Suggest correction - #2217 - 1994-04-05

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    $200 8
In 1977 Sir Edmund Hillary explored this Hindu sacred river from its mouth to the Himalayas

Show #2217 - Tuesday, April 5, 1994


Carol Phelan, a marketing researcher from Cincinnati, Ohio

Jim Reilly, an attorney originally from Cleveland, Ohio

Ali Vaezy, a medical student from Lexington, Kentucky (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $15,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
A footbridge that leads to the Esplanade is named for this late Boston pops maestro
    $100 16
On "Let's Make a Deal", this host was ably assisted by announcer Jay Stewart & model Carol Merrill
    $100 13
Francis Greenway of New South Wales was among the first of this country's leading architects
    $100 7
This Cuban premier won a Lenin Peace Prize in 1961
    $100 26
This elegant suit for men is also called "black tie"
    $100 2
This party's elephant goes back to a November 7, 1874 cartoon in Harper's Weekly
    $200 3
This frigate is in dry dock in Charlestown Navy Yard preparing for its 200th birthday in 1997
    $200 18
Comedienne Phyllis Diller was once a contestant on this Groucho Marx game show
    $200 14
This sun-dried mud brick is a common building material in Latin America
    $200 8
In 1977 Sir Edmund Hillary explored this Hindu sacred river from its mouth to the Himalayas
    $200 27
It's the term for rubber rain boots that you wear over your shoes
    $200 10
Kipling wrote a "Just So" story about how an elephant got this
    $300 4
This park started as an area of 50 acres where the Freemen of Boston could graze their cattle
    $300 21
For most of its original run on NBC, "Jeopardy!" followed this show hosted by Peter Marshall
    $300 17
A Roman forum corresponds to this culture's agora
    $300 9
He was forced to flee Argentina in 1955 when members of the navy joined an army revolt
    $300 28
Resembling a man's sleeveless undershirt, it's a sleeveless top with a U neckline worn by men or women
    $300 15
Dangerous lone elephants are called these
    $400 5
The victims of this March 5, 1770 event are buried in the Old Granary burial ground
    $400 22
The theme to "Now You See It" was written by this producer of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album
    $400 19
Ustad Isa Khan Effendi designed this Agra, India tomb for Shah Jahan
    $400 11
On June 25, 1975 Mozambique became independent of this European country
    $400 29
Named for an Italian resort isle, they're three-quarter-length pants with a short slit up each leg
    $400 24
He heard a Who
    $500 6
There are 294 steps to the top of this monument & no elevator
    DD: $500 23
Daytime TV's longest- running game show, it has been on the air in various versions for over 30 years
    $500 20
A wedge-shaped keystone is usually the last stone to be inserted in one of these structures
    $500 12
In 1940 over 200,000 British troops were evacuated from this northern France seaport
    $500 30
Spanish for "little shawl", it's a shawl or veil usually made of black lace
    $500 25
This "Hondo" author once worked as an elephant handler

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ali Jim Carol
$1,100 $700 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ali Jim Carol
$2,700 $2,300 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Germany justified the May 1915 sinking of this liner by calling it an armed merchant ship
    $200 6
Florida city in which you'd find Ringling Boulevard & Ringling Causeway
    $200 8
"Transit of Venus" is a 1920 novel by this American composer who's better known for his marches
    $200 13
Lewis Latimer was an engineer for this inventor in the 1880s & wrote a book on his lighting system
    $200 14
Clint Eastwood was born in this city in which Dirty Harry Callahan was a cop
    $200 26
To make these, dice day-old slices into cubes, toss in butter, oil & garlic, then bake till crisp
    $400 2
He married Alexandra shortly after ascending the throne of Russia in 1894
    $400 7
The official name of this London church is the Collegiate Church of St. Peter
    $400 9
He composed "A high Class Rag" called "Fig Leaf Rag" in 1908
    $400 16
In 1975 golfer Lee Elder became the first black to play in this major tournament in Augusta, Ga.
    $400 15
Napoleon began his life on this island & finished it on another, St. Helena
    $400 27
Pumpernickel requires twice as much of this flour as wheat flour
    $600 3
Abdullah, grandfather of this Jordanian king, was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1951
    $600 21
The Gateway of India in this city was built to commemorate the 1911 visit by King George V & Queen Mary
    $600 10
This Russian composer often appears in encyclopedias immediately after Richard Strauss
    $600 17
In 1967 he resigned as America's 1st Black Solicitor General to become the 1st Black Supreme Court justice
    $600 18
Sanford Dole was born in this city that's now a state capital
    $600 28
"Food Lover's Companion" calls it "Mexico's everyday bread"
    DD: $1,000 4
The Mamluks ruled this North African country from 1250 until 1517
    $800 22
Flights into this Caribbean island group may land at Harry S Truman Int'l Airport at Charlotte Amalie
    $800 11
Sadly, this "Show Boat" composer's last Broadway musical, "Very Warm for May", was a flop
    DD: $2,000 19
"Toussaint L'Ouverture" a painting series by Jacob Lawrence, deals with the slave rebellion in this country
    $800 24
Now in Oklahoma, Will Rogers' 1879 birthplace of Oologah was then part of this territory
    $800 29
To make this "miner's" bread, start the starter 2 days before you bake it
    $1000 5
This Roman emperor who succeeded Caligula held no major office under Augustus or Tiberius
    $1000 23
The main thoroughfare in Santiago, Chile is named for this 19th century national hero
    $1000 12
This "Pomp And Circumstance" composer never finished his opera "The Spanish Lady"
    $1000 20
In 1985 Mississippi held a week-long celebration honoring this late author, a "Native Son"
    $1000 25
The initials of this author born in New York City in 1931 stand for Edgar Lawrence
    $1000 30
These thin, crisp French loaves are simply made with flour, salt, sugar, yeast & water

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ali Jim Carol
$6,900 $4,700 $6,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

This Tony-winning "Best Play" of 1988 is set in Paris & Beijing

Final scores:

Ali Jim Carol
$12,300 $2,000 $10,100
2-day champion: $27,300 3rd place: Tefal kitchen appliance set 2nd place: Dynamark home security & fire protection system + Black Hills Gold jewelry gift certificate

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ali Jim Carol
$5,700 $5,700 $6,100
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $17,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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