Suggest correction - #8920 - 2023-07-21

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    $400 29
Dorothy Parker contributed to the script for "Saboteur", a 1942 thriller by this director

Show #8920 - Friday, July 21, 2023


Taylor Clagett, a marketing director originally from Chesapeake Beach, Maryland

Ben Sasamoto, an environmental consultant from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Nik Berry, a social studies teacher from Baltimore, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Adopted in 1949, 9 months after statehood, the emblem of Israel features this symbol of Hanukkah, but with only 7 branches
    $200 6
Play-mates Portia, Antonio & Shylock live in & around this city
    $200 24
Outstanding examples of prehistoric art can be found in Altamira, this type of hollow feature
    $200 19
Romaine lettuce & anchovies are essential to the classic recipe for this salad
    $200 1
In 2021, after becoming the second woman to throw this more than 80 meters--about 262'--we bet Deanna Price was Thor the next day
    $200 12
To lend, or a solo "wolf"
    $400 18
World sales of Israel these investment items are over $40 billion; the shalom type from $36 is a lovely B'nei mitzvah gift
    $400 10
In this play Puck has some handy juice that makes a sleeper fall in love with the next person he sees
    $400 25
In Greek myth, master carpenter Epeius built this hollow item; Cassandra warned her peeps, but... they didn't listen
    $400 20
In the language of this country, maroulosalata is a salad typically made with romaine
    $400 2
In 2023 Swedish-American Mondo Duplantis broke his own world record in soaring 6.22 meters, over 20 feet in this event
    $400 13
Thick, or car blemishes
    $600 17
In 1992, Israel got what's been called its finest public building to house this body that the government wanted to overhaul in 2023
    $600 9
Lines that nobody understands include this "Othello" villain calling Cassio "a fellow almost damned in a fair wife"
    $600 26
The national museum of Ireland has a plaster cast of an early 1900s "ghost turnip" this; we use pumpkins
    $600 21
The paler, sweeter center of a head of romaine has this anatomical name
    $600 3
Edwin Moses had a leg up on the competition for nearly 10 years, winning 107 straight finals in the 400m this race
    $600 29
French for "street", or a French word for a gumbo base
    $800 16
In October 1973, Israel fought the war named for this Jewish holy day
    DD: $1,000 7
Speaker of the line "I prithee, good Prince Hal, help me to my horse, good king's son"
    $800 27
This barrel-shaped vessel used to hold liquids got title billing in a short story with regard to Amontillado
    $800 22
Romaine is just one of the lettuces in Giada De Laurentiis' recipe for this salad, an Italian word for any hors d'oeuvre
    $800 4
At the 2020 Olympics, this 35-year-old mom became the most decorated U.S. track & field athlete ever
    $800 30
A hidden stash, or the dollar bills you might store there
    $1000 15
Elected mayor of Jerusalem in 2018, Moshe Lion is the first from this branch of the Jews named from Hebrew for "Spain"
    $1000 8
An arras is a curtain or wall hanging; in "Hamlet", this old man hides behind one & is stabbed through it
    $1000 28
From Russia with love, this plucky 3-stringed instrument has a hollow, triangular body
    $1000 23
This salad, made with Romaine, is said to be named for its supposed creator, the owner of the Brown Derby
    $1000 5
This Finnish track star won an amazing 9 gold medals across 3 Olympic games in the 1920s
    $1000 14
Tied up, or a combination of companies that may reduce competition

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Nik Ben Taylor
$1,800 $3,000 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nik Ben Taylor
$3,000 $3,800 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 10
In 1725 this Dane went in search of a northeast passage
    $400 28
The right one of these organs has 3 lobes, while the left has 2 (to make room for your heart)
    $400 29
Dorothy Parker contributed to the script for "Saboteur", a 1942 thriller by this director
    $400 30
"Lip sweaters" is slang for these, grown by some people during Movember
    $400 15
Meaning "child of the land", a Kamaaina is a person from this state
    $400 7
Pronounced one way, it means intricate; pronounced another, a series of interconnected apartment buildings
    $800 8
A 10 1/2-mile bridge across the Tagus River in Lisbon is named for this Portuguese explorer
    $800 27
The windpipe is another name for this, which is about 4 to 6 inches long & 1 inch in diameter
    $800 26
Pulp writer Jim Thompson helped write the script for "The Killing", a heist movie by this director of "The Shining"
    $800 23
It might be a tad brisk to take a plunge into this alliterative lake, Scotland's largest in surface area
    $800 14
Folks from Michigan might be Yoopers or these fearless members of the weasel family
    $800 6
Seen here is self-made billionaire Sara Blakely, inventor of this shapewear
    $1200 1
In 1865 British explorer Edward Whymper led the first successful attempt to reach the top of this Alpine peak
    $1200 25
In 1886 Dr. Reginald Fitz wrote the 1st clinical description of this condition where an internal organ is inflamed & urged surgery
    $1200 21
This author of "The Year of Magical Thinking" helped write the 1976 version of "A Star Is Born"
    $1200 22
The "Florence" type of this herb is sometimes mislabeled as "sweet anise"
    $1200 11
People from Tennessee are called these because its residents were eager to step up to serve as soldiers
    $1200 5
This numerical term means to get rid of or destroy, or to bury at sea
    $1600 2
In 1535 Jacques Cartier sailed up this river as far as present-day Quebec
    DD: $1,200 24
It sounds like an old name for Troy, but it's the lowest section of the small intestine where certain vitamins salts are absorbed
    $1600 20
Who killed the chauffeur in this film with Bogie as Philip Marlowe? The screenwriters & Raymond Chandler didn't know either
    $1600 16
Detergents containing these, proteins that speed up chemical reactions, are good on dried bloodstains
    DD: $5,000 12
A New Yorker, or the last name of Washington Irving's Diedrich
    $1600 4
Though also called the tailbone, it's not actually one bone but 3 to 5 fused together
    $2000 9
This American explorer returned to Antarctica in the 1930s & had to be rescued in 1934, suffering from frostbite
    $2000 19
Named for a 19th c. French pathologist, this "area" of the left front part of the brain contains neurons involved in speech function
    $2000 18
It's thought that Harry Lime from Graham Greene's "The Third Man" was based on this British spy & Soviet double agent
    $2000 17
This 1870s U.S. political party got its colorful name because it wanted to maintain or increase paper money circulation
    $2000 13
Some New Englanders aren't Connecticuties but these, which mentions a spice
    $2000 3
They're the pretty flowers seen here; picked them just for you

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nik Ben Taylor
$1,200 $9,400 $5,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Expressed in today's numbers, it's the sum total if you add the 7 Roman numerals together

Final scores:

Nik Ben Taylor
$1,183 $6,400 $10,800
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $10,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Nik Ben Taylor
$6,200 $9,200 $6,600
9 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
14 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $22,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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