Suggest correction - #8929 - 2023-09-14

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    $1200 22
Abe Lincoln, 1863: "It is altogether ____ and proper that we should do this"

Show #8929 - Thursday, September 14, 2023

2023 Second Chance competition week 1, final game 1.


Hari Parameswaran, a hardware engineer from Cupertino, California

Jill Tucker, an operations manager from Mulino, Oregon

David Maybury, a magnetics engineer originally from Richmond, Virginia

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You know, the NFL season just started...)
THE 2023 TIME 100
    $200 26
Founded at the end of Reconstruction, Nicodemus in this "Sunflower State" was the 1st Black settlement west of the Mississippi
    $200 25
2021 Pro Bowlers at this position included
Josh Allen,
Russell Wilson &
Patrick Mahomes
    $200 23
After catching 417 passes for the Bengals, Cris Collinsworth grabbed a law degree from the univ. of this city
    $200 12
The monkey puzzle tree has its roots in this dino period 200 million years ago
    $200 29
Roger Federer: "Growing up, Diego Maradona... inspired me. Now (this Argentine) can inspire future generations"
    $200 30
The intended recipient of a letter
    $400 27
In 1872 the Union general this D.C. HBCU was named for wrote about "the cosmopolitan character of the university"
    $400 24
Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor, of this NFC East team: "Let's go out there like a bunch of crazed dogs & have some fun"
    $400 22
Buchtel College, opened in 1872, is now called the university of this "Rubber Capital of the World"
    $400 11
Seen here, honey bees fill small baskets of specialized hairs on their hind legs with this powder
    $400 19
This novelist "was able to describe the attack on him" in 2022 "as he was speaking about the U.S. as a safe place for exiled writers"
    $400 28
4-syllable adjective meaning within the range of anticipation
    $600 3
This famous orator said his time as president of the failing Freedman's Bank was like being married to a corpse
    $600 5
Video games bearing the name of this late legendary NFL coach & broadcaster have made over $7 billion in sales
    $600 21
"X" marks the spot at this Jesuit Catholic university that officially went co-ed in 1969
    $600 10
Biologists prefer "transitional form" instead of this 2-word term for an intermediate species connecting, say, humans & apes
    $600 7
In other movie roles or as "The Queen of Wakanda, we believe in you because you believe in yourself"
    $600 15
"See" is right in the middle of this old-timey word meaning to beg or implore
    $800 4
General Sickles called these folks "Northern people, who... have settled within the Southern states since the war"
    $800 2
He went 36-44 as head coach of the Browns; he's had a bit more success in New England
    DD: $1,000 20
In 2012 this Ohio univ. opened its May 4 Visitors Center to place a 1970 event in historical, political & social context
    $800 8
This spiny, globular "sea" creature has an apparatus called Aristotle's lantern that lets it scrape algae from rocks & munch away
    $800 13
He "has been on the Supreme Court for 17 years. But in 2022, he cemented his legacy"
    $800 16
Absolutely boiling with unexpressed anger
    $1000 6
In 2023, USS Chancellorsville was renamed after this Black Civil War hero & Reconstruction-era congressman
    $1000 1
Last name of the man who said, "Better to have died as a small boy than to fumble" but whose trophy carries the ball with one hand
    $1000 17
Shows at Eva Marie Saint Theatre are cursed if Alice the ghost isn't invited by the stage manager at BGSU, this state university
    $1000 9
The nictitating membrane on a crocodile that helps it see underwater is often called the third this
    $1000 14
She's the only one "to serve as the president's Chief Economic Adviser, the Vice Chair & Chair of the Fed" & Treasury Secretary
    $1000 18
Tiny pungent plant part used in the New Testament as a symbol of faith

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David!. Jill Hari
$6,800 $600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David!. Jill Hari
$9,400 $2,800 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
Oaks from the Loire region's Forest of Bercé were selected to rebuild the spire of this place that was damaged in 2019
    $400 28
Caroll Spinney was the original puppeteer for both Oscar the Grouch & this feathered resident of "Sesame Street"
    $400 5
Provincetown & Barnstable are on this Bay State peninsula
    $400 30
In "SpottieOttieDopaliscious" , André 3000 says the drama at the club is "reminiscent of Charles", this 19th century author
    $400 27
MLK, 1963: "Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude ____"
    $400 17
Alliterative term for writing full of exaggerated pathos
    $800 25
This Bronx building has been called "The House that George Built"; it's next to where "The House that Ruth Built" once was
    $800 24
This playwright's "Biloxi Blues" came to Broadway in 1985
    $800 4
In 1434 it supplanted Angkor Thom as the Khmer capital
    $800 21
A 2Pac alter ego & a Waka Flocka flame album both allude to this Italian author of "The Prince"
    $800 26
Barack Obama, 2004: "I believe that we can give our middle class relief and provide ____ families with a road to opportunity"
    $800 18
Sanguinary term for an aristocrat
    $1200 9
This "Great" structure in Djenné, Mali is rebuilt every year by the community
    $1200 23
The last name of this Giants great includes "Cove", & a cove where home run balls splash down is named for him
    $1200 3
This California place is home to Piedras Blancas Light Station &, of course, Hearst Castle
    $1200 20
Sharing a name with a 1920s Harlem Renaissance book, "The Blacker The Berry" is a song off this rapper's "To Pimp a Butterfly"
    $1200 22
Abe Lincoln, 1863: "It is altogether ____ and proper that we should do this"
    $1200 19
Vespula alascensis is one species of this picnic-pestering wasp
    $1600 8
"All the gods" were welcome when this Roman building was rebuilt by Hadrian between 118 & 125 A.D.
    $1600 6
She's seen here around the time she released "Under the Pink", one the most influential albums of the '90s
    DD: $2,200 2
Called Stingray Harbour by James Cook in 1770, it was renamed for the abundance of new plants found there
    $1600 14
This rapper & "Law & Order: SVU" actor titled his spoken word track "Soul on Ice" after Eldridge Cleaver's memoir
    $1600 15
Referring to the United States, JFK's Moon speech: "This nation's own scientific manpower is ____
every 12 years"
    $1600 13
The House Un-American Activities Committee inspired Hollywood to create one of these registers of disapproval
    $2000 7
People like Loula Williams aided in the reconstruction of the Greenwood area of this Okla. city after a race massacre in 1921
    DD: $4,800 11
John Ford directed the Oscar-winning 1942 documentary "Battle of" this locale at which Ford himself was wounded
    $2000 1
This waterway forms about 400 miles of the border between Minnesota & North Dakota
    $2000 10
On "Call Me If You Get Lost", Tyler, the Creator takes on this last name of a 19th c. French poet & also of a Lemony Snicket family
    $2000 16
Emmeline Pankhurst: "To the shame of the British government, they set the example... of____ sane, resisting human beings by force"
    $2000 12
To gloss over errors to free one from blame, or to keep the other team scoreless

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David!. Jill Hari
$17,000 $13,600 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In English, name of 1 of the 2 4-letter capitals with the same first & last letter, one in the N. & one in the S. Hemisphere

Final scores:

David!. Jill Hari
$6,728 $19,600 $1,600

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David!. Jill Hari
$17,000 $10,600 $9,000
25 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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