Suggest correction - #2486 - 1995-05-29

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    $300 18
Other than Antarctica, this Danish possession is the world's most sparsely populated territory

Show #2486 - Monday, May 29, 1995


Enid Levine, a management analyst from Springfield, Virginia

Mike Creed, an antique and collectibles dealer from Brooklyn, New York

Jeff Hall, a student teacher from Lemoore, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,100)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
At age 7 he was a captain's servant; at age 33, he commanded the Bounty
    $100 20
When she was Miss S.D., this "Entertainment Tonight" co-host was known as Mary Johanna Harum
    $100 1
This noble gas, symbol Xe, was discovered by William Ramsay & Morris Travers in 1898
    $100 11
The fastest marsupial recorded was a female eastern grey one of these, clocked at 40 mph
    $100 24
This Lexington Avenue landmark is affectionately known as Bloomie's
    $100 13
Ferocious fish
    $200 7
This U.S. president was nicknamed the "Sword of the Revolution"
    $200 21
This "Alfie" star's wife Shakira is a former Miss Guyana
    $200 2
For a person who's fainted, preparations of this nitrogen compound are used as smelling salts
    $200 12
The earliest map, dating to c. 2250 B.C., depicts this river flowing through northern Mesopotamia
    $200 25
The Gotham Miniature Golf Course in this famous park features scale models of NYC landmarks
    $200 14
Silent performance
    $300 8
As a young man Shah Jahan rebelled against his father Jahangir, the 4th Mogul emperor of this country
    $300 22
Donny & Marie's niece Amy Osmond, America's Junior Miss 1994, represented this state in the pageant
    $300 3
To prevent nitrogen narcosis, divers sometimes breathe a mixture of oxygen & this second-lightest gas
    $300 18
Other than Antarctica, this Danish possession is the world's most sparsely populated territory
    $300 27
Bill Clinton's daughter may know that much of this district was once owned by poet Clement Clarke Moore
    $300 15
Police hangout
    $400 9
Lord Roberts, also known as "Bobs", made his famous march to Pretoria during this war
    $400 26
This actress who played Phyllis on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" was a runner-up for Miss America in 1946
    $400 4
Because of its very hot flame, this gas, C2H2, is used in metal cutting & welding
    $400 19
The largest brass instrument, a tuba, was built for a tour by this American band leader & composer
    $400 28
He agreed to finance construction of a concert hall while on his honeymoon cruise in 1887
    $400 16
Luggage carrier
    DD: $500 10
In October 1483 he was appointed Grand Inquisitor for Aragon, Catalonia & Valencia
    $500 30
This blonde co-host of "CBS This Morning" was a finalist in the 1973 Miss American Teenager Pageant
    $500 5
Because it's found around stagnant water & swamps, this gas is sometimes called "marsh gas"
    $500 23
This language has the largest vocabulary: about 616,500 words plus some 400,000 technical terms
    $500 29
The name of this chic restaurant in the Seagram Building reminds us of Vivaldi
    $500 17
Rice region

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jeff Mike Enid
$1,400 $1,600 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Mike Enid
$3,100 $4,100 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
An undersea ridge that runs from Tunisia to Sicily divides this sea into 2 basins
    $200 11
While St. Damasus I was pope, Latin replaced this as the main liturgical language
    $200 2
The great Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen is buried in the art museum named for him in this capital city
    $200 8
A repeated behavior like fingernail biting or hair pulling; it may be hard to break
    $200 17
This assassin was at large for 12 days after shooting Abraham Lincoln
    $200 18
She wrote what she called "rubbishy novels" before the success of "Little Women"
    $400 4
The Rhine & the Thames flow into this sea
    $400 12
Since 2 apostles had this name, one is "the Greater" & one is "the Less"
    $400 3
Dartmouth College's Baker Library boasts some fine murals by Jose Clemente Orozco, an artist from this country
    $400 22
The name of this first insane asylum in England is a corruption of Bethlehem
    $400 19
This conqueror of Peru was assassinated by supporters of rival explorer Diego de Almagro
    $400 20
Geo. Washington Cable's 1880 novel "The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life" is set in this city
    $600 5
Jiddah is a major port on this sea
    $600 14
He's the patron saint of artists, brewers & butchers as well as doctors
    $600 9
This Mt. Rushmore sculptor's brother Solon Hannibal Borglum was known for cowboy sculptures
    $600 28
She's had several TV shows & her books include "Widowhood" & "The Successful Woman"
    $600 25
After the assassination of Sancho II in 1072, this Spanish nat'l hero entered the service of Alfonso VI
    $600 21
This Theodore Dreiser heroine is 18 when she leaves her Wisconsin home & moves to Chicago
    DD: $1,500 6
The island of Taiwan divides this sea into East & South parts
    $800 15
St. Zachary helped make this "Short" ruler the titular king of the Franks
    $800 10
In 1937 she painted a "Mule's Skull with Pink Poinsettias"
    $800 29
From Latin for "lust", Freud thought it was the sex instinct; Jung didn't agree
    DD: $1,500 26
This Austrian emperor's wife Elizabeth & nephew Francis Ferdinand were both assassinated
    $800 23
Sherwood Anderson's 1st title for this 1919 collection of stories was "The Book of the Grotesque"
    $1000 7
Gulfs of this sea include those of Bothnia, Finland & Riga
    $1000 16
The patron saint of France, legend says he was beheaded on Montmartre, martyrs' hill
    $1000 13
Sculptures by Constantin Brancusi & Auguste Rodin share this "osculatory" name
    $1000 30
This family of American doctors & psychiatrists established a clinic & a foundation in Topeka, Kansas
    $1000 27
Patrice Lumumba, first prime minister of this country, Now Zaire, was assassinated in 1961
    $1000 24
King David's lament for his third son inspired the title of this author's "Absalom, Absalom!"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Mike Enid
$8,600 $11,800 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This race first run in 1903 covers 2,500-3,000 miles & includes at least 1 mountain over 7,500

Final scores:

Jeff Mike Enid
$5,399 $19,300 $3,198
2nd place: Glisten in the Moonlight painting by Nan Rae + Nourison rug + Jeopardy! Sport Edition for home computer or Super Nintendo Entertainment System New champion: $19,300 3rd place: Insight 386SX PC + Jeopardy! Sport Edition for home computer or Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jeff Mike Enid
$7,900 $11,100 $4,800
25 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
10 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $23,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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