Suggest correction - #2264 - 1994-06-09

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    $500 10
It's Minnesota's most populous city outside the Twin Cities metropolitan area

Show #2264 - Thursday, June 9, 1994


Leigh Hill, a manager from Santa Cruz, California

Betty Waznis, a librarian from San Diego, California

Bob Majeska, a research scientist from Danbury, Connecticut (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,499)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The cities of Highland Park & Cockrell Hill are surrounded by this Texas city
    $100 12
The U.S. Judo Federation has 3 colored belts to represent dan ranks: red, red & white & this
    $100 11
One limbless specimen of this desert plant was measured at 78 feet in height
    $100 2
African Pygmies & Swiss mountain men practice this rapid alternation between high & low registers
    $100 26
A cheap diner that may be unsanitary is called this kind of "spoon"
    $100 18
The Tasmanian devil belongs to this order of pouched animals
    $200 7
Cash register maker NCR Corporation is headquartered in this southwest Ohio city
    $200 13
Number of players on a side in soccer, cricket or American football
    $200 17
Pollen from this hairy-stemmed annual is the most frequent cause of autumn hay fever in the U.S.
    $200 3
An ariette is a short one of these
    $200 27
This kind of restaurant often has outdoor seating; it's also the French word for "coffee"
    $200 19
Until he went out on his own in 1893, this architect worked for the Chicago firm of Adler & Sullivan
    $300 8
Its metropolitan area includes Boulder
    $300 14
Hit a home run in baseball & you have to run at least this distance to score
    $300 20
The sphagnum type of this is often used to pack plants & keep them moist for shipping
    $300 4
Style of music that originated scat singing
    $300 28
It's a type of small restaurant as well as a flask for carrying drinking water
    $300 21
A tribe that settled in the Columbia River area, or the type of salmon they fished from the river
    $400 9
This Iowa port was named for a French- Canadian explorer, the 1st to settle in the state
    DD: $700 15
It's 3" in diameter, 1" thick & weighs 5 1/2-6 ounces
    $400 22
This pigment in carrots also turns birch tree leaves yellow in autumn
    $400 5
This term for a sailor song can be spelled with a C or an S
    $400 29
Extra! Extra! Italianissimo is a newspaper-themed restaurant in this U.S. city's Daily News building
    $400 24
A 1989 coin of Monaco commemorated the 40th anniversary of his reign
    $500 10
It's Minnesota's most populous city outside the Twin Cities metropolitan area
    $500 16
For men in track & field, it must be between 8'6 1/2" & 8'10" long
    $500 23
His 2 basic hereditary laws are the law of segregation & the law of independent assortment
    $500 6
This female voice is one step below mezzo-soprano
    $500 30
There's a restaurant named for this famous aunt on Tom Sawyer Island in Disney World
    $500 25
A Polish costume that inspired an 18th c. women's garment, or a Polish dance that inspired Chopin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Betty Leigh
$1,000 -$700 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Betty Leigh
$3,800 $200 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
This British Columbia city has one of North America's largest Chinatowns
    $200 19
In September 1993 this chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff traded in his uniform for civilian clothes
    $200 11
Christian Slater portrayed Macduff's son in a 1982 production of this tragedy
    $200 28
Margaret Herrick gave the Academy Award statuette this nickname after an uncle she thought it resembled
    $200 14
The European or Dover type of this flatfish is found from Norway to the Mediterranean
    $200 1
Robert Louis Stevenson said the idea for this tale came to him in a terrifying dream
    $400 4
The lowest international airport is Schiphol, 15 feet below sea level, in this Low Country
    $400 22
When in New York, you might take the "A" train to this composer's home, now a national historic landmark
    $400 12
One critic griped that Laurence Olivier played this title prince "entirely without melancholy"
    $400 29
By the time he died in West Orange, N.J. on October 18, he'd patented over 1,000 inventions
    $400 15
There are 10-15 of the "jumbo" size of these to a pound
    $400 2
It's the first name shared by "Madame Bovary" & a Jane Austen title heroine
    $600 5
Explorer Sir Francis Edward Younghusband visited this Tibetan capital in 1904
    $600 23
James Armistead won his freedom & a pension by spying for this Frenchman during the Revolutionary War
    $600 13
In 1979 he played the title role in "Coriolanus"; 10 years later he was "Driving Miss Daisy"
    $600 26
His 1931 painting "The Persistence of Memory" is popularly called "Soft Watches"
    $600 18
Jonathan Swift wrote, "He was a bold man who first ate" this shellfish
    $600 8
Ivan Turgenev wrote "Fathers and Sons" & he wrote "Sons and Lovers"
    $800 6
With a population of over 3.5 million, Pusan is this Asian country's second- largest city
    $800 24
In 1993 Benjamin Chavis Jr. succeeded Benjamin Hooks as head of this organization
    $800 16
The 1980s Christopher Plummer played this role to James Earl Jones' Othello
    $800 25
Alfonso XIII lost the throne of this country, a year after the fall of dictator Primo de Rivera
    $800 20
These bivalves also called coquilles St. Jacques are often prepared with Mornay sauce
    $800 9
In the 1950s Nikos Kazantzakis published this 33-chapter fictional life of Jesus
    $1000 7
The smallest independent nation in South America is this country whose capital is Paramaribo
    DD: $1,000 27
A major Detroit thoroughfare is named for this woman who sparked the civil rights movement in 1955
    DD: $1,500 17
In 1960 Richard Burton was cast against type as this "savage and deformed slave" in "The Tempest"
    $1000 30
His 1931 poem "i sing of Olaf glad and big" satirizes military life
    $1000 21
This fish called the "tiger of the sea" is excellent when smoked
    $1000 10
Among his works are "Butterfield 8" & the short story collection "Pal Joey"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Betty Leigh
$8,300 $2,800 $5,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Manuel II, deposed in 1910, was this country's last king

Final scores:

Bob Betty Leigh
$10,801 $5,590 $5,601
4-day champion: $33,300 3rd place: Technics audio system + computerized version or Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: trip on TWA to Honolulu & stay at the Ilikai + computerized version or Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Betty Leigh
$11,500 $2,800 $5,400
28 R,
5 W
(including 3 DDs)
8 R,
2 W
18 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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