Suggest correction - #8928 - 2023-09-13

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    $1000 8
In May 2019, this mayor of New York threw his hat in the ring to run for president, but by September, the hat had been returned

Show #8928 - Wednesday, September 13, 2023

2023 Second Chance competition week 1, semifinal game 3.


Matt Wierman, an aerospace engineer from La Palma, California

Donna Vorreyer, a writer and retired educator from Willowbrook, Illinois

Hari Parameswaran, a hardware engineer from Cupertino, California

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each of these famous people have a first name beginning with the letter I.)
    $200 23
This mammal's name is from the Greek for "nose-horn"
    $200 24
In 2016, this "Luther" star was made an officer of the Order of the British Empire
    $200 25
Karen Shepherd,
Mitt Romney,
David King
    $200 26
He helped computerize his high school's scheduling system, went to Harvard in the '70s, dropped out & was a billionaire by 1987
    $200 29
L'Oreal's Colorista is just about the coolest thing ever to give this of yours a little more flair
    $200 30
The sovereign's seat
    $400 9
The San Diego Zoo welcomed its first pair of these from Australia, Snugglepot & Cuddlepie, in 1925
    $400 22
Famous among the smaller set for singing "Let It Go", she earned her first Tony nomination in "Rent"
    $400 1
Solomon Foot,
Bernie Sanders,
the Anti-Jacksonian Party's Dudley Chase
    $400 5
In 1887 he began running the San Francisco Examiner, which his dad acquired 7 years before
    $400 28
Your new PlayStation 4 is the bomb, but a couple extra DualShock these for your crew would rock
    $400 27
You're not outta your gourd! You're into this gourd that's big on Oct. 31
    $600 12
Pan troglodytes is the scientific name for this close relative of humans & bonobos
    $600 10
Say "Sir" to this actor, nominated for a 2001 Oscar for his portrayal of Gandalf
    $600 2
Dick Cheney,
Malcolm Wallop,
Milward Simpson (the only Milward to serve the state... so far)
    $600 6
Billy Joel's time playing a lounge in L.A. led to this, Billy's first Top 40 hit; great tune, but "tonic & gin" still sounds weird
    $600 17
If you've got the perfect getup, show your peeps online by posting an "OOTD", your this "of the day"
    $600 16
Money granted to a student to pursue studies
    $800 14
Like its relative, the meerkat, the banded type of this snake killer bands together to make a stand
    $800 11
James Osterberg has been known as this since his days fronting proto-punk-rockers The Stooges
    $800 3
Benjamin Bourne in the 1790s, Lincoln Chafee, Ambrose Burnside
    DD: $800 7
William Thomson is a fine name for a physicist, but after developing the absolute temp. scale, Lord this had a nice ring
    $800 18
You can buy do-it-yourself kits for making these Japanese rice-based treats filled with ice cream
    $800 20
Past participle of seek
    $1000 15
According to Britannica, though called "naked", these rodents actually "have about 100 fine hairs on their skin"
    $1000 13
"We'll always have Paris" & her as Ilsa in "Casablanca"
    $1000 4
Thomas Hart Benton, Xenophon P. Wilfley, Sempronius H. Boyd
    $1000 8
In May 2019, this mayor of New York threw his hat in the ring to run for president, but by September, the hat had been returned
    $1000 19
Beats by this guy is known for its headphones
    $1000 21
Geometry term for triangles that can be exactly superimposed, one on the other

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Hari Donna Matt
$2,400 $5,000 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Hari Donna Matt
$5,000 $7,000 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Or Magic Cities, as designated by the Mexican government.)
    $400 4
Sir Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942 in this city--3 very important co-workers of his were born there, too
    $400 13
August 4 celebrates the birth of this branch of the U.S. military
    $400 1
Athos, Porthos & Aramise
    $400 30
Found in the state of Jalisco is this magic place that lends its name to this omnipresent Mexican liquor
    $400 29
This title is "the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burns"
    $400 16
In Spanish ¡felicidades! is one way to say this
    $800 6
Paul co-founded the non-profit "Meat Free" this, promoting health & conservation with "at least one plant-based day each week"
    $800 15
This holiday that commemorates the victory of Mexico at the Battle of Puebla is also a day to celebrate Mexican culture
    $800 2
It's when you get your peanuts for all your hard work
    $800 27
This Baja border town whose name begins & ends with the same 2 letters is known for a beer with the same name & great eats
    $800 28
"'Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin"' to do this
    $800 17
It's another name for a movie's director of photography; Conrad Hall was a great one
    $1200 3
Deep in the mix & perhaps making a mistake just before the "na na na" part, a Beatle exclaims, "(Bleepin') hell!" on this long classic
    $1200 14
"Dedication" in Hebrew, it can be spelled without a "C" & actually spans 8 days, but you still need to know it now
    $1200 7
An article called the Chicago Bears of 1938 this kind of team since they set "a season's record of 56 fumbles"
    $1200 26
The beautiful town of Cholula lies near the foot of Popocatépetl, not just a mountain but one of these
    DD: $5,000 20
"She clutched the child so fiercely to her breast, that it sent forth a cry; she turned her eyes downward at" this symbol
    $1200 23
Described in 3 of the gospels, it's the term for Jesus' change in appearance to divine form up on a mountain
    $1600 5
On April 21, 1990 at Maracana Stadium, Paul had an intimate show for 184,000 friends as he rocked in this huge South American city
    $1600 11
September 17 commemorates the signing of this in 1787
    $1600 8
This purrrfect club of Whig leaders in London sounds just like a chocolate wafer bar
    $1600 25
"X" marks the spot of this cobblestoned town renowned as the "silver capital of the world"
    $1600 19
This numeric title "required that each censored letter bear the censoring officer's name"
    $1600 22
It's the phenomenon exhibited here in waves on the California coast, caused by light-emitting organisms
    $2000 9
The Beatles won a music Oscar for this 1970 doc., but finding itself in times of trouble, the band didn't accept in person
    $2000 12
Catholics usually celebrate the Thursday after Trinity Sunday as the feast of this, Latin for "Christ's body"
    DD: $3,000 10
NASA called the activity in this type of galaxy reminiscent of the end of a pyrotechnics show
    $2000 24
Swim with whale sharks at Isla Mujeres a Pueblo Mágico in this 2-word Mexican state of which Cozumel is a part
    $2000 18
"'I would give a good deal to know how it comes about that"' this wealthy title man "'is acquainted with M. de Villefort"'
    $2000 21
From French & Latin for "nimble finger", it's a fancy name for a sleight of hand magician

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Hari Donna Matt
$7,800 $8,200 $15,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

On October 26, 1886 he said, "The dream of my life is accomplished... I see the symbol of unity & friendship between 2 nations"

Final scores:

Hari Donna Matt
$15,600 $799 $13,299
Finalist 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Hari Donna Matt
$7,800 $16,200 $15,000
14 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
19 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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