Suggest correction - #940 - 1988-10-07

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    $500 5
"The Sage of Montpelier"

Show #940 - Friday, October 7, 1988


Alec Iorio, an international freight forwarder originally from St. Louis, Missouri

Donna Maurillo, an owner of a public relations agency from Aptos, California

Gladys Brass, a high school librarian from Pilesville, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $1,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 22
A new process lets people watch a TV show in normal fashion or slip on glasses & see it this way
    $100 6
A "slugfest" isn't a big party for slimy creatures, it's this
    $100 14
As chief architect of this basilica, Michelangelo took no money
    $100 16
Place described as the "Prettiest town I've ever seen. Women there don't treat you mean"
    $100 11
This company is the No. 2 pickle producer in the U.S., & that's just one of its varieties
    $100 1
"The Sage of Mount Vernon"
    $200 23
2 dentists have developed a horsehoe that doesn't need these to stay on a hoof
    $200 7
If you tell a, man he's "ursine", you mean he looks like one of these
    $200 15
His estate, sold off in 1988, included Navajo blankets, Dali ear clips & 2 Campbell soup can piggy banks
    DD: $400 25
2nd-biggest hit single of 1949, it's subtitled "A Cowboy Legend"

"An old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day"
    $200 12
One study shows that pickle craving by pregnant women is the body saying it needs more of this
    $200 2
"The Sage of Monticello"'
    $300 24
An erasable form of this audio product will allow a PC to store 275,000 pages of print
    $300 8
A "cameleer" is a person who does this
    $300 17
A series of illustrations for this 14th C. Dante poem are among Botticelli's finest works
    $300 26
"Your hair is red, your eyes are blue, I'd swap my horse & dog for you," the cowboy told this city's Sue
    $300 13
Character on "The Dick Van Dyke Show" whose wife was known as Pickles
    $300 3
"The Sage of Springfield"
    $400 9
People who "rusticate" aren't corroding, they're living here
    $400 18
This Impressionist's "Luncheon on the Grass", showing a nude woman picnicking w/2 men, shocked 1863 Paris
    $400 27
With the credits rolling over their faces, Roy Rogers & Dale Evans closed their TV show singing this
    $400 20
To make kosher dill pickles, add this seasoning to the regular dill brine
    $400 4
"The Sage of Kinderhook"
    $500 10
From the Sanskrit word for circle, it's a playing period in a polo match
    $500 19
Sold for $4.2 million on May 3, 1988, "Diver", by this painter, set the record for a work by a living artist
    $500 28
Title of song which says, "I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow, never roped a steer 'cause I don't know how"
    $500 21
On "St. Elsewhere" she played nurse Helen Rosenthal
    $500 5
"The Sage of Montpelier"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Gladys Donna Alec
$800 $700 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gladys Donna Alec
$1,200 $2,100 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A reference, of course, to Charles Dickens.)
    $200 25
In 1950 its command in Korea included the U.S. 8th Army & the Republic of Korea Army
    $200 7
Ralph Abernathy became head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference upon this man's death
    $200 15
Peter Behn was only 4 years old when he began recording the voice of this rabbit in "Bambi"
    $200 10
Fantasy world, S.E. Asia's 1st high tech theme park, is next to a huge slum in this Indonesian capital
    $200 4
This fat cat celebrated his 10th anniversary with a TV special in May 1988 on CBS
    $200 1
Almost every year from 1843 to 1867 Dickens wrote a special story or book for this holiday
    $400 26
Albania declared itself independent of this empire in November 1912
    $400 8
Of 6, 9 or 12, no. of children Joseph & Katherine Jackson have had, including Michael
    $400 16
Perhaps her 5 marriages helped prepare this actress for her role as a sexy "Golden Girl"
    $400 11
You can visit the U.S.S. Missouri & the largest U.S. naval shipyard on the West Coast at Bremerton in this state
    $400 9
In June 1988 she fell in love with Sluggo, but he was afraid to commit so it only lasted a week
    $400 2
George Cruikshank did these for "Oliver Twist"; Hablot K. Browne or "Phiz" did them for other works
    $600 28
In June 1947, 90 tons of food were sent to war-ravaged Italy by this Argentine president
    DD: $1,000 20
Last name common to the mayors of Atlanta & Detroit
    $600 17
8 years after co-starring in "Tenspeed & Brown Shoe", he returned as Tenspeed Turner on "J.J. Starbuck"
    $600 22
There's a walking tour of this Colonial capital of Virginia given from the viewpoint of an 18th C. slave
    $600 12
This creator of "Steve Canyon" died in April 1988
    $600 3
The Defarges run a wine shop in this novel
    $800 29
Born in a Tennessee log cabin, Cordell Hull held this cabinet post from 1933-44
    $800 21
After fighting in the Civil War, she set up a home for needy Blacks in Auburn, New York
    $800 18
He played Jane Fonda's fiancé in "On Golden Pond" 1 year after bossing her around in "9 to 5"
    $800 23
This country boasts a youth hostel that used to be Prince Henry's center for navigation
    $800 13
He rules his legion fort with an iron fist, literally
    DD: $1,400 5
It was the 1st novel Dickens wrote in the 1st person, probably because it was so personal
    $1000 30
In 1927 the Supreme Court ruled the lease of these Wyoming oil reserves fraudulent
    $1000 27
Benjamin Banneker assisted L'Enfant in planning this city
    $1000 19
Kim Novak said this "Vertigo" co-star "was the sexiest man who played opposite me in 30 years"
    $1000 24
Texas city famed for its river walk, the Paseo del Rio
    $1000 14
The last name of this comic strip title couple is sometimes Flagston
    $1000 6
"A London particular" was how Dickens described this condition in the novel "Bleak House"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gladys Donna Alec
$5,800 $5,900 $8,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Invented in 1895 in Massachusetts, it became an Olympic sport at the 1964 Tokyo games

Final scores:

Gladys Donna Alec
$0 $100 $4,000
3rd place: Baldwin brass desk accessories 2nd place: Ashley bedroom furniture + Capri Lighting track lighting New champion: $4,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gladys Donna Alec
$4,800 $5,700 $8,800
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
20 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $19,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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