Suggest correction - #599 - 1987-03-26

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    $400 17
This TV beatnik generally made his 1st appearance with the words, "You rang?"

Show #599 - Thursday, March 26, 1987


Pam Quillan, a technical manager from Silver Spring, Maryland

Krystal Askew, a computer operations manager from Memphis, Tennessee

Barry Charles, a senior tax consultant from Plainview, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Type of penguin or title of Napoleon
    $100 11
"Burning the ash faggot" is a folk tradition observed on this December eve
    $100 15
    $100 1
Reason you shouldn't buy tickets to a Cubs home night game
    $100 20
Tho one of the best-educated persons of his time, he had only 2 formal years of this
    $100 2
Just as ETA means estimated time of arrival, ETD means this
    $200 7
Though Missouri is known for Cardinal sports teams, the state bird is this bird of a different color
    $200 25
On Midsummer Day, modern Druids hold a service at this ruin on Salisbury Plain
    $200 16
"Police"man Sting is quoted as saying this song was about "Surveillance & ownership & jealousy"
    $200 3
1 of 4 players aged 43 or older who played in the Majors in 1986
    $200 21
Franklin's last public act was signing an appeal to Congress for the speedy abolition of this
    $200 4
Letter of the alphabet with which 5 of the Double Jeopardy! categories in this game will begin
    $300 8
He's been called America's 1st birdbander
    $300 26
On St. David's Day, some Welshmen wear this onionlike herb, a symbol of their country
    $300 17
The LAPD performs t his test an average of 200 times a day, with a 90% failure rate
    $300 12
Cornelius McGillicudy who managed Phil. Athletics for 50 years, was better known by this name
    $300 22
Franklin's illegitimate son William became governor of this Mid-Atlantic colony
    $300 5
The 1st Mr. Whipple Charmin commercial was shot in this appropriately named part of Queens, New York
    $400 9
About 1/5 of the world's birds feed mainly on this, but they can't make honey from it the way bees do
    DD: $900 18
It describes a view like the following:
    $400 13
While 1 MVP Award is given each year in each league, this many Golden Glove Awards are given
    $400 23
Of Richard Rush, R. Saunders, or R. Franklin, pen name he used to sign "Poor Richard's Almanac"
    $400 10
Clark Wissler, noted authority on the American Indian, was born in this state
    $500 27
From its Latin name, "Gygis alba", you can tell the fairy tern is a water bird of this color
    $500 19
A new idea is sometimes welcomed as this
    $500 14
"Yankee Clipper" Joe DiMaggio was also known by this alliterative nickname
    $500 24
The plan he submitted to the 2nd Continental Congress became basis of this, the 1st U.S. "Constitution"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Barry Krystal Pam
$200 $300 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Barry Krystal Pam
$2,200 $600 $2,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
The Neponset, Mystic & Chelsea are really inlets fed by the bay, so the Charles is the only real one
    $200 1
While cows got hide, pigs got this
    $200 19
Some speculate this, Judas' surname, may be a corruption of Latin "Sicarius" meaning "assassin"
    $200 4
Conveniently, it's the nation's largest food chain & largest corporate donor to "Jerry's Kids"
    $200 9
Seeking the depths of their individuality, many beatniks turned to this meditative Buddhist sect
    $200 25
Kind of animal Goofy is
    $400 13
The oldest house downtown was once home of this famed silversmith
    $400 2
The 2 methods of this are called "asexual" & "sexual"
    $400 21
Archeologists claim Sodom & Gomorrah were located near what is now the shore of this sea
    $400 5
"Leading with style" is new slogan for this giant jeweler who wants to focus on fashion, not investment
    $400 17
This TV beatnik generally made his 1st appearance with the words, "You rang?"
    $600 14
In July 1974 Dave Loggins asked his #1 fan to please do this
    $600 3
Of an apple, a cherry or an orange, one which is classified as a drupe
    $600 22
This creature "was more subtle than any beast of the field the Lord God had made"
    $600 6
What the RJR in RJR Nabisco stands for
    $600 18
If, like, a real hepcat laid some "geets" on you, this is what you got
    $800 15
Boston's subway system is known locally by this single letter
    $800 10
When fully grown, these creatures have small appendages called "spinnerets"
    DD: $1,000 23
1 of the 2 books in the Old Testament whose titles are women's names
    $800 7
Canon has developed a computer microchip called "a charge-coupled device" to take the place of this
    $800 20
Traveling man who wrote, "Where we going, man? I don't know, but we gotta go"
    DD: $1,000 27
Some of the title characters in this 1961 cartoon feature watched 1932's "Flowers & Trees" on TV
    $1000 16
This, the oldest literacy magazine in America, has been published in Boston since 1857
    $1000 11
Term for the food bearing liquid found in plants or trees
    $1000 24
The Book of Acts says St. Stephen, the 1st Christian martyr, was killed this way
    $1000 8
It's said this Swiss company held 80% of the tranquilizer market till their patent on Valium expired in 1985
    $1000 26
In April 1958, this S.F. columnist coined the term "beatnik" in his column, "Baghdad-By-the-Bay"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Barry Krystal Pam
$4,000 -$800 $7,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

In Scrabble, the colors of the 2 squares that double & triple the word value

Final scores:

Barry Krystal Pam
$0 -$800 $10,400
2nd place: trip on Eastern to the Caribbean & stay at the Lucayan Beach Resort & Casino in Grand Bahama 3rd place: Kosta Boda crystal stemware New champion: $10,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Barry Krystal Pam
$5,000 -$800 $7,000
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
5 W
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $11,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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