Suggest correction - #2209 - 1994-03-24

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    $100 5
A mosquito has 2 enormous compound ones of these that cover most of its head

Show #2209 - Thursday, March 24, 1994


George Engelmann, a vertebrate paleontologist from Omaha, Nebraska

Marsha Jones, a briefing attorney from Houston, Texas

Mark Staib, a lawyer from Cleveland Heights, Ohio (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
Formerly used for military target practice, Kahoolawe is the smallest of this state's main islands
    $100 12
Mickey's Toontown is the first all-new Land to open in this theme park in more than 20 years
    $100 26
Whether you're a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout, this is your 2-word motto
    $100 5
A mosquito has 2 enormous compound ones of these that cover most of its head
    $100 1
In Genesis the Euphrates is 1 of 4 rivers that flowed from this garden
    $100 17
In 1989, after the PLO declared an independent state of Palestine, he was elected its president
    $200 13
This state's Treasure Island, a part of St. Petersburg,
once may have been a hideout for buccaneers
    $200 22
When you visit Mickey's house, you'll see that Mickey prefers the "Maxwell Mouse" brand of this
    $200 27
A slogan of the '60s said, "America, love it or" this
    $200 8
The guanaco, which may be an ancestor of the alpaca, is native to this continent
    $200 2
He was about to slay his son on an altar when an angel from heaven stopped him
    $200 18
These first 2 men to walk on the Moon have craters named for them there
    $300 14
This New York island is divided among 4 counties: Kings, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk
    $300 23
Sliding down the boiler pipes is a popular activity aboard his boat, the Miss Daisy
    $300 28
It was the motto of "The Three Musketeers"
    $300 9
The slimy, snakelike & scaleless hagfish resembles this fish in appearance
    $300 3
The 23rd Psalm ends, "I will dwell" here "for ever"
    $300 19
"Forward the Foundation", the last volume in his "Foundation" series, was pub. posthumously in 1993
    $400 15
In the late 18th century, this Massachusetts island was the whaling capital of the world
    $400 24
You could say this chipmunk pair's acorn crawl is Toontown's "nuttiest" attraction
    $400 29
He was reelected president in 1916 with the slogan "He kept us out of war"; 6 months later we were in it
    $400 10
The Bichon Frise, which was often painted by Goya, is this type of animal & makes an affectionate pet
    $400 4
This Gospel author was also called Levi
    $400 20
In 1992 this tennis heartthrob triumphed at Wimbledon to win his first Grand Slam title
    $500 16
Chewing-gum magnate William Wrigley, Jr. once owned this California island "twenty six miles across the sea"
    $500 25
The shopping list on the fridge in Minnie's house is devoted to this kind of food
    $500 30
It's the 1-word motto of Rhode Island—-how optimistic!
    $500 11
Also known as hunting leopards, these speedy cats have black marks on their faces that look like tear streaks
    DD: $500 6
2 of Jesus' apostles, one the son of Zebedee, the other of Alphaeus, shared this name
    $500 21
This former TV Guide publisher founded communications schools at USC & the University of Pennsylvania

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mark Marsha George
-$400 $800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Marsha George
$500 $2,000 $4,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Colonial Americans enjoyed eating hoecake, a simple bread made from this meal
    $200 23
In 1964 he reached No. 1 on the pop charts with his vocal rendition of "Hello, Dolly!"
    $200 2
He & his collaborator Engels were both members of the Young Hegelian philosophical group
    $200 9
Converted to a museum in 1793, it was the home of France's kings before they moved to Versailles
    $200 14
This Steinbeck novel begins after Tom Joad is released from prison
    $200 16
The Black Swan, aka the Dirty Duck, is a famous pub near this town's Royal Shakespeare theatre
    $400 3
This famous rider wasn't just a silversmith; he dabbled in dentistry, too
    $400 24
In 1976 the Advisory Board on the Pulitzer Prize awarded this ragtime pianist a special citation
    $400 4
In Plato's "Crito", this philosopher argues that it's important to live honorably, not just to live
    $400 10
His Ra II papyrus boat is on display at the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo
    $400 18
Her favorite expression in "Alice in Wonderland" is "off with her head!"
    $400 20
Cornish pasties, which tin miners often ate for lunch, originated in this county
    $600 5
John Rolfe was probably killed in a 1622 Indian attack at Bermuda Hundred in what is now this state
    $600 26
Once called the "Boy Wonder of the Clarinet", he called most of his big bands a "herd"
    $600 6
His "Analects" say that the Chun-Tzu is one who practices jen in accordance with li
    $600 12
The John Paul II collection in this capital was formerly the Museum of Revolutionary Politics
    $600 19
Dolores Haze, the 12-year-old step-daughter of Humbert Humbert, is better known by this name
    $600 25
He was a professor of astronomy at Oxford when he designed its Sheldonian Theatre in the 1660s
    $800 11
It was the maiden name of Increase Mather's first wife & the first name of their eldest son
    $800 27
The first big American jazz festival was held in 1954 in this Rhode Island resort city
    $800 7
In "Being and Nothingness", he wrote that man must realize "he is alone, abandoned on Earth..."
    $800 13
This German city's BMW-Museum features cars & motorcycles made by that company
    DD: $2,000 21
It's the nickname of lawyer David Wilson in a Mark Twain novel
    DD: $1,000 15
Petrus was the original first name of this Dutch governor of New Netherland
    $1000 28
This jazz pianist was nicknamed "Fatha"
    $1000 8
This 19th century Dane divided men into 3 groups: aesthetes, ethical men & religious men
    $1000 17
The Museo Archeologico Nazionale in this Italian city has many of the treasures of nearby Pompeii
    $1000 22
In a Jack London novel, he's the captain of the schooner Ghost

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Marsha George
$900 $2,800 $13,900
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

You're most likely to see the names Catalina Villalpando & Nicholas Brady together on one of these

Final scores:

Mark Marsha George
$1,799 $2,000 $10,000
3rd place: Technics stereo system 2nd place: trip to Tampa, Florida New champion: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark Marsha George
$2,400 $2,800 $12,700
10 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
7 R,
0 W
36 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $17,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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