Suggest correction - #437 - 1986-05-13

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    $200 1
This comedy duo's split-up was big news in 1956

Show #437 - Tuesday, May 13, 1986


Bill Carroll, a purchasing agent from North Hollywood, California

Stanton Korn, an attorney from Studio City, California

Molly McClellan, a naval officer from San Diego, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,698)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
The Boston Somersets vs the Pittsburgh Pirates
    $100 13
Carter's little pills formerly had this word in its name
    $100 20
Expression "out of sight, out of mind" is from his "Odyssey"
    $100 1
A NYC 2nd Avenue Yiddish theater is where this star of "The Great Escape" made his great debut
    $100 19
Gulfport, Mississippi unloads 16 million lbs. each week of this imported tropical fruit
    $100 6
"All at once am I several stories high, knowing I'm on" this street
    $200 10
The "Lame Duck" in 1919, not the "Spirit of St. Louis" in 1927
    $200 14
In 1920, Abe Plough bought this aspirin co. & then invented children's aspirin for it to make & sell
    $200 21
Edgar Guest wrote "it takes a heap o' livin' in a house t' make it" this
    $200 2
Buster Keaton was given start in films by this 320-lb. silent screen actor-producer-director
    $200 25
Green pasta is most often made by mixing this into the pasta dough
    $200 7
Back in 1956 The 4 Lads were "standing on the corner" doing this
    $300 16
According to the Bible, Lamech was the 1st man to have 2 of these
    $300 15
Overuse of this laxative bean oil can cause the opposite of its desired effect
    $300 22
According to poem's title, what George Pope Morris told the "woodman"
    DD: $500 3
This actress was only female to have Billboard No. 1 hit at any time between Aug. '56 & Dec. '58:

"I hear the cottonwoods whisperin' above / Tammy, Tammy, Tammy's in love"
    $300 26
1 of 3 vegetables that are really flowers
    $300 9
Avenue on which "you'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade"
    $400 17
    $400 27
R. Chesebrough discovered this waxy substance which he not only used as a salve but also ate
    $400 23
Vocation of man of whom A. Miller wrote, "He's not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog"
    $400 4
1955's "Guys & Dolls" was only film musical in which this lead actor ever sang
    $400 11
When the Orlons asked "Where do all the hippies meet?" this, not Haight-Ashbury, was the answer
    $500 18
Appropriately-named comic character who was 1st to appear in a newspaper in color
    $500 28
Along with S.O.S. soap pads & Flintstones vitamins, Miles Laboratories makes this headache remedy
    $500 24
Lovelace wrote, "I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not" this "more"
    $500 5
She mostly played wholesome types but won only Oscar as prostitute in "From Here to Eternity"
    $500 12
"When I kissed the cop" on this corner, "he broke my little bottle of Love Potion Number 9"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Molly Stanton Bill
$600 $500 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Molly Stanton Bill
$1,000 $500 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Another in our continuing series on U.S. states...)
THE 1950's
(Alex: We had FAMOUS FIRSTS in the first round, and now we have LASTS.)
    $200 2
Close to half of Alaska's population lives in this one city
    $200 21
On May 20 1899, a New York cab driver became the 1st person arrested for breaking this law
    $200 1
This comedy duo's split-up was big news in 1956
    $200 23
Number of pins across the back row in 10 pin bowling
    $200 16
    $200 5
For American Catholics it was Friday, November 18, 1966
    $400 3
Though Vitus Bering was a Dane, he was working for this country when he discovered Alaska
    $400 22
When accused of doing this, famed attorney Melvin Belli replied, "I get there before the ambulance"
    $400 12
It's said the Beat Generation began in poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti's "City Lights" bookshop in this city
    $400 27
Game a kid would be playing if he hits a "spauldeen" 2 sewers
    $400 17
    $400 6
Elizabeth Taylor's last husband
    $600 4
From 1879-1884 this branch of the military ruled Alaska
    $600 24
3-word Latin term for a law that's passed & then enforced retroactively
    $600 13
It wasn't until 1959 that full text of this 1928 D.H. Lawrence novel was published in U.S.
    $600 28
He outran a racehorse in a hundred-yard dash in 1936
    $600 18
    $600 7
To date, Britain's last king
    $800 8
Over 90% of Alaska's oil is found in vicinity of this bay on the Arctic coast
    $800 25
Only state whose civil laws are not based mainly on English common law but on the "code Napoleon"
    $800 14
In 1959, this int'l figure appeared on CBS' "Person to Person" in pajamas rather than fatigues
    DD: $300 29
3 of the 6 NFL teams that have won the Super Bowl more than once
    $800 19
    $800 10
It was the last completed film for both Clark Gable & Marilyn Monroe
    $1000 9
The Indians called the Inuit people "Eskimos" meaning eaters of this
    $1000 26
Anti-segregation lawyer in 1954 landmark case, in 1967, he became 1st black Supreme Court justice
    $1000 15
Ezra Taft Benson, now prophet & pres. of the Mormon church, held this cabinet post in the '50s
    DD: $400 20
Of our 1st 8 presidents, the only 1 to have a middle name
    $1000 11
Martha, who died of old age in the Cincinnati zoo in 1914, was the last of these birds

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Molly Stanton Bill
$3,600 $2,900 $1,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

He made the longest single ride--322 miles--in the brief history of the Pony Express

Final scores:

Molly Stanton Bill
$2 $1,000 $1
2nd place: trip to Marco Polo Hotel in Miami New champion: $1,000 3rd place: Little Lake furniture set

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Molly Stanton Bill
$3,600 $3,500 $2,400
14 R,
2 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $9,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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