Suggest correction - #2285 - 1994-07-08

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    DD: $500 25
This 1889 march was written for the awards ceremony of a newspaper-sponsored essay contest

Show #2285 - Friday, July 8, 1994

Steve Chernicoff game 2.
Last regular-play game of Season 10.


Kent Genzlinger, an assistant director from Beverly Hills, California

Bob Niccum, a school district administrator from Buena Park, California

Steve Chernicoff, a technical writer from Berkeley, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,001)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: How about that? Is that a theme?)
    $100 1
She's had her Edith Ann character animated & that's the truth
    $100 26
Balls in a popular form of this game are divided into solids & stripes
    $100 6
Forever can be "till shrimps learn to whistle" or "till" these animals "come home"
    $100 11
The 4-hour battle between these 2 ironclads took place March 9, 1862
    $100 16
A desperate person gets what he wants "by hook or" this
    $100 21
This instrument was designed to his specifications & named for him
    $200 2
Her killer look in "Basic Instinct" helped make her one of People's 10 Best Dressed for 1993
    $200 27
This large, black- striped feline carnivore is a good swimmer & can climb trees
    $200 7
According to De Beers & Ian Fleming, they're "Forever"
    $200 12
On March 17 you might wear a bit of green in celebration of this
    $200 17
This kind of onlooker is often innocent
    $200 22
This group well known for its Sousa marches was led by Arthur Fiedler for almost 50 years
    $300 3
A 1993 bio of this star's "First 50 Years" was subtitled "A Dog's Life"
    $300 28
Number of stripes on the flag of Bulgaria, Ethiopia or France
    $300 8
These half-man, half- goat attendants of Dionysus were immortal
    $300 13
Interestingly, this state's Independence Day, March 2, is also the birthday of Sam Houston
    $300 18
The poet who wrote, "Maid of Athens, ere we part, give, oh, give me back my heart!"
    $300 23
Upset over royalties, Sousa wouldn't perform on these with his band
    $400 4
Star of 1993's "The Three Musketeers" who was once engaged to Julia Roberts
    $400 29
The red & white stripes on this establishment's pole represent blood & bandages
    $400 9
The name of this Calvin Klein cologne implies it'll last forever
    $400 14
In March 1946 Hunter College in NYC became the temporary headquarters of this organization
    $400 19
In other words, this proverbial advice would be "permit things of the past to remain things of the past"
    $400 24
Sousa wrote an orchestration for a U.S. version of their "H.M.S. Pinafore"
    $500 5
Famous sister-in-law of Stephen, William & Daniel Baldwin
    $500 30
Nickname for a teenage volunteer at a hospital
    $500 10
In Buddhism, one who passes into this stage is forever free of the rebirth cycle
    $500 15
On March 31, 1949 it became Canada's 10th & last province
    $500 20
In "Macbeth" this phrase precedes "something wicked this way comes"
    DD: $500 25
This 1889 march was written for the awards ceremony of a newspaper-sponsored essay contest

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Bob Kent
$1,900 $300 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Bob Kent
$2,800 $1,800 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
In 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral became the first European to reach this large South American country
    $200 8
Pisanello finished Gentile da Fabriano's frescoes in the Doges' Palace in this city
    $200 15
In developing countries, stray & wild dogs are the major carrier of this disease also called hydrophobia
    $200 10
While Valparaiso is the seat of Chile's parliament, this is its capital
    $200 1
In a 1985 novel by Fred Hoyle, an alien intelligence latches onto this famous comet in 1986
    $200 20
Charles V ruled this country as it conquered Mexico & Peru
    $400 4
After the Soviet invasion in November 1956, Janos Kadar was installed as this country's premier
    $400 9
This "Blue Boy" painter worked for a few years under engraver Hubert Gravelot
    $400 16
From the Latin for "40", this was originally a 40-day isolation period
    $400 11
This capital is served by Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport
    $400 2
Native country of Kazuo Ishiguro, whose novel "The Remains of the Day" is about a British butler
    $400 21
Francis I, who ruled 1745-1765, was the father of this famous French queen
    $600 5
In an August 13, 1905 plebiscite, only 184 Norwegians voted against independence from this country
    $600 25
His original David & 4 unfinished slaves are in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence
    $600 17
The USA's largest HMO, which stands for this, is Kaiser Permanente
    $600 12
This city was designated the Bulgarian capital in 1879, soon after it was captured from the Turks
    $600 28
His older brother Alec Waugh wrote the 1956 novel "Island in the Sun"
    $600 22
He succeeded Charles IV but remained uncrowned & shares his name with the Good King in a Carol
    $800 6
Louis-Philippe, the "Citizen King", was the only French king from this royal house
    $800 26
This Dadaist was the younger brother of sculptor Raymond Duchamp-Villon
    $800 18
A lack of phosphate, vitamin D or calcium can cause this bone disease in children
    $800 13
One of the world's largest wooden structures is the old government bldg. in this New Zealand capital
    $800 29
Captain Singleton, the hero of a book by this Crusoe creator, is kidnapped as a child & later becomes a pirate
    $800 23
Rudolf I, who took office in 1273, was the first member of this dynasty to rule
    DD: $500 7
Under the terms of this 1814-15 assembly, Denmark received the German duchy of Lauenburg
    $1000 27
Washington's National Gallery has "Death and the Miser" by this "Garden of Earthly Delights" painter
    $1000 19
Around 1930 Albert Szent-Gyorgyi & Charles G. King isolated this antiscurvy substance
    DD: $1,500 14
This capital of Belarus also serves as the capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States
    $1000 30
This Englishman described his 1742 novel "Joseph Andrews" as "A comic epic-poem in prose"
    $1000 24
Ferdinand I was forced to pay tribute to this Ottoman sultan

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Bob Kent
$12,100 $4,100 $4,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The second peak surveyed in this range was Mount Godwin Austen

Final scores:

Steve Bob Kent
$9,201 $1 $600
2-day champion: $20,202 3rd place: Samsung camcorder + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: Trip to Quail Lodge Resort, Carmel, California + Cazal 951 & 955 sunglasses

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Bob Kent
$11,600 $4,600 $5,100
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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