Suggest correction - #8912 - 2023-07-11

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    $1200 16
A vexing song or melody you can't get out of your head

Show #8912 - Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Erin Sheedy, a library science graduate student from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Justin White, a director of orchestra personnel from Overland Park, Kansas

James Tyler, a senior editor from Blandon, Pennsylvania (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
After John Young smuggled a corned beef sandwich onto a Gemini mission, bits of this bread floated around the capsule
    $200 17
Kendo & hapkido, to name just 2
    $200 18
Nicknamed "Taz", this voracious Warner Bros. character is named for a real creature off Australia's coast
    $200 1
To honor, as with one's presence
    $200 25
Bonding over their love of golf, this entertainer said that of all the presidents Gerald Ford was "the one I can call a pal"
    $200 30
Mount Washington in this state is the highest point in New England
    $400 20
The first drink taken on the Moon was this, by Buzz Aldrin as he observed communion aboard the Eagle
    $400 10
The name of this New York City street is synonymous with the advertising industry
    $400 12
The 2022 sequel to the movie about this video game hedgehog finds him jamming to "Here Comes The Hotstepper"
    $400 2
To put on clothes
    $400 24
This French general remained friends with George Washington after the Revolutionary War & even named a son after him
    $400 27
From its observation deck, 1,465 feet above Toronto, you can feel this building sway in the wind
    $600 21
Long missions don't serve foods high in this element, as astronauts have fewer red blood cells & can't process it well
    $600 9
He said, "Not only do I knock 'em out, I pick the round"
    $600 7
Gabriel Iglesias voiced this "fastest mouse in all of Mexico" in "Space Jam: A New Legacy"
    $600 3
To pry open
    $600 13
In a letter to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she recalled "stirring up the world to recognize the rights of women"
    $600 26
Mount Vinson is the tallest of several mountains on Antarctica collectively referred to as Vinson this
    $800 22
To solve the problem of bread crumbs floating around, in 1985 NASA began using flat flour these
    $800 11
"The Knight of Maison-Rouge" is a long-forgotten Dumas adventure about this beautiful & tragic queen
    $800 6
This title Manx cat is often addressed by his Chihuahua friend as "You eeediot!"
    $800 4
To kid around
    $800 14
Conversations about language & myths initially bonded these two titans of fantasy influencing each other & their work
    $800 28
It ranks as the highest mountain peak in both the Southern & Western Hemispheres
    $1000 23
During the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz link-up, cosmonauts & astronauts shared this beet soup from packages jokingly marked "vodka"
    $1000 16
This 1910 law said you couldn't take women across state lines for immoral purposes
    $1000 8
Rainbow Dash is a daredevil Pegasus in this magical animated series
    DD: $1,000 5
To give, like a wish
    $1000 15
Meeting in India in the 1950s, Yehudi Menuhin & this sitarist forged a musical relationship that lasted the rest of their lives
    $1000 29
Located in Colorado & named for metal ore, at approximately 10,150 feet, it's the highest incorporated city in the USA

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Justin Erin
$2,400 $2,200 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Justin Erin
$4,200 $3,000 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll need to name the two books by the same author that we've mashed up; give us the books, not the author.)
    $400 26
This facility hosts its first game, with Babe Ruth hitting a 3-run homer to beat the Red Sox
    $400 21
"Bleak Expectations"
    $400 1
You could say it's a conductor's magic wand
    $400 7
This wild card originated in the game of euchre & may have gotten its name from it
    $400 11
In song, she posed the questions "How Will I Know" & "Where Do Broken Hearts Go"
    $400 19
It's a broom's natural partner
    $800 27
This constitutional amendment to ban discrimination based on sex is first proposed in Congress
    $800 22
"The Hunt for Present Danger"
    $800 2
It's the male singing voice between tenor & bass
    $800 6
This other name for solitaire is a virtue you might need while playing it
    $800 12
This 2-time Oscar nominee who also plays Joyce Byers on "Stranger Things" was named for her hometown in Minnesota
    $800 18
A type of lettuce, or a big object produced by a process called calving
    $1200 28
At a conference of 20 nations in Vienna, this global law enforcement body is founded
    $1200 23
"Dandelion 451"
    DD: $2,800 3
Russian by birth, he composed the patriotic song heard here for his beloved adopted country
    DD: $2,200 8
There are 2 types of booze in this 2-player game
    $1200 13
This "TODAY" co-anchor & legal correspondent received the top score on her Arizona bar exam in 2002
    $1200 16
A vexing song or melody you can't get out of your head
    $1600 29
Peering back millennia, this archaeologist opens King Tut's burial chamber in the Valley of the Kings
    $1600 24
"All the Pretty Old Men"
    $1600 4
This "Lullaby" composer once upset Franz Liszt by falling asleep during one of his performances
    $1600 9
If you've been dealt an 11 in blackjack, consider this alliterative option
    $1600 14
He directed "Home Alone" as well as the first 2 Harry Potter movies
    $1600 17
A piece of rope used to tie something to a ship, or a strap for carrying something around the neck
    $2000 30
This Russian immigrant files a patent for the iconoscope, the first television transmission tube
    $2000 25
"Sharp Girl"
    $2000 5
This German music festival has been presenting the works of Wagner since 1876
    $2000 10
The name of this 18th century whist expert & author is often invoked as an authority, as in "According to"
    $2000 15
This actress & model found a love match with Andy Roddick; they married in 2009
    $2000 20
It's the place where horses are saddled before a race, or an enclosed space where they're exercised

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Justin Erin
$15,000 $9,200 $7,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

A city of about 2.5 million people, since 1984 for political reasons it has been in the name of an Olympic team

Final scores:

James Justin Erin
$11,000 $14,701 $7,000
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $14,701 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Justin Erin
$15,000 $11,000 $7,000
18 R,
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $33,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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