Suggest correction - #8925 - 2023-07-28

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    $2000 28
The music of Germany's anthem was composed by this Austrian for the 1797 birthday of the Holy Roman Emperor

Show #8925 - Friday, July 28, 2023

Lucas Partridge game 3.
Last game of Season 39.


Monika Chavez, a career education librarian from Alhambra, California

Sharon Bishop, a high school Spanish teacher from Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Lucas Partridge, a school counselor from Las Vegas, Nevada (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $42,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
After her death, a newspaper recalled "those stricken hospitals of the Crimea through which the lady with the lamp passed"
    $200 9
Sounds gruesome, but it's actually a person who recruits candidates for top-level jobs
    $200 21
With a white face mostly free of wool, the Columbia was developed by this Cabinet department in the early 1900s
    $200 1
In 2014 Decatur, Texas rescheduled this holiday back to the 30th, as it conflicted with Friday night high school football
    $200 3
The ship Old Ironsides has bolts & sheathing made by this patriot & metalworker
    $200 14
The speedy skating of 1940s NHL great Maurice Richard earned him this self-propelled nickname
    $400 17
In 1938 André Breton said the art of this Mexican painter "is a ribbon around a bomb"
    $400 10
A good manager knows how to do this 8-letter word, transfer responsibility for specific tasks to their employees
    $400 27
Suffolk is popular both for lamb & this, meat from a sheep that's a yearling or older
    $400 2
Allemande left & take a chance / As you do this state folk dance / Swing yer partner & do-si-do / That's it for now, I got to go
    $400 4
In the classic children's song, she "ain't what she used to be, many long years ago"
    $400 15
Sifan Hassan holds the women's world record in this track event: 4 minutes, 12.33 seconds
    $600 7
Kate McKinnon told the New York Times Magazine that this leader, "to me, is a very emotional German"
    DD: $2,400 11
Referring to writers & others who are self-employed & work job to job, it was first used of mercenary knights
    $600 28
The North Ronaldsay, the Blackface & the Border Cheviot (with a black muzzle) are breeds first developed in this U.K. country
    $600 6
This org. did not make Chuck Norris an honorary member until 2010, so could it have busted Chuck for impersonating an officer in the '90s?
    $600 5
Buchanan, in this state, is a beautiful storybook town per Matthew Ramsay of the band Old Dominion who grew up there
    $600 13
In 2017 the Minnesota Twins' Byron Buxton zoomed around the bases in 13.85 seconds on one of these exciting plays
    $800 8
A title from a 1974 article about this heiress read, "From Self-Willed College Girl to Gun Toter"
    $800 19
It's the controversial cost-saving practice of subcontracting services once done in-house to a third party
    $800 29
Sheep like the Dorper that shed & don't need shearing are called not wool, but this type, also a word before "trigger" or "raising"
    $800 22
At least 1,800 men took on about 180 at this landmark in February & March of 1836, with predictable results
    $800 26
V.S.O.P., standing for very superior old pale, is a premium grade of this liquor aged at least 4 years
    $800 24
Jorge Masvidal used a flying knee strike to knock out his opponent in just 5 seconds at this event in 2019
    $1000 18
Nina Simone said this opera singer of Greek heritage "was a fiery diva" & she "did what she wanted to do"
    $1000 20
It's the 2-word Latin phrase meaning a particular way of doing something, work-wise or criminally related
    $1000 30
Originally a Spanish breed, it first came to Australia in 1797 & changed that country's economy forever
    $1000 12
At dusk, hundreds of thousands of bats emerge from under the Ann Richards Congress Avenue Bridge in this city
    $1000 23
An unfulfilled claimant to the British throne, in the 18th century James Edward Stuart was known as the "Old" one of these
    $1000 25
Driving jet-propelled cars, Craig Breedlove repeatedly broke the world land speed record at this Utah spot in the 1960s

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lucas Sharon Monika
$1,000 $600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lucas Sharon Monika
$5,200 $5,000 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll have to name the person pictured on current U.S. bills.)
    $400 6
He introduced a bill to limit the death penalty while a member of the Virginia legislature
    $400 23
Thomas Hardy gave up writing fiction after this gloomy novel about Jude Fawley
    $400 19
One of its anthems includes the lyrics, "iwi Maori, pakeha, rupeke katoa"
    $400 11
It's often said that this is "the best medicine"--it's fun to share, adds joy to life & it relieves stress
    $400 3
This late, great actor excelled at playing movie villains
    $400 14
The American Cancer Society says, "Stay away from" this, "quitting... is not easy but it can be done"
    $800 7
He was the first to breed mules in America on his farm
    $800 24
Perhaps wandering lonely as a cloud, this poet was inspired to pen "Daffodils" about the flowers he saw at Lake Ullswater
    $800 20
Again the U.K.'s anthem, "God Save The King" says, "send him victorious... &" this splendid word that rhymes with victorious
    $800 12
Doing this before bed can help you sleep better; try the bridge or legs up the wall poses
    $800 1
This redhead was nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for "The Help" but lost out to castmate Octavia Spencer
    $800 15
In the 5 stages of grief, it comes last
    $1200 8
He was born in the British West Indies
    $1200 25
Elizabeth Gaskell's 1855 novel "North & South" depicts this British city as a cotton-spinning hellmouth, calling it "Milton"
    $1200 21
Rabindranath Tagore wrote the anthems of these 2 countries, one independent since 1947, one since 1971
    $1200 13
You're advised to brush your teeth & floss daily because of a link between heart disease & this 11-letter type of gum disease
    $1200 5
After winning an Oscar in 2023, he exclaimed, "Goonies never say die!"
    $1200 16
It begins as a hot dry desert wind over northern Africa before picking up moisture as it crosses the Mediterranean
    $1600 9
He published a feminist tract written under the pseudonym Silence Dogood
    DD: $2,000 29
In the 1850s she published the book-length love poem "Aurora Leigh"
    DD: $2,000 22
This anthem was made official in a decree of July 14, 1795
    $1600 27
Short on time but want to get in a good workout? Some people enjoy this form of exercise, HIIT for short, but don't overdo it
    $1600 2
In "A Fish Called Wanda", John Cleese played Archie Leach, actually the real name of this movie star
    $1600 17
Behold the man, of suffering Christ in the painting called this, seen here
    $2000 10
He died on April 15
    $2000 30
Her scary story "The Birds" became a scary big-screen thriller
    $2000 28
The music of Germany's anthem was composed by this Austrian for the 1797 birthday of the Holy Roman Emperor
    $2000 26
Plain & simple, give someone a hug; it releases these feel-good hormones, named in part for a narcotic
    $2000 4
This Canadian doesn't just act: she also wrote & directed "Women Talking"
    $2000 18
In medicine it's the complete or partial obstruction of a blood vessel, especially an artery

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lucas Sharon Monika
$12,000 $17,000 $1,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Theories on the origin of this, a style of journalism, include Cajun slang for unhinged jazz & Boston slang for a person on a bender

Final scores:

Lucas Sharon Monika
$24,000 $9,999 $0
3-day champion: $66,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lucas Sharon Monika
$14,400 $18,600 $1,200
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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