Suggest correction - #1069 - 1989-04-06

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    $1000 30
This star of "Jim Thorpe--All American" went to NYU on an athletic scholarship in 1930

Show #1069 - Thursday, April 6, 1989


Don MacLeod, a writer from New York City, New York

Maureen Daly, a city planner from Oakland, California

Carol Young, a stage manager originally from Easton, Connecticut (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $3,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 22
For the 1st time in almost a year, this London paper resumed publication
    $100 12
This royal heir described himself in 1981 as "prematurely aged" & "making extraordinarily bad speeches"
    $100 17
Once practiced widely in the Pacific islands, it now occurs only occasionally on the island of New Guinea
    $100 11
Its Latin name is "Panthera leo"
    $100 6
Early '60s show that featured a group called "The Sing-Along Gang"
    $100 1
You might find one of these in a smoke shop, under your eye or on your mailman's back
    $200 25
In July this president shook up official Washington when he fired 4 Cabinet members
    $200 15
She gave the 1st N. Rockefeller Public Service Award to U.S. ambassador to Japan Mike Mansfield
    $200 18
The 2nd largest Hawaiian island was named for this demigod, the most famous in Polynesia
    $200 13
"Canis familiaris"
    $200 7
When "Making the Grade" failed after a month in 1982, George Wendt went on to this series
    $200 2
We give our personal assurance that this word comes from the Latin "vocare", to summon or call
    $300 26
When he left Iran in January, this leader said he was taking a vacation, but he never returned
    $300 16
This Tony Award winning dancer's real name is Dolores Conchita Figuero del Rivero
    $300 20
The No.1 agricultural product of the islands is copra, the dried meat of this fruit
    $300 14
"Equus caballus"
    $300 8
Now a "mom" to ALF, Ann Schedeen played this kindly TV doctor's daughter Sandy
    $300 3
If you can come up with a question here, you're not this
    DD: $400 27
Singer whose album "Blondes Have More Fun", as well as the following song from it, hit No.1 in 1979:

"She sits alone, waiting for suggestions..."
    $400 23
Maria Shriver's cousin, he introduced their Uncle Teddy at the 1988 Democratic Convention
    $400 29
They were named after the British explorer who discovered them in the 1770s
    $400 19
"Musca domestica"
    $400 9
Mary Hartman,
Mary Hartman's
maiden name,
maiden name
    $400 4
Late comedian who said, "Of course my mustache is real. It belongs to my maid."
    $500 28
Some U.S. cities sought federal reimbursement to cover the cost of this world leader's visit
    $500 24
Betty White said this man wore a wedding ring on a chain for months to convince her to marry him
    $500 30
Islands consisting of one or more coral reefs surrounding a large lagoon are called this
    $500 21
"Ursus horribilis"
    $500 10
He's played Ann Marie's friend, Maxwell Smart's enemy & the Love Boat's doctor
    $500 5
Fast-growing grass known as "quack grass",
"quick grass",
"quitch grass",
"twitch grass"
& "witch grass"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Carol Maureen Don
$1,000 -$500 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Maureen Don
$3,700 -$200 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
Harry's Bar off this city's Grand Canal owes its fame to Ernest Hemingway
    $200 19
3 words that follow "London bridge is falling down", or the musical version of "Pygmalion"
    $200 26
The 1960 film "Tall Story" was about this college sport in which it helps to be tall
    $200 10
Playboy says they conceal playmate flaws using lighting & make-up, not with this paint spraying device
    $200 13
Bela Lugosi was born in this country that had been previously ruled by 4 Belas
    $200 3
    $400 1
Dating back to the 5th cent. B.C., the remains of the Theater of Dionysus are found on this hill
    $400 20
Literary term for the type of lament Thomas Gray wrote "in a Country Church-Yard"
    $400 27
Walter Matthau took on a coaching job with this pathetic Little League team
    $400 11
Film size that's about 1 3/8 inches wide
    $400 14
From 1810-1872 five different kings of Hawaii used this name
    $400 4
Johnny Walker,
Chivas Regal
    $600 2
From 1919-1960 this country's kings resided in the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh
    $600 21
Sister of Anne & Charlotte who wrote, "Riches I hold in light esteem, & love I laugh to scorn"
    $600 28
He produced, starred & did his own race car driving in the 1969 film "Winning"
    $600 15
Speedy-sounding accessory that combines the features of standard, wide-angle & telephoto lenses
    $600 18
This country's King Gustav VI helped organize the Olympic games held there in 1912
    $600 5
    $800 8
Vienna landmark whose spire is known as "Alte Steffl" or "Old Stevie"
    $800 22
"Questionable" 1st line of the sonnet that ends "I shall but love thee better after death"
    $800 29
Elvis Presley played a singing boxer in this 1962 title role
    $800 16
An enlarged photo, or an Antonioni film about a photographer
    DD: $800 24
The last 5 reigning Russian czars were all named either Nicholas or this
    $800 6
Baja California,
    DD: $1,000 12
An ancient one of these lies under the theater founded by Thomas Sadler in London
    $1000 23
In a famous poem, this "colorful" title character tried to chop off Sir Gawain's head
    $1000 30
This star of "Jim Thorpe--All American" went to NYU on an athletic scholarship in 1930
    $1000 17
This pioneering photographer organized a photographic corps to document the Civil War
    $1000 25
As ruler of this country in the 900s, Harald Bluetooth of Jelling brought it Christianity
    $1000 7
Aries, Leo & Sagittarius, but not Taurus, Gemini or Scorpio

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Maureen Don
$4,700 $4,600 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In a Shakespearean tragedy, this famous farewell follows "Now cracks a noble heart"

Final scores:

Carol Maureen Don
$9,400 $3,398 $5,100
2-day champion: $12,600 3rd place: Panasonic VCR + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version 2nd place: Marillat shelving system + Sunset Lamp Co. table lamp + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carol Maureen Don
$4,700 $5,600 $7,600
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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