Suggest correction - #605 - 1987-04-03

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    $500 29
With more than "A Touch of Class", she made heads roll as "Elizabeth R"

Show #605 - Friday, April 3, 1987


Joel Lewin, a telemarketing representative from Van Nuys, California

Vilma Garven, a consultant from New York City, New York

Jorge Miyares, a college recruiter originally from Havana, Cuba (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,095)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Only country in the Western Hemisphere whose name begins with the letter "V"
    $100 11
In the 1950s, this team represented the American League 8 times
    $100 16
The pony,
the monkey &
the funky chicken
    $100 21
"Succory" is another name for this coffee substitute, popular in New Orleans
    $100 28
Eaton Place's Bellamy House was the setting for this saga of servants & swells
    $100 6
According to Vernors, sales go up during Christmas & Easter when this is used as a glaze on turkey or ham
    $200 2
The number of continents whose land, masses lie primarily north of the Equator
    $200 12
1 of only 2 players to hit 3 home runs in a single World Series game
    $200 17
"The West Virginia Hills"
"This is My West Virginia" &
"West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home"
    $200 22
Of "hoodoo", "koodoo" or "doodoo", the 1 the dictionary lists as a synonym for voodoo
    $200 30
In his "prime" they called him "Dizzy", & his series was subtitled "Portrait of a Romantic"
    $200 7
For many years this beverage suggested people take "the pause that refreshes"
    $300 3
Charlottetown is the capital of this "royal" island, Canada's smallest province
    $300 13
Of 5, 9 or 13, the # of sweeps in World Series history
    $300 18
deltoideus &
rectus abdominis
    $300 23
Something that is "cisalpine" is located on the near side of these
    $300 26
The only person who has appeared on every single episode of "Masterpiece Theatre"
    $300 8
Distinctive flavoring of Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Soda
    $400 4
Only C. American country with English as its official language, it extends the farthest north
    $400 14
Though playing in the same city since 1900, these 2 teams have only met once in a World Series
    $400 19
Death cups,
destroying angels &
    $400 24
At a college or a monastery, a "bursar" is in charge of these
    $400 27
This Disney child star grew up to play a mother in "The Flame Trees of Thika"
    $400 9
Barnyard name for a root beer float
    DD: $500 5
3 of the 7 countries than make up the Arabian Peninsula
    $500 15
A record lifetime .367 hitter, he averaged only .262 in his 3 World Series
    $500 20
Fetching a dog,
cleaning out the stables,
& capturing 4 man-eating horses
    $500 25
What a "zoophagous" person eats
    $500 29
With more than "A Touch of Class", she made heads roll as "Elizabeth R"
    $500 10
"Takes the 'ouch' out of 'grouch'" was claim of this soda once sold as "anti-acid" hangover remedy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Jorge Vilma Joel
$900 $0 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jorge Vilma Joel
$1,600 $300 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
From 1933 to 1987 this party won control of both houses of Congress 23 of 27 times
    $200 20
It's both a folk dance & the song with the lyric "flies in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo"
    $200 14
In 1921, a California developer laid out this Florida town with a California name
    $200 19
In 1848, Mormon settlers were saved from starvation when a flock of these ocean birds ate locusts
    $200 10
In "Jezebel", Bette Davis shocked New Orleans society by wearing this color to a ball
    $200 1
A map of this island was found at Admiral Benbow Inn among the papers of the late Bill Bones
    $400 6
This Cabinet department is responsible for helium production, Indian affairs, & public lands
    $400 21
This folk singer went gold on the pop charts "The Night They Drove Old Dixie down"
    $400 15
A sun-dried brick of clay & straw, its Spanish name is from Arabic "at-tub", "the brick"
    $400 11
"The Music Man" warned River City that when ya got "Scarlet Women", ya got this 1-word song title
    $400 2
Gulliver said the flying island Laputa kept towns below in line by dropping these on them
    DD: $2,000 7
In one 1972 case, the Supreme Court ruled the death penalty this, violating the 8th Amendment
    DD: $2,000 23
Legend says this king wrote the following over 450 years ago:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $600 16
The central wedge-shaped piece in an arch which locks it together
    $600 27
The bird that lays largest egg relative to its body size is this flightless one
    $600 12
This last book of the New Testament features a famous symbolic scarlet woman
    $600 3
After Miss Witchiepoo sank his boat, Jimmy came ashore on Living Island & met this mayor
    $800 8
7-letter compound word used to describe funding measures that keep the gov't running between budgets
    $800 26
While Ernie Ford's nickname & home state are Tennessee, folk singer John Hurt's were these
    $800 17
The Greeks reversed the Egyptian style by putting the walls on the inside, these on the outside
    $800 24
Clarias batrachus, it can live for days out of water & actually "walk" from pond to pond
    $800 13
In a 1952 film, this future "Munster" played Rock Hudson's "Scarlet Angel"
    $800 4
You'll probably never find Thomas More's "Utopia", because its name literally means this
    $1000 9
He was president of Ford Motors for just 1 month when Kennedy asked him to be Secretary of Defense
    $1000 18
Modern architect Louis Sullivan said each of these should be a "proud & soaring thing"
    $1000 25
This African antelope has an oxlike head & forequarters & a horselike tail
    $1000 22
For this author, the islands of Caspak & Oo-oh made up the "Land That Time Forgot"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jorge Vilma Joel
$7,600 $1,500 $7,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Number of times the word "one" appears on the front of a $1 bill

Final scores:

Jorge Vilma Joel
$600 $1,500 $7,799
3rd place: Broyhill curio 2nd place: Kelvinator electric range + Regal stainless steel cookware New champion: $7,799

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jorge Vilma Joel
$6,200 $1,500 $6,400
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
10 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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