Suggest correction - #2421 - 1995-02-27

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    $400 7
About 1/3 of Finland's territory lies above this geographic line equal to 66 1/2° North

Show #2421 - Monday, February 27, 1995


Peter Kogan, a law student originally from Kiev, Ukraine

Charles Orck, an attorney from Fairfax Station, Virginia

Dave Jordan, an engineer from Niles, Michigan (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $3,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
His studies of spots on this body may have ruined his eyes; he went blind a few years before his death
    $100 3
Besides directing this 1974 film, Roman Polanski played a gangster who cut Jack Nicholson's nose
    $100 4
This South Dakota landmark has been called the "Shrine of Democracy"
    $100 1
On February 23, 1863, Captains Speke & Grant announced they had found the source of this river
    $100 26
On an invitation the words "The favour of a reply is requested" may replace this abbreviation
    $100 16
Mark VIII,
Town Car,
    $200 6
Galileo's last name
    $200 7
Film in which Peter Finch yelled, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
    $200 5
The Temple of the Emerald Buddha stands on the grounds of the Grand Palace in this Thai capital
    $200 21
On February 14, 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a famous fatwah concerning this author
    $200 27
A complete one of these sets includes a caddy & a strainer
    $200 17
De Ville,
    $300 15
Galileo made one of these by reversing & adjusting the lenses in one of his telescopes
    $300 8
Marlon Brando received $3 million to play Jor-El in this 1978 film
    DD: $500 11
The inner walls of this Paris landmark bear the names of 386 of Napoleon's generals
    $300 23
In February 1906 he formed the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company
    $300 28
Serve this liquor in a glass with a short stem so you can warm it in the palm of your hand
    $300 18
Grand Wagoneer
    $400 22
Galileo was born in this city in which legend says he performed his falling ball test
    $400 9
David Carradine starred in "Bound for Glory", a 1976 biography of this folk singer
    $400 12
This New Orleans arena reaches a peak height of 27 stories
    $400 24
On February 10, 1962, the Russians released this U.S. pilot
    $400 29
This delicate openwork fabric is the traditional gift for a 13th anniversary
    $400 19
    $500 14
Galileo suggested that the action of one of these could be used to regulate a clock
    $500 10
This Hercule Poirot mystery took place during a journey from Istanbul to Paris
    $500 13
St. Stephen's Basilica is a famous landmark in this European capital
    $500 25
On February 1, 1958, these 2 countries joined to form the United Arab Republic
    $500 30
If this tiny bowl made to hold salt has no spoon, you may use the tip of a clean knife to serve yourself
    $500 20

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Charles Peter
$2,500 $1,100 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Charles Peter
$5,100 $1,200 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The name of these Colonial militiamen comes from their claim that they could be ready in 60 seconds
    $200 26
There are about half a million of these traditional steam baths in the country, 1 for every 10 Finns
    $200 17
These sisters had wings & claws but were more famous for their reptilian tresses
    $200 8
When inaugurated at age 40 on January 20, 1953 he became the second-youngest vice president
    $200 14
In his memoir "The Whole Ten Yards", he talks about football & life with Kathie Lee
    $200 25
This popular shortcake fruit is often paired with rhubarb in a pie
    $400 2
This author of "Das Kapital" coined the term Lumpenproletariat to describe "social scum"
    $400 7
About 1/3 of Finland's territory lies above this geographic line equal to 66 1/2° North
    $400 24
When Haemon couldn't answer this monster's famous riddle, she ate him
    DD: $1,200 10
This 1st vice president of Thomas Jefferson was the grandson of famous preacher Jonathan Edwards
    $400 15
Published in 1966, "Speak, Memory" is an account of this "Lolita" author's early life
    $400 27
When picked ripe this red or black berry pulls away from its core, creating a hollow center
    $600 3
This term for the anticommunist hysteria of the '40s & '50s comes from a senator's name
    $600 6
Finland's president serves as head of this church to which 90% of the residents belong
    $600 18
In Greek mythology, Gaea is the personification of this planet
    $600 11
In 1939 he graduated magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota
    $600 21
This retailer told his story in a 1992 book subtitled "Made in America"
    $600 28
New England Indians made their pemmican with these bog berries
    $800 4
This term for the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean comes from the French lever, meaning "to rise"
    $800 9
This second language of Finland is the mother tongue of about 7% of the people
    DD: $4,000 19
The name of this heroine of a Sophocles tragedy means the bright or brilliant one
    $800 12
This running mate of Harry Truman was the 1st vice president to sit on the National Security Council
    $800 22
This jazz clarinetist wrote about his life & career in a book called "The Woodchopper's Ball"
    $800 29
These green berries are traditional in fool, a British dessert
    $1000 5
This term for British rule in India comes from Hindi for "sovereignty"
    $1000 16
The monument to this monumental Finnish composer consists of hundreds of steel pipes welded together
    $1000 20
This sorceress so enchanted Ulysses that some say he had 3 sons with her
    $1000 13
In 1841 he became the 1st vice president to succeed to the presidency upon the death of a president
    $1000 23
His autobiography, written with Alex Haley, was published posthumously in 1965
    $1000 30
This berry was named for the California judge who discovered it in the 1880s

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Charles Peter
$14,700 $2,000 $9,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The words "Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin" appear in this book

Final scores:

Dave Charles Peter
$11,399 $4,000 $17,999
2nd place: a trip on Trans World Airlines + a week at the oceanfront Westin Resort Hilton Head Island, South Carolina + Jeopardy! Sports Edition for PC or the Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3rd place: Insight Computers 386SX PC with monitor & keyboard + Jeopardy! Sports Edition for PC or the Super Nintendo Entertainment System New champion: $17,999

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Charles Peter
$13,700 $2,000 $5,800
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
6 R,
1 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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