Suggest correction - #2254 - 1994-05-26

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    $800 5
When El Greco was born on this Mediterranean island, it belonged to Venice

Show #2254 - Thursday, May 26, 1994


Neil Kleinbort, a jeweler from Northbrook, Illinois

Karen O'Callaghan, a staff assistant originally from Brooklyn, New York

Kevin Olmstead, an environmental engineering professor from Ann Arbor, Michigan (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 10
In 1779 this line was extended to mark the boundary between Virginia & Pennsylvania
    $100 3
This film role has been played by Theda Bara, Claudette Colbert & Elizabeth Taylor
    $100 1
In April 1988 Northwest Airlines became the first major airline to ban this totally on its U.S. flights
    $100 15
This country's 23 cantons are actually 20 full cantons & 6 half cantons
    $100 23
Slither on over to Sweetwater, Texas if you want to see a "round-up" of these snakes
    $100 5
It's the only credit card my friend Avis ever uses
    $200 11
In 1931 casino gambling became legal in this state, 20 years after it had been outlawed there
    $200 4
In this 1980 film, a demented Jack Nicholson utters the line "Here's Johnny"
    $200 2
Consumer brands made by this tire company include Eagle & Kelly-Springfield
    $200 16
Its 79 A.D. eruption killed 4 times as many people as its 1631 eruption
    $200 24
These "reclusive" crabs dress up in costumes for the Miss Crustacean Beauty Pageant in Ocean City, New Jersey
    $200 7
A movie star should never have these rodents in his kitchen
    $300 12
One newspaper commenting on this 1863 speech called the remarks "silly"
    $300 6
In 1968 this successor to Roger Moore as James Bond made his film debut in "The Lion in Winter"
    $300 25
Since 1905 this paint company's slogan has been "Cover the Earth"
    $300 20
It's the tropic line that crosses Egypt
    $300 28
This state has a Jumping Frog Jubilee in Calaveras County & a Horned Toad Derby in Coalinga
    $300 17
You might find these arachnids clinging to a stick
    $400 13
When he became president in 1801, it was the first transfer of executive power between rival parties
    $400 8
In 1986 this love theme from "Top Gun" reached the top of the charts
    $400 26
The name of this large toy company stands for Hassenfeld Brothers
    $400 21
It's the South American country with the shortest English name
    $400 29
Capitan, New Mexico holds an annual "Stampede" named for this forest fire survivor who was found nearby
    $400 18
I'd love to tango in this Pacific island country
    $500 14
During a 6-week period in 1776, he captured 8 British ships & destroyed 8 others
    $500 9
Raymond Chandler collaborated with this director on the screenplay for "Double Indemnity"
    $500 27
This company's beers are "beechwood aged"
    DD: $500 22
The west coast of India is located on this sea
    $500 30
This Pa. borough, home of the world's most famous groundhog, hosts a groundhog festival every summer
    $500 19
Samantha Stevens' home was the habitat of this "bewitch"ing TV toddler

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin Karen Neil
$600 $300 $2,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Karen Neil
$3,500 $1,000 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Gilbert Stuart painted 3 portraits of this president & over 100 replicas of them
    $200 17
This liquor can be blended or single-malt
    $200 1
He studied law & worked as a stockbroker before writing such novels as "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"
    $200 26
In this type of strike, Union members stop working but refuse to leave the plant
    $200 7
In 1292 he & his father & uncle left China for the last time
    $200 10
He wrote good later novels like "Cass Timberlane", but earlier ones like "Babbitt" are more famous
    $400 3
This painter of "Dancers Practicing at the Bar" served in the Franco-Prussian War
    $400 18
A segment of a shallot or garlic bulb
    $400 22
He produced his first underwater film, "Eighteen Meters Down", during WWII
    $400 27
In 1960 John L. Lewis retired after 40 years as president of this union, the UMW
    $400 8
This conqueror's remains can be seen on display in a glass coffin in Lima Cathedral
    $400 11
The book "Bear, Man, and God" contains "Seven Approaches to" his famous story "The Bear"
    $600 4
This Spaniard was introduced to African sculpture by Matisse, whom he met at Gertrude Stein's
    $600 19
Florentine cookies are often coated on one side with this melted flavoring
    $600 23
At his burial in Paris in 1834, his grave was covered with Earth from Bunker Hill
    $600 28
On March 4, 1913 the Dept. of Labor was made a separate cabinet dept. under this president
    $600 9
When the Half Moon arrived in England in 1609, he was detained but his records were sent to his Dutch sponsors
    DD: $800 12
This author of "All the King's Men" edited a 1971 book about John Greenleaf Whittier's poetry
    $800 5
When El Greco was born on this Mediterranean island, it belonged to Venice
    $800 20
Buttercup & butternut are 2 popular types of this vegetable
    $800 24
In 1906 this army officer was cleared of all treason charges & decorated with the Legion of Honor
    $800 29
Some states have passed these laws that allow employment without union affiliation
    $800 13
This Norwegian's 1927 book "My Life as an Explorer" told of planting the flag at the South Pole
    $800 14
"Ice Palace", her last novel, was published in 1958, 10 years before her death
    $1000 6
This American pop artist's "Whaam!" usually hangs in London's Tate Gallery
    $1000 21
Boiled in water & served with lemon juice, the "pearl" type of this grain makes a beverage for invalids
    DD: $1,000 25
Compton's says, "Both modern philosophy and modern mathematics began with the work of" this man
    $1000 30
The Industrial Workers of the World, an anti-capitalist 20th c. union, got this "shaky" nickname
    $1000 16
While returning to Portugal from India in 1499, his brother Paulo died & was buried in the Azores
    $1000 15
Bessie Rice bribes 16-year-old Dude Lester to marry her in this Erskine Caldwell novel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Karen Neil
$7,300 $3,000 $7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

This pianist & composer died in 1886 while attending a Wagner music festival at Bayreuth

Final scores:

Kevin Karen Neil
$14,401 $3,000 $5,700
2-day champion: $25,901 3rd place: Allen Edmonds shoes + Jeopardy! computerized version or home game 2nd place: Broyhill living room set + Carpet One carpeting + Jeopardy! computerized version or home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin Karen Neil
$7,300 $4,300 $7,200
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
22 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $18,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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