Suggest correction - #2452 - 1995-04-11

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    $200 4
The famous song about "The Sweetheart of" this fraternity was written by 2 Alpha Pis

Show #2452 - Tuesday, April 11, 1995


Mike MacDonald, a reporter from Malibu, California

Bruce Morgan, a banker originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Carole Denton, an administrative assistant from New Carrollton, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,299)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 5
To the people of this state, a tourist is a malihini, which means "newcomer"
    $100 3
In a Roger Miller song, this title line follows "I'm a man of means by no means"
    $100 17
On May 23, 1994 she was buried beside an eternal flame in Arlington National Cemetery
    $100 1
Stress is a leading cause of bruxism, the habit of grinding these
    $100 6
Item of jewelry worn by Mr. Clean
    $100 7
If you're a quadrigamist, you've been married this many times
    $200 14
Minnesota is famous for having "10,000" of these but it actually has about 15,000
    $200 4
The famous song about "The Sweetheart of" this fraternity was written by 2 Alpha Pis
    $200 18
Wildlife biologist Cynthia Moss tells elephants apart by these body parts
    $200 2
First aid books say you should not induce this if a person has swallowed a petroleum product
    $200 8
This candy company's box & logo suggest a needlepoint "sampler"
    $200 10
It's what you'd buy or store in a vintry
    $300 15
Runners flock to the "Follow the Swallow" 10-K run in this California city
    $300 16
Pat Boone wrote the English lyrics for this song whose title is Italian for "when, when, when"
    $300 30
In December 1994 President Clinton asked this Surgeon General to resign
    $300 21
Sydenham's chorea, which affects children, is also known as this "dance"
    $300 9
This company's "Tire Man", Bib, goes back to 1898
    $300 11
Before buying a quiver, you might consult a fletcher, a person who makes these
    $400 24
The Concord Monitor & Foster's Daily Democrat are 2 of this state's leading newspapers
    $400 26
In "My Fair Lady", Freddy sings, "Let the time go by, I won't care if I can be here on" this
    $400 19
For the August 1992 Vanity Fair cover, she covered her body with a painted-on suit
    $400 22
If your septum curves into one of your nostril chambers, it's said to be this
    $400 12
This jean company's trademark is a brand featuring its name
    $400 28
From Afrikaans, schlenter, meaning fake, is used especially to refer to an imitation one of these gems
    DD: $500 25
The Willa Cather Memorial Prairie in this state preserves native grasslands as Willa Cather knew them
    $500 27
The 1926 song "There's a New Star in Heaven Tonight" was inspired by the death of this silent film idol
    $500 20
Since 1982 her book "Entertaining" has gone through over 20 printings
    $500 23
This disorder is characterized by uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep several times a day
    $500 13
The "A" in RCA used to form one of these; the "Z" in Zenith still does
    $500 29
Something nummular is shaped like this; makes cents

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carole Bruce Mike
$300 $1,400 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carole Bruce Mike
$1,600 $1,900 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
New York Times Co. v. United States was the case dealing with these Vietnam War documents
    $200 17
This black & white forest dweller of China eats about 80 pounds of bamboo shoots daily
    $200 11
On Nov. 22, 1963 he also murdered Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit
    $200 12
Around 1318 Oderico da Pordenone retraced this man's route to China, to verify his stories
    $200 6
The Barents, Beaufort & East Siberian seas are different sections of this ocean
    $200 1
His "Dolores Claiborne" was the bestselling hardcover novel of 1992
    $400 24
William H. Moody, who prosecuted her for ax murdering her parents, served on the Supreme Court 1906-1910
    $400 18
Outweighing 20 elephants, it's the largest & heaviest animal that ever lived
    $400 22
In 1890, at Auburn Prison, William Kemmler became the first American executed in this device
    $400 13
In 1345 this cathedral on the Ile de la Cite in the Seine was finished after 182 years of construction
    $400 7
Named for its reef formations, this sea merges with the Solomon Sea to the north & the Tasman Sea to the south
    $400 2
This "Jurassic Park" author originally published "A Case of Need" under the name Jeffery Hudson
    DD: $2,000 28
In 1917 the beginning of the court's term was changed from the 2nd to the 1st Monday in this month
    $600 19
The sewellel or mountain beaver is the most primitive member of this order of mammals
    $600 25
Bob Ford, who killed this outlaw, was himself killed by Edward O. Kelly 10 years later
    $600 14
This world capital had its beginnings with a city founded on an island in Lake Texcoco
    $600 8
The Strait of Dover connects the English Channel with this sea
    $600 3
Barbara Taylor Bradford wrote several books on interior design before turning to fiction with "A Woman of" this
    $800 29
Benjamin Cardozo was related to this poet who wrote, "Give me your tired..." etc.
    $800 20
The siamang, found in Malaysia & Sumatra, is the largest of these small apes
    $800 26
The early leaders of this notorious organization in the U.S. were called "Mustache Petes"
    $800 15
This merchant, the cat's meow, was made Lord Mayor of London in 1397
    $800 9
This trench near Guam contains the deepest point in the Pacific
    $800 4
This bestseller by Thomas Tryon tells of twin brothers Niles & Holland Perry, one of whom is dead
    $1000 30
This author of Roe v. Wade was appointed after the failed nominations of Carswell & Haynsworth
    $1000 21
In Peru this smallest member of the camel family is protected by law
    $1000 27
According to Alvin Karpis, she was no criminal mastermind; she was just taking care of her boys
    $1000 16
This league that included the towns of Hamburg & Bremen reached its height of power around 1370
    DD: $1,400 10
The Gulf of Finland, which freezes over for several months during winter, is an arm of this sea
    $1000 5
"Brain" & "Coma" are 2 of this author's early medical thrillers

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carole Bruce Mike
$10,800 $1,500 $5,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's the capital of South Africa located in the geographic center of the country

Final scores:

Carole Bruce Mike
$10,001 $0 $3,500
2-day champion: $16,300 3rd place: Croton watch 2nd place: trip to Honolulu, Hawaii

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carole Bruce Mike
$10,400 $4,000 $5,000
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
15 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
18 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $19,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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