Suggest correction - #1876 - 1992-11-02

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    $800 14
Also called groats, this is hulled, coarsely ground grain popular in the South

Show #1876 - Monday, November 2, 1992

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Dave Thompson, a marketing executive from Charlotte, North Carolina

Robin Nystrom, a director of marketing from Oak Park, Illinois

Maureen Sheridan, a system support manager from Rockaway, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
The powers of peace & war held by Congress are represented by the olive branch & these weapons
    $100 9
In 1968, Barbie dolls did this for the first time, not only in English, but in Spanish
    $100 7
If your luggage is tagged PHX, you'd better be heading to this state capital
    $100 8
You could fill this study room with thieves, lions, or Cub Scouts
    $100 1
This state's first railroad was the White Pass & Yukon Railway, which began running in 1898
    $100 12
In a wedding ceremony, it follows, "To love & to cherish till..."
    $200 27
There are 3 Latin phrases on it: Novus ordo seclorum, Annuit coeptis & this
    $200 20
One version of the doll, Titian Barbie, had this color hair
    $200 13
In 1910, the first U.S. Army airplane was flown at Fort Sam Houston in this state
    $200 10
It can be a corridor, a vestibule, or the main room for dining
    $200 2
This state's largest body of water is the Harry S. Truman Reservoir
    $200 16
In "Sonnets from the Portuguese", she wrote, "If thou must love me, let it be for love's sake only"
    $300 28
A cluster of these is above the eagle's head
    $300 21
A Barbie board game introduced in 1961 had players vying to become queen of this high school dance
    $300 24
In 1928, this aviatrix became the first woman passenger aboard a transatlantic flight
    $300 11
This system might be central, steam, or radiant
    $300 3
This state has a museum devoted to the works of cowboy artist Charles Marion Russell in Great Falls
    $300 17
According to Tennyson, "'tis better to have done" this "than never to have loved at all"
    $400 29
Encyclopedia Americana says this body part on the seal is God's & it's there as a hope for divine favor
    $400 22
The first Barbie doll introduced in 1959 came in a black & white striped one of these
    $400 25
It's Switzerland's international airline
    $400 14
Designed to be used once, they blow when too much current goes through them
    $400 5
The USA's largest open-pit iron mine lies near Hibbing in the northeastern part of this state
    $400 18
Fr. author La Rochefoucauld compared love to these spirits which everybody talks about & few have seen
    $500 30
On the reverse of the Great Seal, there are this many levels of stones in the unfinished pyramid
    $500 23
In 1962, many of Barbie's new fashions including a pillbox hat were influenced by this woman
    $500 26
This pilot received the Medal of Honor for leading the first air attack on Tokyo in 1942
    $500 15
Large, lavishly illustrated books are named after this low table on which they are often displayed
    DD: $900 6
In 1664, the Duke of York gave this state the name Nova Caesarea
    $500 19
In Proverbs, in prose, Goethe wrote, "What is demanded of genius is love of" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Maureen Robin Dave
$500 $100 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Maureen Robin Dave
$2,300 $700 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
In 1979, this person replaced James Callaghan as prime minister
    $200 21
South Africa's De Beers Consolidated Mines controls over 3/4 of the world's supply of these gems
    $200 10
In a cartoon showing a dachshund in a bun, Tad Dorgan first dubbed the frankfurter this
    $200 3
This Colombian capital was founded in 1538 near Bacata, a center of Chibcha Indian culture
    $200 1
Renata Tebaldi was a member of the company of this Milan opera house from 1949 to 1954
    $200 30
This family home of George Washington was originally called Little Hunting Creek Plantation
    $400 17
Britain's 1st one lasted from 1642-46, about the same length as ours from 1861-65
    $400 22
Sky blue is the most prized color of this gem, which the Navajos used to keep them from harm
    $400 12
This famous Dutch cheese is similar to Edam, but contains more fat
    $400 4
This Uruguayan capital was founded in 1726 by the governor of Buenos Aires
    $400 2
Fittingly, Joan Sutherland's last formal opera performance was at this famous Australian opera house
    $400 27
His Hermitage plantation includes a mansion & a Presbyterian church
    $600 18
The British fleet under Nelson defeated Napoleon in the Aug. 1, 1798 Battle of this river
    $600 29
A very dark shade of black has the name of this organic gem
    $600 13
In names of foods, this doctor's name precedes cracker, flour & bread
    $600 7
This capital of Sicily was founded by the Phoenicians in the 8th century BC
    $600 5
She left the United States in 1937 to study with Elvira de Hidalgo at the Athens Conservatory
    $600 26
John Tyler, who deemed himself a political outlaw like Robin Hood, named his Virginia home this
    $800 19
While governor of New South Wales, he was imprisoned in 1808 for trying to stop the rum trade
    $800 28
Deposits from the coast of the Baltic Sea provide most of this hardened resin
    $800 14
Also called groats, this is hulled, coarsely ground grain popular in the South
    DD: $1,000 8
The name of this capital of a Pacific island nation means "place of the nila bush"
    $800 6
She made her opera debut in 1947 with the Philadelphia Civic Opera, not the New York City Opera
    $800 25
Named for its many ash trees, Ash Lawn was the home of this president
    DD: $1,100 20
Henry II, the first in this line of English kings, razed over 1000 unlicensed castles
    $1000 23
Nephrite, a type of jade, was so named because it was thought to alleviate diseases of these organs
    $1000 15
Nasturtium seeds are sometimes substituted for these pickled, unopened flower buds
    $1000 9
Leith on the Firth of Forth is this capital city's seaport
    $1000 11
In 1961, Grace Bumbry became the first Black singer to appear at this German city's Wagner festival
    $1000 24
In 1862, this former president died at Lindenwald, his estate near Kinderhook

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Maureen Robin Dave
$5,100 $6,300 $5,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

This program grew out of evening updates on the Iran hostage crisis hosted by Frank Reynolds

Final scores:

Maureen Robin Dave
$10,100 $11,901 $11,799
3rd place New champion: $11,901 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Maureen Robin Dave
$4,900 $6,300 $7,900
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R,
3 W
16 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $19,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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