Suggest correction - #1974 - 1993-03-18

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    $1000 27
Arms dealer Basil Zaharoff was called "The Merchant of" this

Show #1974 - Thursday, March 18, 1993

Debby Arnold game 4.


Michael Price, a writer originally from South Plainfield, New Jersey

Sunita Parikh, a college professor from New York City, New York

Debby Arnold, a registered nurse from Atlanta, Georgia (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $34,902)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Get the connection?)
    $100 3
In a 1984 TV special, this magician levitated across the Grand Canyon
    $100 21
This holiday's rabbit symbol may be from an old pagan symbol of new life
    $100 1
These skullcaps were once worn by college freshmen; Brownie Girl Scouts still wear them
    $100 22
In early 1815 Napoleon escaped from confinement on this island
    $100 15
One legend says cards were invented in this Asian country in 1120 to amuse the emperor's concubines
    $100 10
This Teamster leader who disappeared July 30, 1975 was "presumed dead" in 1982
    $200 4
In their Las Vegas act, they use lions leopards & white tigers
    $200 27
One general difference between rabbits & hares is that rabbits build these & hares don't
    $200 2
Poke & sun are types of this woman's hat that's usually tied under the chin with a ribbon
    $200 23
Demolition of this landmark began in 1989, but not before over 190 people died trying to escape over or under it
    $200 16
In Germany, they were originally hearts, bells, leaves & acorns; in Italy, swords, batons, cups & money
    $200 11
Ambrose Bierce disappeared in this country, where he'd gone to report on Pancho Villa's revolution
    $300 5
Among his published works were "A Magician Among the Spirits" & "A Treatise on Handcuff Secrets"
    $300 28
The competitors in this sport pursue a mechanical rabbit
    $300 7
This scarf wrapped around the head is now chiefly worn by Muslims
    $300 24
He escaped from the shackles of slavery September 3, 1838 to become one of the country's great orators
    $300 17
In the 1870s this "wild" card was added to standard U.S. decks
    $300 12
Virginia Dare disappeared with all the other colonists on this island sometime before 1591
    $400 6
This long-haired magician's Broadway musical "The Magic Show" got a Tony nomination in 1975
    $400 29
These animals were introduced in Australia to control the rabbit population, a sly move
    $400 8
The name of this high-crowned hat of felt or straw comes from a Spanish word for "shade"
    $400 25
In May 1568 this queen escaped by boat from a castle on an island in Loch Leven
    $400 18
During this war some decks replaced the kings & queens with doughboys & Red Cross nurses
    $400 13
This German inventor of an engine named for him disappeared overboard in the English channel
    $500 19
This "Amazing" magician offers $10,000 to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal ability
    DD: $700 30
It's the term for a male rabbit
    $500 9
This woolen cap was named for the hero of a Robert Burns poem
    $500 26
Henri Charriere, known by this nickname, was determined to escape from Devil's Island
    $500 20
This term used in many games to denote cards that take a trick comes from the word "triumph"
    $500 14
This author of "The Little Prince" disappeared while flying a reconnaissance mission in 1944

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Debby Sunita Michael
$1,200 $1,200 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Debby Sunita Michael
$2,000 $1,500 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: On yesterday's program we had BOOKS & ARTHURS. Today, we have...)
    $200 1
In January 1990 this leaning landmark in Italy was closed for restoration
    $200 18
Before he took over as president of Egypt, he was called "Nasser's poodle"
    $200 21
Early versions of this Eskimo boat with an enclosed deck were made with seal or caribou skins
    $200 2
"Topsy and Eva", a musical of the 1920s, was based on this novel
    $200 5
This gas is a product of photosynthesis
    $200 8
Wilhelm's wife, Dorothea Wild, was the source of some of these brothers' fairy tales
    $400 15
Rembrandtsplein, or Rembrandt's Square, is one of this Netherlands city's major entertainment centers
    $400 19
Thomas Gore, "The Blind Savant", was the first sightless member of this body, where he represented Okla.
    $400 23
The only yachts that won this race twice are Columbia, Intrepid & Courageous
    $400 3
A short-lived 1991 musical, "Nick and Nora", was based on this film series
    $400 6
It was the first metal used by man to make tools
    $400 9
As part of her research for this novel, Ayn Rand worked in Eli Kahn's architecture office
    $600 16
Founded in 1703, this country's Wiener Zeitung is one of the world's oldest newspapers
    $600 20
This Minnesota senator who forced LBJ from the 1968 presidential race was called "clean Gene"
    $600 25
Today most recreational boats are constructed of this material
    $600 4
This Rodgers & Hammerstein musical opens at an amusement park in New England in the 1870s
    $600 7
After the kite experiment, Franklin invented this safety device that actually saved his home
    $600 10
The defender of John Scopes, this lawyer wrote the 1905 novel "An Eye for an Eye"
    DD: $900 17
Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, is located in this country's Canaima National Park
    $800 22
Killed in Khartoum in 1885, this British general was nicknamed "Chinese" for his exploits in China
    $800 28
An inflatable rubber life raft used by downed pilots, or a sailboat used off the coasts of India
    $800 13
Wiley Post is one of the characters featured in this 1991 Tony award winner
    $800 12
Term for the characteristic of a metal that allows it to be hammered into a sheet
    $800 11
This J. Rossner novel was inspired by the true story of a woman murdered by a singles-bar pickup
    $1000 26
A mainland area & 5 small islands make up this "equatorial" country of Africa
    $1000 27
Arms dealer Basil Zaharoff was called "The Merchant of" this
    $1000 29
These small, flat-bottomed boats from the Orient have cabins with matted roofs
    $1000 14
1974's "Lorelei", which starred Carol Channing in the title role, was inspired by this earlier musical
    DD: $1,500 30
This chemist's law states that the volume of a gas at constant temperature varies inversely to the pressure
    $1000 24
This Tom Robbins book concerns Sissy Hankshaw, a hitchhiker with huge thumbs

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Debby Sunita Michael
$6,300 $4,100 $2,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Greek equivalent of Eve, the first woman on Earth; she got in trouble too

Final scores:

Debby Sunita Michael
$8,201 $1,600 $5,200
4-day champion: $43,103 3rd place: S&S Mills carpeting 2nd place: Mastervoice home automation system + Technics entertainment system

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Debby Sunita Michael
$6,900 $4,100 $4,100
19 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
4 W
19 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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