman lived here from 1948-1952
    $500 20
Gunston Hall, the 18th century plantation home of George Mason, is an attraction in this state
    $500 12
You might say it's a fruit salad fit for the gods

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Paul Nancy Jim
$1,400 $1,900 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Nancy Jim
$3,100 $4,300 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1980s
    $200 18
Wheat is Washington's leading crop; this fruit ranks second
    $200 21
King Sobhuza II of Swaziland was also known as Ngwenyama, the Siswati word for this "king of beasts"
    $200 9
Beginning with the show "Lady, Be Good!", the lyrics to nearly all his songs were written by his brother Ira
    $200 4
The standard form of this language is based on the dialect of Lisbon
    $200 1
What Sen. Kennedy called a "Star Wars" program in 1983 was Reagan's "SDI", which stands for this
    $200 14
He quoted the proverb "The die is cast" when he crossed the Rubicon
    $400 24
A 1979 Supreme Court decision gave Indians the rights to half the harvest of this fish in Puget Sound
    $400 22
A plot to depose this Scottish queen included the murder of her secretary, David Riccio
    $400 10
This composer of the "Pink Panther theme" has won 4 Oscars & 20 Grammys
    $400 5
Since ancient times, Japanese has been written with characters borrowed from this language
    $400 2
When Jim Bakker resigned in 1987, he took over the PTL
    $400 17
Aristotle said, "We make war that we may live in" this
    $600 25
This river forms a portion of Washington's border with Idaho
    $600 23
This future emperor's 1959 marriage to a non-royal wife seemed to symbolize Japan's new democracy
    $600 11
A composition that he wrote in 1853 was adopted as Kentucky's state song
    $600 6
The first major literary work in this language was the "Ritmo Laurenziano" of the 12th century
    $600 3
On May 4, 1987 the Supreme Court ruled that Ca. Rotary Clubs must do this; the court did in 1981
    $600 19
It was Gaius Petronius who said, "One hand washes" this
    $800 26
At 14,410 feet, it's Washington State's highest peak
    $800 29
In 1523 Gustav I became the 1st member of the Vasa dynasty to rule this Scandinavian country
    $800 12
The Broadway musical "Sophisticated Ladies" was based on the music of this composer
    $800 7
Aeolic & Doric were 2 ancient dialect groups of this language
    $800 15
On May 13, 1982 it became the first major U.S. airline to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy
    DD: $400 20
"The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves", wrote this playwright in "Oedipus Rex"
    DD: $1,000 27
This governor failed in a bid for reelection in 1980 when she lost in the Democratic primary
    $1000 30
When this Hapsburg empress' husband died in 1765, her son Joseph became her co-regent
    $1000 13
While at Yale, this "Night and Day" composer wrote the football songs "Bingo Eli Yale" & "Bull Dog"
    $1000 8
1 of the 2 official languages of Cameroon
    $1000 16
After his death May 4, 1980, many thought Yugoslavia would break up into separate states
    $1000 28
"Under every stone lurks a politician" is a stinging quip from this "Wasps" playwright

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Nancy Jim
$4,900 $9,100 $4,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 leading female characters in this play are the marriageable Minola sisters

Final scores:

Paul Nancy Jim
$699 $9,801 $100
2nd place: a trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico New champion: $9,801 3rd place: Cazal 951 & 955 sunglasses + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the 16-bit Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis system

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paul Nancy Jim
$5,300 $8,500 $4,000
20 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
12 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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