Suggest correction - #900 - 1988-07-01

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    $800 18
While a Democrat "runs" for office in the U.S., in Great Britain a Tory does this

Show #900 - Friday, July 1, 1988


Tom Briner, a mortgage loan officer from Midlothian, Virginia

Elizabeth Ezrine, an international market development manager from New York City, New York

Carol Reeve, a homemaker from Orinda, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,500)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1920s
(Alex: This is an all-audio category... these are all copyrighted songs owned by Paul McCartney.)
    $100 21
Movie in which Harrison Ford sets out to track down "Replicants" in 21st century Los Angeles
    $100 1
Different types include pine,
volcanic, &
ice cream
    $100 3
1818 classic in which a Swiss student is ultimately destroyed by his own creation
    $100 11
This stew ingredient can actually be the tail of any beef animal, not just its namesake
    $100 15
[Instrumental music plays.]
    $200 22
Music heard when Bo was seen in "10", it became a movie title for her 5 years later
    $200 2
The citrus fruit that fits this category
    $200 7
This classic centers on a story-telling contest among pilgrims vying for a free meal at Tabard Inn
    $200 12
If you don't want to cry, try paring these under running water
    $200 16
[Instrumental music plays.]
    $300 23
This 1983 film had an appropriate title, since Richard Gere was running from the law
    DD: $500 4
When it means "rescind", you can do it to an embargo. & when it means "steal", you can do it to a purse
    $300 8
A man named Marlow narrates several works by this author, including "Heart of Darkness"
    $300 13
Of parsley, sage, rosemary, or thyme, the 1 that isn't a member of the mint family
    $300 17
[Instrumental music plays.]
    $400 24
1952 movie in which a brainy chimp leads a college football team to victory--without Ronnie's help
    $400 5
From Arabic for "the wood", it's a pear-shaped, wooden musical instrument
    $400 9
This James Michener novel explored life in Colorado from prehistoric times to the 20th century
    $400 14
You can throw a bomb any time, but the best time to serve a "bombe" is during this course
    $400 18
[Instrumental music plays.]
    $500 25
Word in movie titles that precedes
"Orchid" &
    $500 6
Muscovite is an example of this group of flaky silicates used for insulation
    $500 10
"Where the Truth Lies", a recent mystery novel, was co-written by this actress who played Miss Marple on TV
    $500 20
The Italian term for small, thin slices of meat, it sounds like a dish of small, thin slices of potato
    $500 19
[Instrumental music plays.]

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Carol Elizabeth Tom
$1,000 -$300 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Elizabeth Tom
$1,600 $200 -$100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 27
Michigan's fish is not the lake but the brook variety of this
    $200 25
Insects are dipterous if they have 2 of these
    $200 20
After denouncing Jim Bakker, this fellow Assemblies of God minister admitted having sinned himself
    $200 5
Colon & Balboa are the 2 major ports at either end of this
    $200 10
While a British electrician "earths" a wire, an American electrician does this to it
    $200 11
The answer to his motto "How am I doing?" was positive enough to reelect him several times as NYC's mayor
    $400 2
Of an official dog, cat, or bird, the one that Maine has that no other state does
    $400 26
Agar, which swells in water to form a gel, or, in another sense, Wrigley's
    $400 21
Islam's profession of faith says, "There is no god but Allah & Muhammad is..." this
    DD: $500 6
This city is the southernmost national capital in South America
    $400 16
An apartment house in London would be referred to as "a block of..." these
    $400 12
Carrie's famous father
    $600 1
In 1988, this state's Senate voted "Faded Love" official Country Western song--sweep that down your plain
    $600 28
Organic rusts are members of this plant group
    $600 22
Jews are called gentiles by members of this church
    $600 7
The huge Deccan Plateau covers most of the peninsula which forms the southern part of this country
    $600 17
Type of vehicle christened a dustcart in Britain
    DD: $1,000 13
The 2 Massachusetts senators who served together from the late '60s to the late '70s
    $800 3
Mississippi & Louisiana both have this southern blossom as state flower
    $800 29
Among animals, this outer layer of cells, such as skin, generally insures that the body is waterproof
    $800 23
It's the formal name of the Jesuit order
    $800 8
Of all African countries, only Gabon, Congo, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya & Somalia share this geog. distinction
    $800 18
While a Democrat "runs" for office in the U.S., in Great Britain a Tory does this
    $800 14
He recently signed with Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Really Useful Company" to be a theatrical P.A.
    $1000 4
In 1983, the USS Nautilus was designated state ship of this state where it was built
    $1000 24
5-letter word for a religious council, a major Lutheran one is headquartered in Missouri
    $1000 9
The U.S. halted some $79 million in aid to this country after its bloody presidential elections of 11/87
    $1000 19
An American worker receives his pay in an envelope while a British labourer gets his wages in one of these
    $1000 15
Though his play "Seascape" had only 65 B'way performances, it ran long enough to win him a 2nd Pulitzer Prize

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Elizabeth Tom
$8,200 $3,500 $700
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

40 years after "Happy Warrior" Al Smith lost a pres. election, this other "Happy Warrior" also lost

Final scores:

Carol Elizabeth Tom
$9,200 $8 $1,350
2-day champion: $19,700 3rd place: stay at Ingleside Inn in Palm Springs 2nd place: SoundDesign audio-video center + 50 Video Treasures home videos

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carol Elizabeth Tom
$8,300 $3,400 $700
24 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
8 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $12,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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