Suggest correction - #1847 - 1992-09-22

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    $200 17
The Harold Washington Library Center was dedicated in this city in 1991

Show #1847 - Tuesday, September 22, 1992

Linda Sheppard game 4.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Peter Rasmussen, a teacher from Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Kathy Godwin, a multimedia programmer originally from Austin, Texas

Linda Sheppard, a housewife from Hayward, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
It was the Greek historian Herodotus who nicknamed Egypt "the gift of" this river
    $100 6
NBC reporter Arthur Kent was nicknamed "The Scud Stud" during this war
    $100 11
The name of this nut comes from the Native American word "pakan", meaning "hard-shelled nut"
    $100 24
Though born in Ithaca, New York, Haley grew up in Henning, outside Memphis, in this state
    $100 16
This art museum was still a residence when it housed France's first royal library
    $100 21
This '63 Beatles hit contains the lines, "You think you've lost your love? Well, I saw her yesterday, yay"
    $200 2
It's believed that this boy king's Vizier Ay, not only succeeded him, but married his widow
    $200 7
He took a lot of pratfalls as the appropriately named Jack Tripper on Three's Company
    $200 12
You might well be served paella in the Valencia region of this country, where it originated
    $200 27
This magazine published a condensed version of "Roots" 2 years before the full version came out
    $200 17
The Harold Washington Library Center was dedicated in this city in 1991
    $200 22
The annual Louisiana State Fair is held in this city on the Red River
    $300 3
When Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BC this queen was living in one of his villas in Rome
    $300 8
She nicknamed one of her thoroughbreds Charlie Gibson after her Good Morning America co-host
    $300 13
The kumquat is a member of this fruit group
    $300 28
Haley's autobiography of this Nation of Islam spokesman sold over 6 million copies
    $300 18
The libraries of John Jacob Astor & James Lennox became part of this city's public library in 1895
    $300 23
This Nepalese ethnic group lives south of Mount Everest
    $400 4
His son Khafre's pyramid is almost as big as his
    $400 9
Erin Moran, who played Richie's sister on this series, didn't return for the 1992 reunion special
    $400 14
This dark, strong beverage is made by forcing steam through finely ground coffee
    $400 29
For an important contribution to the literature of slavery, Haley was awarded a special one of these prizes in 1977
    $400 19
The King's Library at this museum was built to house King George III's library
    $400 25
Weighing less than a dime, the Etruscan species of this mammal is the world's smallest
    $500 5
This jackal-headed god was worshipped at Canopolis, which means "dog city"
    $500 10
In 1991, Kirk Cameron tied the knot with Chelsea Noble, who played his girlfriend on this sitcom
    $500 15
This popular Mexican dish is a filling wrapped in masa dough & often steamed inside a corn husk
    $500 30
This character in "Roots" was Haley's great-great-great-great-grandfather
    DD: $500 20
1 of 3 Presidents for whom the Library of Congress buildings are named
    $500 26
The two main Hindu gods are Vishnu & this one who destroys the world so he can recreate it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Linda Kathy Peter
$700 $900 $2,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Kathy Peter
$3,700 $1,200 $3,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Cape Chelyuskin is the northernmost point on this, the largest continent
    $200 6
This colonial printer & inventor was sometimes called "The Jolly Imbiber"
    $200 1
In 1991, this former first daughter published her 3rd novel, "A House of Secrets"
    $200 25
At 16, this saint was shanghaied to Ireland by pirates; he later went back as a missionary
    $200 21
Wristlets & anklets are often part of the costume for this Hawaiian storytelling dance
    $200 8
Jean-Baptiste was the half-Shoshone baby carried on this duo's expedition
    $400 17
If your boat sinks off Helsinki, you've sunk in this gulf
    $400 7
For his heroics in baseball's postseason, he was dubbed "Mr. October"
    $400 2
Jude Foley is the tragic title character in this Thomas Hardy novel
    $400 27
Calico Jack's flag had 2 swords, not 2 bones, crossed under one of these
    $400 22
The Sir Roger de Coverley, an English dance, evolved into this Virginia line dance
    $400 9
He was the Scott in the famous case of Scott v. Sanford
    $600 18
The area known as the West Bank is on the west bank of this river
    $600 13
Before she became a real princess, this star was called "The Ice Princess" for her cool demeanor
    DD: $1,000 3
Ira Levin said of this 1967 novel, "I don't think any pregnant woman should read it"
    $600 30
Pirates sold this Greek philosopher as a slave in Crete; they weren't the honest men he was looking for
    $600 23
The first men to dance the Hasapikos had this meaty job, which is what "hasapis" means in Greek
    $600 10
Married name of Ethel Greenglass, who pleaded innocent to espionage charges, but was executed
    $800 19
In India, the old part of this old capital city is called Shahjahanabad
    $800 14
He was dubbed by Plato "the Talent of the Academy"
    $800 4
His novella, "Goodbye, Mr. Chips", was first published in 1934 in the British Weekly
    $800 29
In 1654, Cromwell sent Robert Blake to crush this pirate group in the Mediterranean
    $800 24
Tambourines often accompany this frenzied dance whose origin is connected to spider bites
    $800 11
The first 4 speakers of the House of Representatives represented this political party
    $1000 20
This shoal off Newfoundland is an important location for cod fishermen
    $1000 15
In contrast to his brother "the Lionheart", this English king was called "Dollheart"
    $1000 5
"Enemies, A Love Story" was one of many Yiddish stories that earned this author a 1978 Nobel Prize
    $1000 28
Though he claimed he was innocent, in May 1701 he was found guilty of murder & 5 counts of piracy
    DD: $1,000 26
Britannica called her "the high priestess of modern dance in the U.S."
    $1000 12
Name for the town where it was signed, this treaty officially ended the Mexican War

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Kathy Peter
$6,500 $5,800 $6,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

After this hero's death in 1968, the town of Gzhatsk was renamed in his honor

Final scores:

Linda Kathy Peter
$12,700 $9,800 $12,599
4-day champion: $39,700 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Linda Kathy Peter
$8,500 $5,800 $6,300
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R,
2 W
18 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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