Suggest correction - #443 - 1986-05-21

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    $400 6
Voice of Shaggy on "Scooby-Doo", & the voice of "American Top 40"

Show #443 - Wednesday, May 21, 1986


Jane Erskine, a ticket seller from Venice, California

Susanne Harmony, a lease broker from Diamond Bar, California

Paul Hill, a creative director from San Francisco, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of the responses, all of the material in that last category of WHO CARES?, were initially rejected by my associate producer or by me when they were first presented to us by our researchers. We have decided we are going to use all six of them today.)
    $100 22
While tolling the death of Chief Justice John Marshall in 1835, it cracked
    $100 8
Orange spots on the back of mint leaves indicate this condition
    $100 15
It's said following an announcer's "a swing & a miss" & preceding an umpire's "you're out"
    $100 1
While recording this voice, Alan Reed suggested the "Yabba Dabba Doo"
    $100 3
This preceded the shoelace as the chief accessory of the shoe
    $100 5
90% of all refrigerators in U.S. households are 1 of these 2 colors
    $200 23
Popular reading materials of 19th century were 2-cent newspapers & trashy "novels" at this price
    $200 27
Edible part of the rhubarb plant
    $200 16
"Let the drums roll out! Let the trumpet call! While the people shout!" this
    $200 2
In the animated "Star Trek", he did the voice for Captain Kirk
    $200 7
From French name Jacques, they can come in "Norfolk", "smoking", or "pea" varieties
    $200 10
This Minnesota city has almost twice the grain storage capacity of any other center in U.S.
    $300 24
It was the 1st state admitted to the Union after the land purchase from France in 1803
    DD: $500 28
Plant member of the legume family featured in this song:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $300 17
Take down the tent, pack up the sleeping bag & head home
    $300 4
Of the Beatles, the Jacksons, & the Osmonds, group that didn't supply their own TV cartoon speaking voices
    $300 11
The Peter Pan variety, with rounded corners, are worn by women & children
    $300 14
Formal dinner invitations should be sent no more than this many weeks in advance, says Amy Vanderbilt
    $400 25
There have been only minor changes in these pants since they were 1st marketed in 1873
    $400 18
The "L.S." in "L.S.M.F.T."
    $400 6
Voice of Shaggy on "Scooby-Doo", & the voice of "American Top 40"
    $400 12
German for "leather trousers", these knee-length pants are a Bavarian specialty
    $400 20
In his system, "A Turtle Is Born" is classified 598.13
    $500 26
They're said to be the last words of the Chesapeake's commander James Lawrence, June 1, 1813
    $500 19
Maxim 262 of 1st century B.C. scholar Publius, it concerns the optimal moment for action
    $500 9
Animal "portrayed" by Sammy Davis Jr. in "Heidi's Song" & Paul Lynde in "Charlotte's Web"
    $500 13
Ex-husband of Gene Tierney, he put designs on Jackie Kennedy
    $500 21
Nationality of composer Edward MacDowell

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Paul Susanne Jane
$300 $1,800 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Susanne Jane
$1,600 $3,000 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Huxley book in which audiences went to the "feelies" & babies were produced in bottles
    $200 13
Though initially opposed to the war, this "Lone Eagle" flew 50 combat missions in the Pacific as a civilian
    $200 26
1 of 2 crimes which account for about 3% of the average retail price tag
    $200 8
Vacation spot that runs along the coast from Hyeres, France to La Spezia, Italy
    $200 3
Slang for an American in England, or a sharp jerk
    $200 1
The skirts for this dance were originally made of whole green tea leaves, not grass
    $400 22
These title trees are felled at end of Chekhov play to make room for suburban homes
    $400 14
Last time FDR met Churchill & Stalin was at this Soviet resort in the Crimea
    $400 9
Besides Venezuela, it's the only South American country to border on the Caribbean
    $400 4
Mail a letter or send a package to Emily
    $400 2
Twyla Tharp's 1973 ballet titled "Deuce Coupe" featured this group's music
    $600 23
Since this author died before completing it, "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" remains a mystery
    $600 15
"Uncommon valor was a common virtue", said Adm. Nimitz describing the capture of this island
    DD: $1,400 10
Since these were named 2000 years ago, the solstices have shifted to occur in Gemini & Sagittarius
    $600 5
The upper berth or twaddle
    $600 16
Pass the right shoulder of your square dance partner & circle back to back
    $800 24
"The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone" was 1 of only 2 novels he had published
    $800 19
In 1942, this Southeast Asian monarchy joined the axis
    $800 11
At almost 17,000', Vinson Massif is the highest mountain on this continent
    $800 6
Relative position of order, or a strong odor
    $800 17
Argentinian in origin, it's characterized by a variety of long steps & frequent posturing
    $1000 25
Elizabethan playwright who wrote of "every man in--" & "--out of his humour"
    DD: $1,000 20
2 WWII figures played in title roles by George C. Scott
    $1000 12
All of Baja California & much of northern Mexico form part of this, N. America's largest desert
    $1000 7
Word from Latin meaning "let it stand", it cancels an edit
    $1000 18
This redhead coached Marilyn Monroe to walk less sexily, then danced to fame herself in "Damn Yankees"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Susanne Jane
$5,200 $3,200 $4,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

Besides 0, the only number that yields the same result when added to itself or multiplied by itself

Final scores:

Paul Susanne Jane
$1,700 $2,200 $2,800
3rd place: Chinon 35FA camera 2nd place: Hardwick gas range + Le Creuset cast iron cookware New champion: $2,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paul Susanne Jane
$6,600 $3,200 $4,800
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
2 W
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $14,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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