Suggest correction - #2448 - 1995-04-05

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    $400 19
The script for "My Little Chickadee" was written by this pair who also starred in it

Show #2448 - Wednesday, April 5, 1995


Jamie Scharff, a teacher from Bethesda, Maryland

Anna Parks, a catalog writer from Bensonville, Illinois

Doug Grimes, an attorney from Waukegan, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The trading town of Timbuktu lies near the southern edge of this desert
    $100 16
Dustin Hoffman's breakthrough role was as Benjamin Braddock in this film
    $100 6
The ancient physician Galen proved that arteries contain this instead of air
    $100 8
In 1941 she served briefly as co-director of the Office of Civilian Defense
    $100 21
Due to an adjustment, 1994 contained an extra one of these units of time; it was added on June 30
    $100 22
It's the lookout station at the top of a mast
    $200 2
At 3,210 feet, Scafell Pike in the Lake District is this U.K. country's highest point
    $200 17
"They're young... they're in love... and they kill people" was an ad for this 1967 gangster film
    $200 7
Around the turn of the century, William Halsted pioneered the wearing of these on the hands during surgery
    $200 9
She lived at an estate called the White House with her first husband, Daniel Parke Custis
    $200 23
From Latin for "the sixth hour", it's a Spanish term for an afternoon nap
    $200 27
It's the enclosed seating area for reporters in a sports stadium
    $300 3
World Book says that Iraq's most fertile soil is found near & between these 2 rivers
    $300 18
In this 1992 comedy, Joe Pesci defends a "yout'ful" relative accused of murder
    $300 12
In the 1800s Rene Laennec used a paper cylinder to listen to a patient's chest, inventing this instrument
    DD: $800 10
She was a star shot-putter at her finishing school in Kansas City
    $300 24
In the U.S. Daylight Saving time begins & ends during these 2 seasons
    $300 28
In 1858 the first aerial photograph was taken from one of these, not from a plane
    $400 4
Delos is one of the smallest of this country's Cyclades Islands
    $400 19
The script for "My Little Chickadee" was written by this pair who also starred in it
    $400 13
Mass inoculations with his polio vaccine began in April 1954 & in April 1955 were deemed successful
    $400 11
She represented the U.S. at the wedding of Prince Charles & Lady Diana
    $400 25
This Asian country covers 5 time zones, but only uses one, so it's the same time everywhere
    $400 29
In the U.S. Capitol you can watch Congress in action from these viewing areas
    $500 5
About the size of France, Kalimantan is the Indonesian portion of this island
    $500 20
This 1993 Holly Hunter film earned Jane Campion the 2nd Oscar nomination ever for a woman as "Best Director"
    $500 15
When introduced in the 1940s to treat rheumatoid arthritis, this steroid cost about $300 a gram
    $500 14
Julia Gardiner was just 24 when she secretly married this 54-year-old president in 1844
    $500 26
It's the science of measuring time by regular divisions, or a list of events in the order they occurred
    $500 30
On June 3, 1948 the 200-inch hale telescope was dedicated atop this mountain

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Doug Anna Jamie
$1,900 $1,300 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Anna Jamie
$4,500 $2,000 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Shortly after it was issued, this "Great Charter" of England was annulled by the Pope
    $200 2
This was the language of scholarship until the 18th c. & of the Roman Catholic liturgy until the 20th c.
    $200 14
Known as T-Bills for short, they're issued in minimum denominations of $10,000
    $200 23
Dancers perform the hora in this formation or in a chain
    $200 7
The bite of a fer-de-lance, a type of this animal, can be fatal to humans
    $200 18
Born in London in 1660, this "Robinson Crusoe" author was the son of a tallow chandler
    $400 3
In 1844 inhabitants of Eastern Hispaniola rebelled against the Haitians & proclaimed this new nation
    $400 9
Much literature was written in the Middle High form of this language, including the Nibelungenlied
    $400 15
Estimates say that for 1994 nearly 25% of new vehicles will have been obtained in this way, not purchased
    $400 24
Tap dancing is traced back to this folk dance that uses heavy wooden-soled shoes
    $400 8
A wombat spends about the first 6 months of its life in here
    $400 19
This "Lolita" author set his novel "Ada Or Ardor: A Family Chronicle" in Amerussia on the planet Antiterra
    $600 4
Around 500 B.C. work began on this waterway to link China's major river systems
    $600 10
Of 20 native languages that once flourished in this U.S. state, only 2 forms of Yupik survive
    $600 16
Technically, we're in one of these downturns when real GNP declines in 2 consecutive quarters
    DD: $500 27
Liszt wrote 2 pieces for the csardas, a dance of this country: one "obstinate" & one "macabre"
    $600 11
While flying, they use their bioluminescence to attract mates
    $600 20
The Uruguayan naturalist playwright Florencio Sanchez was born in this capital city in 1875
    $800 5
Jose Marti, a leader in this country's fight for independence, died in the Battle of Dos Rios in 1895
    DD: $300 13
Pali is in use in Thailand & Sri Lanka as a language of this religion's canonical writings
    $800 17
In 1994 the United States announced a redesign of its paper money, beginning with this denomination
    $800 28
The habanera influenced this Argentine dance
    $800 12
This extinct bird's name came from a Portuguese word for "stupid"
    $800 21
Miles Franklin, who was born in this country in 1879, was just 16 when she wrote the novel "My Brilliant Career"
    $1000 6
In a 1953 speech to the U.N., Eisenhower suggested a program of these "for peace"
    $1000 25
Yugoslavia once had 3 official languages— Macedonian, Slovenian & this hyphenated one
    $1000 26
This incorporated society of insurers was established by an Act of Parliament in 1871
    $1000 29
The paso doble is a march step associated with this sport
    $1000 30
These African members of the family Suidae have 2 pairs of tusks
    $1000 22
West Indian author of "A Bend In The River" whose initials stand for Vidiadhar Surajprasad

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Anna Jamie
$9,900 $8,000 $1,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 countries, once each other's enemies, are the 2 biggest recipients of U.S. foreign aid

Final scores:

Doug Anna Jamie
$16,001 $3,900 $2,900
2-day champion: $25,701 2nd place: Psion Series 3A pocket computer + Franklin Digital Book System 3rd place: Gruen his & hers watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Doug Anna Jamie
$10,500 $8,000 $2,700
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
19 R,
2 W
11 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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