Suggest correction - #2272 - 1994-06-21

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    $300 15
The name of this nut comes from the Tupi Indian word acaju

Show #2272 - Tuesday, June 21, 1994


Jonathan Kaufman, a law student from Flushing, New York

Jan Littler, a daycare provider from Arcadia, California

Robert Jeantet, a college teacher from Tallmadge, Ohio (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
After several days without food or water, this animal's hump will soften & lean to one side
    $100 2
Bob Eubanks hosted the 1975 quiz show "The Diamond Head Game", which was taped on this island
    $100 11
This tuber is native to America; the yam, with which it's confused, probably began in Africa
    $100 13
In 1992 this rock music publication founded by Jann Wenner celebrated its 25th anniversary
    $100 21
Construction of this 102-story NYC structure began March 17, 1930
    $100 26
A church or synagogue
    $200 7
The pouch of this water bird holds more than its stomach, about 3 gallons
    $200 3
Jack Nicholson appeared in the "Opie Finds A Baby" episode of this series
    $200 12
This chewy candy is pulled after cooking to achieve a light texture
    $200 14
GQ stands for this magazine
    $200 22
The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in this Turkish city connects Europe & Asia
    $200 27
It's a poker hand consisting of three of a kind & a pair
    $300 8
Herpetology is the study of reptiles & these
    $300 4
This Mountie's love for Nell Fenwick was unrequited because she was in love with his horse
    $300 15
The name of this nut comes from the Tupi Indian word acaju
    $300 18
This evangelist who's advised many presidents helped found the magazine "Christianity Today"
    $300 23
This dam on the Arizona-Nevada border was dedicated by FDR, but is now named for his predecessor
    $300 28
These 2 bodies & the Queen make up the British Parliament
    $400 9
This chambered relative of the squid & octopus is the only cephalopod with a true external shell
    $400 5
This series that made Sally Field a star also featured Barbara Hershey & Bonnie Franklin as 2 of her friends
    $400 16
Agar is the vegetable equivalent of this substance obtained from animal bones
    $400 19
Oliver Wendell Holmes sugggested the name of this "Monthly" that began publication in 1857
    $400 24
Once Seattle's tallest building at 605 feet, it's now exceeded by at least 4 taller structures
    $400 29
Jane Addams carried on much of her work in this dwelling, now a museum run by the Univ. of Ill. at Chicago
    $500 10
While the musk type of this animal has no antlers, it does have 2 tiny tusks
    $500 6
Barbara Stanwyck played Charlton Heston's sister on "The Colbys", a spinoff of this series
    DD: $800 17
This term refers to 2 different organs: the thymus glands & the pancreas
    $500 20
It bills itself as "Canada's weekly newsmagazine"
    $500 25
In 1934 this king opened the Mersey Tunnel connecting Liverpool with Birkenhead, England
    $500 30
When it opened, this Ibsen play was seen as an immoral attack on the sanctity of marriage

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Robert Jan Jonathan
$800 $1,300 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robert Jan Jonathan
$3,700 $1,100 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
In 1993, 4 years after his death, his body was returned to the Philippines for burial
    $200 26
4,000-year-old Eskimo archaeological sites can be found at Cape Krusenstern Nat'l Monument in this state
    $200 2
After he temporarily adopted the name La Foret, he signed some of his bird drawings J.L.F.A.
    $200 12
In Genesis 3:7 they sewed fig leaves together & made aprons for themselves
    $200 1
Howe's troops entered this Penn. city Sept. 26, 1777, but the Continental Congress had already fled
    $200 18
Between adventures, he lives with the widow Douglas
    $400 8
In a 1991 TV interview, Boris Yeltsin admitted that "to a large extent" he didn't like this man
    $400 27
In 1956 this black educator's birthplace near Roanoke, Va. was made a national monument
    $400 3
His daughter Paloma was named for the dove on a poster he created for a 1949 peace conference
    $400 13
At 969 years, he lived the longest of any person in the Bible
    $400 14
At the surrender at Yorktown, this general pleaded illness & had an aide deliver a sword to Washington
    $400 19
The "Final Cases" of this Agatha Christie heroine was published in 1979
    $600 9
In 1989 Hashemi Rafsanjani succeeded Ali Khamenei as president of this country
    $600 28
This city's Castle Clinton National Monument served as an immigration depot 1855-1890
    $600 4
In 1888 this Western artist illustrated a series of magazine articles written by Teddy Roosevelt
    DD: $1,100 23
When Herod was told of Jesus' ministry, he believed that this man had come back from the dead
    $600 15
The letters this second First Lady wrote during the war are famous
    $600 20
On the day Esmeralda dies, this hunchbacked Bell Ringer disappears, never to be seen alive again
    $800 10
He & many of his former cabinet members were executed at Lake Como in 1945
    $800 29
Birds & chipmunks live at the summit of this 865-foot-high national monument in Wyoming
    $800 5
Many of his portraits of the 1630s depict his wife, Saskia
    $800 24
This first king of Israel was a Benjamite from the mountain village of Gibeah
    $800 16
Nathaniel Fanning, John Paul Jones' clerk on this ship, wrote of its battle with the Serapis
    $800 21
Guy Mannering, one of this author's title characters, is a British officer who dabbles in astrology
    $1000 11
In October 1993 she was elected prime minister of Pakistan for the second time in 5 years
    $1000 30
This natural bridge in Utah stands 290 feet high & spans 275 feet
    $1000 6
Art deco designer Romain de Tirtoff, who died in 1990, was better known by this one-word name
    $1000 25
Jesus nicknamed these 2 brothers & apostles "Boanerges", meaning "sons of thunder"
    $1000 17
Ben Franklin helped this Prussian pad his resume to get a position with the Continental Army
    DD: $2,000 22
This foundling who's raised by Mr. Allworthy later discovers that Allworthy is his uncle

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robert Jan Jonathan
$8,900 $6,000 $9,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This isolated Pacific island 1400 miles SE of Tahiti is named for the first European who sighted it, in 1767

Final scores:

Robert Jan Jonathan
$0 $10,000 $1,799
3rd place: Daniel Mink his & hers watches New champion: $10,000 2nd place: trip to Boston, Massachusetts

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Robert Jan Jonathan
$8,600 $4,500 $9,800
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
24 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $22,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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