Suggest correction - #1916 - 1992-12-28

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    $800 21
In 1983 Owen Bieber replaced Douglas Fraser as president of this union

Show #1916 - Monday, December 28, 1992

Jack Mahoney game 2.


Suzanne Adams, a registered nurse from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Kimberlyn Montford, a Ph.D. candidate from Hillside, New Jersey

Jack Mahoney, an actor originally from Newport, Rhode Island (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $3,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Corfu & Ithaca are islands off the west coast of this country
    $100 1
This boxer successfully defended his heavyweight title 19 times in the 1960s & 1970s
    $100 13
This long-handled, cuplike spoon is useful for serving anything from punch to soups & stews
    $100 10
To play your maracas, you have to do this
    $100 25
The Museum of the Forbidden City is one of the highlights on a visit to this Asian capital
    $100 15
1 of the 7 sages said, "Do not speak ill of" this group
    $200 7
West Bengal is a state of India; what's often called East Bengal is this country
    $200 2
In 1969 the Milwaukee Bucks chose this UCLA player as the NBA's No. 1 draft pick
    $200 20
"The Cooks' Catalogue" calls this perforated bowl "the single most useful tool for washing and draining food"
    $200 11
Blind 16th century composer Antonio de Cabezon was famous for playing this instrument found in churches
    $200 26
This theologian's home in Wittenberg, Germany is now a museum devoted to manuscripts of the Reformation
    $200 16
Pindar found these "have a longer life than deeds"
    $300 8
Agana is the capital of this U.S. territory
    $300 3
With 18 victories, this golfer has won more Grand Slam events than any other man
    $300 21
The most commonly used pitter is used to pit cherries & this garnish which is about the same size
    $300 12
The harp is a national symbol of this country, where it has been played since the 700s
    $300 27
Spanish town, west of this Jamaican capital, has a museum devoted to the Arawak Indians
    $300 17
Cicero found "While there's life, there's" this
    $400 9
The Cooks & Georges Rivers flow into this Australian bay, an inlet of the Tasman Sea
    $400 4
Jim Abbott is the only amateur athlete from this sport to win the Sullivan Award
    $400 22
For beating, whipping or stirring, this utensil with flexible wire loops is ideal
    $400 23
An older, longer name for the piano, or a musical direction to play softly & then loudly
    $400 28
The electrical equipment at Ontario's United Counties Museum was installed by this U.S. inventor
    $400 18
"I fear Greeks even when they bring gifts", he wrote in the "Aeneid"
    DD: $1,200 14
These 2 South American countries control parts of Tierra del Fuego
    $500 5
Dives can be performed in 4 positions: layout, pike, free & this
    $500 30
Typically cylindrical & tapered, a steel is used for this purpose
    $500 24
The name of this instrument may come from the Hawaiian nickname of Edward Purvis, who played it
    $500 29
This state has a museum in Muskogee devoted to the 5 Civilized Tribes
    $500 19
He told Ptolemy I, "There is no royal road to geometry"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jack Kimberlyn Suzanne
$3,400 $300 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jack Kimberlyn Suzanne
$3,900 $2,700 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
To halt a flood of refugees, East Germany built this barrier in 1961
    $200 22
As observed by Christians, Holy Week ends with this holiday
    $200 1
This author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" is distantly related to Robert E. Lee
    $200 12
This medium-sized spotted dog is also called the coach dog
    $200 18
Headed by Kenneth Coss, the United Rubber Workers is headquartered in this Ohio city
    $200 10
As a young child, he was called "Grove"
    $400 3
In July 1991 at a summit in Prague, this 36-year-old defense pact was abolished
    $400 23
In this religion it's believed that many gods, including Shiva & Vishnu, are part of one universal spirit
    $400 7
Her "Locked Rooms and Open Doors" deals with her family's recovery after the kidnapping of her son
    $400 14
The Brittany Spaniel is the only Spaniel that indicates game in this way
    $400 19
The International Brotherhood of Firemen & Oilers was organized for workers in this industry
    $400 11
His first wife, Alice, died in 1884, 2 days after giving birth to their daughter Alice
    $600 4
In 1952 this future Egyptian president led the coup that ousted King Farouk
    $600 24
Theodor Herzl was a leader of this Jewish movement which sought to establish the state of Israel
    $600 8
Her marriage to Baron Bror Blixen-Finecke ended in divorce in 1921
    $600 29
The Airedale, which developed in England from the Otterhound, is the largest of this group of breeds
    $600 20
It took a California Supreme Court ruling to get this lettuce boycott leader out of jail in 1970
    $600 15
He received his Ph.D. degree from Johns Hopkins in 1886
    $800 5
In 1958 this atomic- powered submarine made the first undersea crossing of the North Pole
    DD: $1,700 25
It's what the title "Buddha" means
    $800 9
"'H' is for Homicide" is her 8th novel featuring female detective Kinsey Millhone
    $800 28
This toy dog with winglike ears shares its name with the French word for butterfly
    $800 21
In 1983 Owen Bieber replaced Douglas Fraser as president of this union
    $800 16
He was on his way to a 25th class reunion when he was shot in 1881
    $1000 6
In 1986, just minutes after leaving a Swedish movie theater, this prime minister was assassinated
    $1000 26
In the process leading to canonization, it's the stage in which the person is declared "blessed"
    DD: $2,000 13
Her W. Va. birth home displays her father's Chinese translation of the Bible & a picture of her Oriental nurse
    $1000 27
This smallest of the bird-hunting dogs is the most popular dog registered with the AKC
    $1000 30
Born in Sweden as Joel Emmanuel Hagglund, he was known to the Wobblies by this name
    $1000 17
It was Ulysses Grant's given first name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jack Kimberlyn Suzanne
$10,500 $6,800 $4,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

Swahili contains many words borrowed from this language, including the word "Swahili"

Final scores:

Jack Kimberlyn Suzanne
$7,399 $6,900 $1,300
2-day champion: $11,099 2nd place: trip on Delta to Montreal & stay at the Ritz-Carlton 3rd place: Ericsson cellular phone + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jack Kimberlyn Suzanne
$9,800 $5,900 $3,300
28 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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