Suggest correction - #2507 - 1995-06-27

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    $100 17
His brothers Virgil, Morgan & Warren were lawmen, too

Show #2507 - Tuesday, June 27, 1995

David Siegel game 1.


David Siegel, a paralegal from Los Angeles, California

Matt Baker, a graduate student from Berkeley, California

Paul Bondor, an engineer from Bakersfield, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $38,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
His brothers Virgil, Morgan & Warren were lawmen, too
    $100 13
If you had your Wheaties this morning, you know they came from this company
    $100 1
This capital city is the home of Florida State University
    $100 11
The nation didn't have its first official one of these until 1974; it found a population of 7,013,000
    $100 26
The leaf variety of this garden tool has long, flexible tines that won't damage your lawn
    $100 6
212° F.
    $200 21
The largest nugget of this ever found in North America was discovered in Aspen, Colorado in 1894
    $200 14
As a child she starred in "Pollyanna" & "The Parent Trap"
    $200 2
The athletic teams of this U.S. military academy are nicknamed the Falcons
    $200 12
Before oil, the primary source of foreign exchange was pilgrimages to this holiest Muslim city
    $200 27
This garden pest, Popillia japonica, was first seen in the U.S. around 1916
    $200 7
Lazlo Biro of Hungary invented the first successful one of these writing instruments
    $300 23
This "juvenile" outlaw was buried next to his friend Tom O'Folliard, also shot by Pat Garrett
    $300 15
Architect Robert Mills' design for this D.C. obelisk included a surrounding colonnade
    $300 3
This school in Knoxville was founded as Blount College in 1794
    $300 18
These true nomads probably make up fewer than 1/4 of the nation's people
    $300 28
In choosing these plants, know that N stands for nematode resistant, as in beefmaster VFN
    $300 8
It's a decisive moment, or a TV newsmagazine often anchored by Barbara Walters or Diane Sawyer
    $400 24
It was a cowboy's most valuable possession; it often cost more than his horse
    $400 16
The sons of this "Glow Worm" group once formed a singing group of their own
    $400 4
The athletic teams at the University of Georgia sport this "canine" nickname
    $400 19
The Al-Dirah Mosque is a landmark in this capital city
    $400 29
The best-known & most useful beardless type of this flower is the Siberian
    $400 9
It's any of several spots on the body where the pulse can be felt or where blood flow can be stopped
    $500 25
This lawman known for his stylish attire became deputy sheriff of Dodge City in 1876
    $500 22
During the 1980s she was Abby on "Knots Landing"
    DD: $500 5
This state's universities include those in St. Cloud, Moorhead & Bemidji
    $500 20
The major oil-producing entity is the Arabian American Oil Company, called this for short
    $500 30
Strawberries spread by these long, trailing stems that root where they contact the soil
    $500 10
Located in Alaska, it's the northernmost point of the U.S.

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paul Matt David
$400 $1,900 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Matt David
$800 $2,800 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
A 1931 plane crash claimed the life of this school's coach Knute Rockne
    $200 22
Gastrin, a hormone that stimulates the flow of gastric juice, is produced by cells in this organ
    $200 17
Pocomoke Sound, a part of Chesapeake Bay, is shared by Maryland & this state
    $200 4
Finn Hoffding based his opera "The Emperor's New Clothes" on a fairy tale by this fellow Dane
    $200 29
Astronomer Annie Jump Cannon classified over 200,000 of these heavenly bodies by the spectra of their light
    $200 1
During the Hundred Years' War, this "Canterbury Tales" author fought in France & was captured
    $400 13
Miles Laboratories introduced this fizzy tablet
    $400 23
This chief male sex hormone is also produced by women in the ovaries in small amounts
    $400 18
Amistad Reservoir in this river forms part of the border between Texas & Mexico
    $400 30
French playwright Prosper Merimee wrote the novel on which this Bizet opera is based
    $400 27
In 1921 this famous feminist was born Betty Naomi Goldstein in Peoria, Illinois
    $400 2
Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, died only a few days after her birth
    $600 14
This future U.N. Secretary- General was made headmaster of Pantanaw National High School in Burma
    $600 24
The 2 main processes by which a cell divides are meiosis & this
    $600 19
The peninsula featuring Rockaway Beach forms the southern border of Jamaica Bay in this city
    $600 3
Set on a Midwest farm, "The Tender Land" is a 1954 opera by this composer of the ballet "Rodeo"
    $600 9
In 1979 her son Donald succeeded her as publisher of the Washington Post
    $600 5
In 1958 this author reconsidered some of his prophecies in "Brave New World Revisited"
    $800 15
Among the works of art she painted in 1931 were "White Calico Flower" & "Cow's Skull"
    $800 25
It's the darkish pigment that gives skin, hair & the iris of the eye their coloring
    DD: $2,000 20
No part of this state lies more than 85 miles from the Great Lakes
    DD: $2,000 8
At the end of "Gotter- Dammerung", flames destroy Valhalla & this river overflows its banks
    $800 10
The American Museum of Natural History's Festival of Anthropological Films is named for her
    $800 6
He modeled Sophia Western in "Tom Jones" after his wife Charlotte Cradock
    $1000 16
Association of independent states established by Great Britain's 1931 Statute of Westminster
    $1000 26
The smallest blood cells are these disk-shaped structures that trigger clotting
    $1000 21
This range in Minnesota is one of the greatest iron ore mining regions in the world
    $1000 28
Famous divas born in this country include Dame Joan Hammond & Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
    $1000 11
This first lady's father, Andrew Goodhue, was a steamboat Inspector on Lake Champlain
    $1000 7
C.S. Lewis' initials stood for Clive Staples & this author's stood for Cecil Scott

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Matt David
$4,400 $8,400 $11,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 41 B.C. Mark Antony named him tetrarch of Galilee

Final scores:

Paul Matt David
$6,400 $7,800 $19,400
3rd place: Retroneu silverware set + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: Lloyd/Flanders wicker furniture + New Braunfels smoker grill + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $19,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paul Matt David
$4,400 $7,200 $10,200
14 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $21,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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