Suggest correction - #1124 - 1989-06-22

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    $1000 7
Dale Carnegie taught this & wrote a text on it for businessmen in 1926

Show #1124 - Thursday, June 22, 1989

Cathy Boggs game 5.


Denise Weber, a teacher originally from Vintondale, Pennsylvania

Karen Kluge, a research associate from Los Angeles, California

Cathy Boggs, a telecommunications policy analyst originally from Appleton, Wisconsin (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $35,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Sgt. Preston of the Yukon would feel at home at the annual derby in Laconia devoted to races of these
    $100 11
In the 1920s sportswriter Grantland Rice called this college's backfield the "Four Horsemen"
    $100 6
His real name was Eric Hilliard Nelson: Hilliard was his mother's stage name
    $100 16
Sea cave on the isle of Capri famous for its sapphire-colored light
    $100 1
"Moneylender Charles demands a pound of flesh from B.J. and Hawkeye"
    $200 22
Since 1856 presidential candidates of this party have carried the state in 28 out of 34 elections
    $200 12
The Embraceable Ewes are the cheerleading squad of this NFL team
    $200 7
Before becoming Sherlock Holmes on PBS, J. Brett played Freddy Eynsford-Hill in this movie musical
    $200 17
It's located under stately Wayne Manor
    $200 2
"It's curtains for a critic who raved about a play loosely based on one of Jessica's novels"
    $300 23
A tall, white species of this tree once used for making Indian canoes is New Hampshire's state tree
    $300 13
MVP of 1989's Super Bowl XXIII who caught 11 passes for a record 215 yards
    $300 8
On Sept. 11, 1988 a blonde violinist named Gretchen Elizabeth Carlson became this
    $300 18
This extinct animal can be found today in the title of a Jean Auel book
    $300 3
"Sam isn't worried about Diane repaying a $500 loan, until Carla points out her expensive spending habits"
    $400 14
In college play the ball is placed on this yard line for a point after touchdown attempt
    $400 9
Mel Gibson was born in this country
    $400 19
The largest subterranean chamber in the U.S. is the "Big Room" in this system
    $400 4
"A willful young runaway steals A.J.'s wallet & Rick's camera..."
    $500 15
This Ohio State coach was fired for hitting a Clemson player in the 1978 Gator Bowl
    $500 10
Stedman Graham is her steady boyfriend
    DD: $500 20
France's Lascaux cave isn't noted for its size or unique formations but for these
    $500 5
"The answer is:
The death of a winning contestant. The question: What brings Hammer to a TV game show?"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Cathy Karen Denise
$1,100 $0 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cathy Karen Denise
$2,200 $300 -$500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
In a chorus of "The Messiah", the sopranos sing this word 39 times
    $200 16
She co-starred with Woody Allen in both the stage & film versions of "Play It Again, Sam"
    $200 1
Can you beat that? in 1850 congress outlawed this form of punishment in the Navy
    $200 11
Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the UK, is located in this appropriately named part of Scotland
    $200 18
Considered a condiment as well as a sauce, the fancy grade consists of no less than 33% tomato solids
    $200 3
For centuries African natives have used these to "talk" over long distances
    $400 22
Sound you might hear from Mr. Ed after one of Wilbur's corny jokes
    $400 17
This Beatle known for his sketches inspired a sketch for "Oh! Calcutta!"
    $400 2
Alexander Hamilton was instrumental in this man's losing the 1804 race for governor of N.Y.
    $400 12
London's largest & Europe's busiest airport
    $400 19
Basic Italian spaghetti sauce whose name means "in sailor's style"
    $400 4
World Book calls the person who had this job "the 'walking newspaper' of the American colonies"
    $600 23
Turkish candy made with sesame seeds & honey
    $600 25
The title of this Lorraine Hansberry play came from a poem by Langston Hughes
    $600 8
In the mid 1890s this young publisher hired away the Sunday staff of Pulitzer's N.Y. paper
    $600 13
James VI of Scotland was known by this name & number when he became king of England as well
    $600 20
A variety of very hot chili pepper, or a brand of very hot sauce sold in small dropper bottles
    $600 5
Medium in which celebrities have left messages in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre
    $800 24
A 3-dimensional image produced by a laser
    DD: $2,000 26
This 1953 John Patrick play is set in an American-occupied town in Okinawa
    $800 9
On September 19, 1865 he received a patent for his sleeping car
    $800 14
This epic of the hero who killed the monster Grendel & his monster mom is the 1st major poem in English
    $800 29
Brown sugar, corn syrup, cream & butter create this sauce often served on sundaes
    $800 6
NYC's WFAN is the 1st U.S. radio station whose 24 hour format is exclusively this
    DD: $2,000 28
Last name of the composer who wrote the music to this song, B. Streisand's 1st million-selling single:

"Memories / Light the corners of my mind / Misty water-colored memories / Of the way we were..."
    $1000 27
In "Polly", the sequel to this John Gay work, Macheath becomes a pirate
    $1000 10
This poem by Katherine Lee Bates was 1st published on July 4, 1895; the music came later
    $1000 15
Among modern Celtic languages, this, not Gaelic, is the 1 most commonly spoken in the UK
    $1000 30
The color of & other name for béchamel sauce
    $1000 7
Dale Carnegie taught this & wrote a text on it for businessmen in 1926

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cathy Karen Denise
$6,400 $3,300 $3,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 2 Black women who won Pulitzer Prizes for their fiction, 1 in 1983 & 1 in 1988

Final scores:

Cathy Karen Denise
$8,000 $3,300 $100
5-day champion: $43,200 2nd place: Pacific Leisure outdoor furniture + Home Lite Jacobsen lawn mower + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version 3rd place: Hitachi VCR + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Cathy Karen Denise
$7,200 $3,300 $3,100
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
1 W
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $13,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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