Suggest correction - #520 - 1986-12-05

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    $300 26
Founder of St. Louis Post-Dispatch who created awards for American journalism & arts

Show #520 - Friday, December 5, 1986


John Pine, a journalist originally from New York City

Lee Pritchard, a writer originally from East Lansing, Michigan

Rick Vernier, a graduate student from Los Angeles, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $15,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
He was actually paraphrasing Harding when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you"
    $100 13
Flamboyant WWII general who believed he'd had several previous lives, all as soldiers
    $100 1
Saying goldfish are not tropical, World Book considers these the most common & best known tropical fish
    $100 17
Youngest person to win a regular Oscar was this 10-year-old for Best Supporting Actress in "Paper Moon"
    $100 8
The statue in Forest Park is of the IX, not the XIV, XV, or XVI
    $200 4
Said to be 1st president to use a telephone, James Garfield was last to be born in one of these
    $200 18
Plato felt that memories from time spent between incarnations inspired this romantic emotion
    $200 2
The talking variety of this bird can imitate human speech better than a parrot can
    $200 11
In 1929 only, a separate award was also given for Best Director of this type of film
    $200 25
East St. Louis is located in this state
    $200 9
Trio that fills the category with not just "One", but also "Celebrate", "Liar", & "Shambala"
    $300 5
Following the "Checkers" speech, he told his vice-presidential running mate, "you're my boy"
    $300 19
Name of the Hindu belief that good or evil deeds determine the next incarnation
    $300 10
The chow chow dog is unique in having this color tongue
    $300 12
While angered at receiving Oscar for "Pygmalion", he reportedly displayed it on his mantel
    $300 26
Founder of St. Louis Post-Dispatch who created awards for American journalism & arts
    $300 15
1967 hit for both The Rascals & Booker T., though the latter didn't sing it
    $400 6
Without bloodshed or reprisals, George Washington squelched this "potent potable" uprising in 1794
    $400 20
Founding Father who wrote that he would "appear once more in a new & more elegant edition"
    $400 22
Most popular breed of long-haired cats, it's become a generic term for all long-hairs
    $400 14
Tho Scarlett's father in 1939's best picture, "GWTW", he won best supporting actor that year for "Stagecoach"
    $400 16
In her music video, she's a cheerleader rooting for "Mickey"
    $500 7
James Monroe's Secretary of State & successor, he actually proposed the Monroe doctrine
    $500 21
In "Dancing in the Light", this star says her mother was once a man who kidnapped her in a past life
    $500 23
All pet golden hamsters descend from a single litter captured in 1930 in this Mideast country
    $500 24
1964's best song, from "Mary Poppins"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Rick Lee John
$600 -$700 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rick Lee John
$700 -$500 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
In 1979, this country conquered Cambodia
    $200 11
"Volkswagen" literally means this
    $200 16
At start of each week's show, clients arrived via this to "Fantasy Island"
    $200 1
At age 90, he said, "Retire? I'm going to stay in show business till I'm the only one left"
    $400 3
War that's the subject of Hemingway's play, "The Fifth Column"
    DD: $800 12
Meaning of the phrase that forms this song's title:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $400 17
Mode of transportation celebrated in Boone, Iowa during annual Pufferbilly Days
    $400 7
While "St. Elsewhere" was "killing him off" with AIDS, People magazine called him "the Sexiest Man Alive"
    $600 4
This battle of the War of 1812 was fought 2 weeks after the war had ended
    $600 13
"Hara kiri" is Japanese for cutting this
    $600 18
In addition to the helicopter, this is also nicknamed a "chopper"
    $600 8
As of March 17, 1986, House speaker Tip O'Neill is also a citizen of this country
    $800 5
More people died in a flu epidemic shortly after this war than in the war itself
    $800 14
Title of 1960 Fellini film, "La Dolce Vita", means this
    $800 19
With Orville's help, he moved the Wright home & bike shop to his Michigan museum
    DD: $800 9
In 1986, "A Taste of Honey" was one of their 1st 2 sanctioned albums to be released back in the U.S.S.R.
    $800 21
In 1937, Andrew Mellon gave $5 million & 111 "old masters" to establish this in Washington
    $1000 6
He was Prime Minister when Great Britain declared war on Germany, Sept. 3, 1939
    $1000 15
Translated, it's who the Pope is addressing when he gives his "urbi et orbi" message
    $1000 20
Pulled by mules, it's how Dickens traveled through Pennsylvania in march 1842
    $1000 10
So far, the U.S., Britain, Nepal, India, Greece & Spain have sent him & his followers packing
    $1000 22
Famous French tapestry made to celebrate the Norman conquest of England
    $1000 23
Ir, this densest of all elements, resists corrosion better than any other known metal

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rick Lee John
$4,700 $3,500 $1,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The return of the infamous WOOD.)
Percussion instrument whose name combines Greek words for "wood" & "sound"

Final scores:

Rick Lee John
$6,500 $7,000 $0
2nd place: Admiral refrigerator + Radio Flyer Town & Country & Original Red wagons New champion: $7,000 3rd place: Kosta Boda crystal stemware

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Rick Lee John
$4,700 $3,500 $2,000
17 R,
6 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
9 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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