Suggest correction - #441 - 1986-05-19

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    $200 6
Trendy adjective applied to people who have homes in both NYC & L.A.

Show #441 - Monday, May 19, 1986

"Signature game" with all clues prepared by Jeopardy! researcher Carol Campbell.


Paul Hill, a creative director from San Francisco, California

Linda Jarvis, a music student and a geologist from Aurora, Colorado

Mark Pierce, an attorney from Tamarac, Florida (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,799)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Those letters will begin all the correct responses in that category.)
    $100 3
Best known "brand" on this elite drive is Gucci's interlocking double G
    $100 12
Unlike other bears, only the pregnant females among this white type den up for the winter
    $100 7
Going outdoors frequently should minimize effects of this time zone disorientation
    $100 1
Leni Riefenstahl's "Olympische Spiele" or "Olympia" chronicled the games held in this city
    $100 10
Miss Manners' 1-word answer to question of whether Americans should curtsy to royalty
    $100 2
French major at Princeton who's probably still wearing her Calvins
    $200 4
NBC Studios, Warner Bros. & Walt Disney Prod. are not in Hollywood but in this L.A. suburban city
    $200 13
As a rule, this type of animal travels & hunts alone, but lions take "pride" in being the exception
    $200 15
From 1939 to 1985, the FAA required all transatlantic flights to have at least this many engines
    $200 5
Samoan-American from Mission Viejo, Cal. who, in 1984, took all the gold for men's diving
    $200 11
Miss Manners' basic dictum on which fork to use
    $200 17
At rehearsal for her debut at La Scala, the orchestra gave her a standing ovation
    $300 14
In olden times, any of these mammals that beached on England's coast were designated "the king's fish"
    $300 22
Youngest age at which a child may travel alone on a commercial airline
    $300 6
Their address is: 181, Ulchiro 2-GA, Chung-Gu Seoul, Korea
    $300 16
Before becoming Miss Manners, Judith Martin was banned from this White House wedding
    $300 18
Anglo-Irish author whose claim to fame is a thirsty Rumanian count
    $400 21
Change of color in weasels' coats in winter is directly related to this climatic factor
    $400 23
After its 1st flight in Feb. 1969, the pilot called this jet "a pilot's dream"
    DD: $300 8
Point in the Olympic ceremonies at which this Philip Glass music was used

[Instrumental music plays]
    $400 24
Miss Manners' salutation in all responses to letters in her column
    $400 19
Leningrad-born chess player who was World Champion from 1969-72 until Bobby Fischer defeated him
    $500 9
Though horse racing is "the sport of kings", in '60 King Constantine II of Greece won gold in this sport
    $500 25
Her 1985 70-page book subtitled "In Which Miss Manners Solves the Problem that Baffled Mr. Jefferson"
    $500 20
Red headed reporter whose stories appear on the funny pages

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 9):

Mark Linda Paul
$200 $400 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Linda Paul
$1,300 $600 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In the first round, we had L.A.; now we've got...)
(Alex: That category, by the way, contestants, is that all of the responses, the correct responses, have to be spelled. You can say what is and then spell it for me.)
    $200 6
Trendy adjective applied to people who have homes in both NYC & L.A.
    $200 12
Golden-arched restaurant chain recently added to Dow Jones Industrial Average Elite 30
    $200 1
He hosted the 1st coast-to-coast Oscar telecast on March 19, 1953
    $200 14
186,000 miles per second
    $200 11
Not the city where Congress meets, but the building
    $400 7
Before she ran for VP, Geraldine Ferraro was a Congresswoman from this NYC borough
    $400 17
In 1984, 19% of the beds sold in the U.S. were of this type, once considered a "hippie" fad
    $400 2
He gave the 1st televised tour of the White House May 11, 1952
    $400 15
Not only a car rental agency, but also a unit of frequency equal to 1 cycle per second
    $400 13
Sweden, Norway & Denmark form this area of northern Europe
    $600 8
Daily & Sunday, it has the largest circulation of any NYC newspaper
    $600 18
Their corporate headquarters are at Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, Missouri
    DD: $500 3
In the '50s, the FCC accepted this corporation's dot-sequential method of color TV transmission
    $600 25
The world's 1st nuclear reactor was built at this Illinois university in the 1940s
    $600 16
A political murder such as that of Lincoln
    $800 9
The Cloisters, a replica of a medieval monastery, is part of this world-famous museum
    $800 19
Cookie magnate whose company buys 10% of the world macadamia crop
    $800 24
He wrote many of the later "cantos" in St. Elizabeth's Hosp. where he was a mental patient for 12 yrs.
    $800 4
"One Hour in Wonderland", on Christmas Day, 1950, was his 1st TV production
    $800 21
After a business trip, you'll have fewer hassles with the IRS if you save these
    $1000 10
Alexander Hamilton & Robert Fulton are buried in this churchyard near Wall Street
    $1000 20
Working at home with a hook-up to the office computer so you don't have to face the A.M. rush hour
    $1000 23
Years after this poet won Pulitzer Prize for poetry, his son Charles was implicated in TV's "21" scandal
    $1000 5
ABC & Dumont began Broadcasting these government proceedings on April 22, 1954
    $1000 22
Country currently ruled by Ferdinand Marcos

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Linda Paul
$3,200 -$1,400 $3,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

When 1st U.S. census was taken in 1790, this state, 1st settled in 1607, had largest population

Final scores:

Mark Linda Paul
$3,700 -$1,400 $6,400
2nd place: Action Recliner + Pepperell carpets 3rd place: Jules Jurgensen his & hers watches New champion: $6,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark Linda Paul
$3,600 -$1,400 $3,300
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
6 W
14 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $5,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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