Suggest correction - #8927 - 2023-09-12

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    $400 19
A sensational 5-column-wide newspaper

Show #8927 - Tuesday, September 12, 2023

2023 Second Chance competition week 1, semifinal game 2.


Susan Schulman, a baker from Greensboro, Vermont

David Maybury, a magnetics engineer originally from Richmond, Virginia

Cody Lawrence, an assistant editor from Sherman Oaks, California

Jeopardy! Round

THE U.S. IN 1964
    $200 4
A Jan. 11 report from Luther Terry in his capacity in this job said (finally), "Cigarette smoking is causally related to lung cancer"
    $200 16
After writing for "In Living Color", Larry Wilmore was the "Senior Black Correspondent" on this Jon Stewart show
    $200 29
The late Richard Belzer was a cousin of this actor seen here; Belzer appeared in "Night Shift" & he returned the favor & guested on "SVU"
    $200 27
The tree that bears this fruit is sacred in India
    $200 14
Time for Special "K" / Its name meant "impala hill" / Uganda love it
    $200 20
A horse of pure stock
    $400 5
On March 27 a 9.2 quake rocked this state's Valdez, forcing the town itself to be moved to the delta of Mineral Creek
    $400 30
This actor-singer starred in the movies "Day Shift" & "Baby Driver" & crooned on "Slow Jamz" & "Gold Digger"
    $400 28
It's the first month of the calendar year that has no federal holidays
    $400 26
Martha Stewart suggests copper bowls to get proper fluffiness in this egg-white pie preparation
    $400 13
Hey, Kenya dig it? / Started as a water hole / 4 million now there
    $400 19
A sensational 5-column-wide newspaper
    $600 7
At the Academy Awards ceremony in 1964, he became the first Black Best Actor winner
    $600 15
Her documentary "Halftime" covers the journey to her performance at the Super Bowl in 2020
    $600 23
Seen here, the Hang Nga guest house is in this country
    $600 25
Inject cooked soybeans with a fermented grain called koji & you've got this Japanese bean paste
    $600 9
Same name of nation / Ah, shake shake shake... shake shake shake... / Say the J not D
    $600 1
A Russian thistle, bouncing down an Old West street in the wind
    $800 2
The first mission of this post-Mercury NASA program launched on April 8, uncrewed; soon, 2 men would fly in each mission
    $800 21
Jim Carrey said, "Good afternoon, good evening & good night" in this 1998 film
    $800 22
In 2023 the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved this symbol to 90 seconds to midnight due to Russia's war with Ukraine
    $800 24
This fancy culinary term refers to a mixture of diced carrots, onions & celery
    DD: $2,400 11
Western port city / It's named for a president / '90s Civil War
    $800 18
All added up, it means arranged in a systematic form
    $1000 6
In a landmark case the Supreme Court ruled that this newspaper had not libeled Alabama city commissioner L.B. Sullivan
    $1000 17
Seen here, this actor won his first Tony Award for his performance in "A Soldier's Play"
    $1000 3
An ex-contestant apparently did not enjoy becoming "America's Next Top Model", likening it to this college's "prison experiment"
    $1000 12
A Swiss nutritionist developed this 6-letter breakfast, from a German word for "stew"
    $1000 10
Off to Botswana! / Game reserve in a city / See the wildebeest
    $1000 8
This inn is found in "The Canterbury Tales" & today in Washington, D.C., where it's a favorite brunch spot

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Cody David!. Susan
$4,800 $1,800 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cody David!. Susan
$6,800 $4,200 $7,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
From 2000 to 2006, Vicente Fox was in the news as president of this country
    $400 30
Driver Richard Petty won his 200th & last NASCAR race on July 4, 1984 at this Florida locale
    $400 19
Influenza is caused by these infectious microbes, so antibiotics won't help
    $400 16
It should come as no surprise that this is Georgia's state fruit
    $400 9
A seducing rake in 1675's "The Country Wife" is named this, like Little Jack in the corner
    $400 25
From the Latin for "middle", it's definitely smaller than large
    $800 23
General Cornwallis called this commander of the Continental Army "The Old Fox"
    $800 29
The sin bin is another name for this place where a hockey player goes to wait out an infraction
    $800 18
Canine influenza was first identified in 2004 among these racing dogs
    $800 15
In early April, Augusta played host to this
    $800 8
He based Prince Paul, who says witty things like "It is so exhausting not to talk", on his Irish college tutor
    $800 26
In 1924 Rogers Hornsby's was .424
    $1200 22
Early in her career this star of hits like "Independence Day" & "Kill Bill" was a dancer on "Soul Train"
    $1200 10
Named for the 3-decade president of its gov. body, this tourney's top prize was once called the Jules Rimet Trophy
    $1200 2
Research has linked influenza pandemics to this global weather event, El Niño's counterpart
    $1200 14
In 1864 Sherman's march to the sea ended with the capture of this port city, Georgia's colonial capital
    $1200 7
Queen Hecuba has a lot to say in Euripides' play about the suffering women of this city defeated by the Greeks
    $1200 28
In the sequence 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 4 is this, like a highway strip
    $1600 21
Former teacher Virginia Foxx is the U.S. rep from this state's 5th district which includes Tobaccoville & Winston-Salem
    $1600 3
The target for this sport measures 12 feet across & is called a house
    DD: $4,000 12
Early reports of this "national" flu appeared in the uncensored press of the country, which was neutral in WWI
    $1600 13
The subject of a 2019 film, he was eventually commended by the governor for saving lives in the 1996 Olympics bombing
    $1600 5
Julie Christie & Amanda Donohoe have played the alluring Yelena, who shakes things up in this playwright's "Uncle Vanya"
    $1600 27
To intend something, or to be malicious
    $2000 20
The 19th century Fox sisters played an important role in this -ism that gave people hope of communicating with the dead
    $2000 6
From 1976 to 1980 this alliteratively named Swede won 5 straight singles titles at Wimbledon
    $2000 11
Flu strains are determined by the makeup of 2 antigens known by these 2 letters, as in _1_1
    DD: $4,200 1
In 1998 a National Prisoner of War Museum was dedicated at this site of a notorious military Civil War prison
    $2000 4
"Angels in America" has characters both heavenly, such as the angel, & earthly, like the vision of this woman executed in 1953
    $2000 24
If you're as far away from one place as another, you're this 11-letter word

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cody David!. Susan
$10,800 $24,800 $18,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Paradise Lost" says it's "abhorred" & "the flood of deadly hate" & in Dante's "Inferno" it's fed by a "gloomy brook"

Final scores:

Cody David!. Susan
$21,600 $37,463 $25,601
3rd place: $2,000 Finalist 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Cody David!. Susan
$9,200 $20,200 $18,200
12 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
21 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $47,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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