Suggest correction - #8934 - 2023-09-21

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    $400 22
As a verb, it means "to pawn"; as a noun, it comes after "ham"

Show #8934 - Thursday, September 21, 2023

2023 Second Chance competition week 2, final game 1.


Deanna Bolio, a community outreach supervisor from Campbell, California

Rob Kim, an attorney from Portland, Oregon

Pam Sung, a physician-scientist from Amherst, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
The name of this large peninsula that includes Croatia takes its name from a Turkish word for "mountain"
    $200 28
Popular players from this nation over the years have included Bebeto, Marta & Fernandinho
    $200 29
Elon Musk is quoted, "I would like to die on" this planet "just not on impact"
    $200 24
The scientific name of this, often used to flavor Chinese food, is Zingiber officinale
    $200 7
It can mean a sacred place or any place of refuge
    $200 30
William Hedley invented Puffing Billy, this type of locomotive, which began pulling coal cars in 1813
    $400 22
This capital city sits on both sides of the Spree River but the river isn't what divided it politically for decades
    $400 25
In the 2019 FA Cup Final at this British arena, Manchester City crushed Watford 6-nil
    $400 16
Of his performance at the Beijing Olympics, this Jamaican said, "I just blew my mind and I blew the world's mind"
    $400 23
These "nutty" cookies for dessert are known as the Chinese national cookie & even have their own day in April
    $400 6
At the end of an episode of "Drag Race", RuPaul tells one contestant, "Shantay, you stay" & the other, do this "away"
    $400 27
The 86th of these asked why the pope builds St. Peter's Basilica with the money of the poor & not his own
    $600 10
If you go to Chamonix, France, you can see the glaciers in this mountain range
    $600 15
In 2010, this plastic horn infamously made its presence known among World Cup crowds in South Africa
    $600 17
In the screenplay to this film, Christopher Nolan co-wrote the line "Some men just want to watch the world burn"
    $600 20
Sometimes called fensi, this thin pasta is made from mung beans & becomes transparent when soaked in water & cooked
    $600 5
This word for correspondence in shape comes from the Greek for "of like measure"
    $600 12
In February 1846, over a thousand of these people began to trek west from Nauvoo, Illinois, eventually settling in Utah
    $800 9
Self-governing overseas areas of Denmark include Greenland & these North Atlantic islands near Iceland
    $800 14
Juventus, a top pro team in this country, is affectionately known as "The Old Lady"
    $800 18
This astrophysicist has shared the observation "The only shame is to pretend we have all the answers"
    $800 2
The use of spicy Huajiao peppers gives food from this Chinese province its zesty flavor
    $800 4
In an 1811 novel Marianne Dashwood personifies this title word because she's full of emotion
    $800 13
Born in Poland in 1686, he would heat things up by inventing a mercury thermometer in 1714
    $1000 8
The 1920 games made this major seaport Belgium's first & only Olympic host city
    $1000 11
Sporting number 7, this Portuguese soccer star helped his nation win the 2016 European Championship, its first major title
    DD: $2,400 19
At her senator father's funeral in 2018 she observed, "We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness"
    $1000 1
A popular ingredient in stir fry recipes, its name means "white vegetable" in Cantonese
    $1000 3
Stonehenge is about 8 miles from this city that lies on the River Avon
    $1000 21
After Richard II was deposed, this king took over, ushering in the House of Lancaster

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Pam Rob Deanna
$2,800 $1,200 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Pam Rob Deanna
$2,200 $2,200 $8,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the artist who did each country hit that you'll hear Johnny interpreting as only he can.)
(Ken: These are words and phrases that come shortly after "history" in the dictionary.)
    $400 27
A tropical island seems nice for a new post-apocalyptic society, but I fear a few British boys won't see the end of this 1954 book
    $400 26
"...Found new thread for my old spool, just because I'm blonde, don't think I'm dumb, 'cause this dumb blonde ain't nobody's fool"
    $400 30
Its radius is 109 times that of Earth, its surface temp is about 5,800 kelvins & it's kind of a majorly important thing for us
    $400 28
Often inaccessible at high tide, the Haji Ali Dargah is a shrine & this kind of Islamic place of worship on an islet off Mumbai
    $400 14
"Famously long, low silhouette, ever-alert expression, and bold, vivacious personality"
    $400 22
As a verb, it means "to pawn"; as a noun, it comes after "ham"
    $800 17
He was left "alone in an un-inhabited island", but after 28 years, 2 months & 19 days, what world will this man return to now?
    $800 25
"I hear the train a-comin', it's rolling 'round the bend, & I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when"
    $800 29
Also called Alpha Ursae Minoris & our northern polestar, this celestial object is in fact a triple star system
    $800 23
India's film industry, nicknamed this, began in Mumbai; see stars' mansions in Bandra West, like Shah Rukh Khan's 6-story one
    $800 13
"These alert and amusing 'purse dogs' stand among the oldest breeds of the Americas"
    $800 21
This "mind", collective consciousness seen in humans, also refers to sentience in bee colonies
    $1200 18
With "arms & legs... strongly fastened... to the ground", Mr. Gulliver could learn danger can come in small packages on this island
    $1200 15
"The red headed stranger had eyes like thunder, his lips they were sad & tight"
    $1200 11
Hubble let us check out this red supergiant as it had a huge surface mass ejection in 2019; Michael Keaton, what did you do?
    $1200 16
Seen here, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway from 1888 is an example of this kind of Gothic Revival architecture, named for a queen
    $1200 12
"Muscular, double-coated dog of ancient Japanese lineage famous for... dignity, courage, and loyalty"
    $1200 3
Mentioned more than 40 times in the Bible, they were a people of Asia Minor & Syria
    DD: $3,000 19
Thomas More created this island in 1516, from Greek for "no place"; based on rational thought & no poverty, is it beyond man's reach?
    $1600 24
"Just two good ol' boys, never meanin' no harm, beats all you never saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born"
    $1600 2
The 5th-brightest star at night, it's also the name of a '70s Chevy that, per MotorTrend, was "a rust-bucket prone to gas tank fires"
    $1600 9
A delicious street food item you can find in Mumbai is this 6-letter fried pastry filled with veggies
    $1600 6
"The mighty 'Apollo of dogs'... when standing on their hind legs, they are taller than most people"
    $1600 4
"Up until this time" is the meaning of this old-timey 8-letter word
    $2000 20
The pain of beast folk creations such as Leopard-Man means nothing to this 1896 title character, but that could prove... costly
    $2000 10
"Take this job & shove it, I ain't workin' here no more, my woman done left & took all the reason I was workin' for"
    DD: $2,000 7
These 2 stars are also known as
Alpha Geminorum &
Beta Geminorum
    $2000 8
Explore Malabar Hill & visit the temple seen here; it's devoted to a Tirthankar of this religion
    $2000 1
"Served as sentinels at palaces and monasteries isolated high in the Himalayas"
    $2000 5
Cut out these melodramatic displays of emotion that seem insincere

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Pam Rob Deanna
$18,000 $6,200 $12,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

First name of the paleontologist who in 1990 noticed some large vertebrae jutting from an eroding bluff in South Dakota

Final scores:

Pam Rob Deanna
$10,000 $3,400 $16,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Pam Rob Deanna
$16,600 $6,200 $10,800
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
12 R,
5 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $33,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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