Suggest correction - #808 - 1988-02-24

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    $500 12
Sequels to this comedy series were "Doctor at Sea", "Doctor at Large", & "Doctor on the Go"

Show #808 - Wednesday, February 24, 1988


George Wallace, an attorney from Tujunga, California

Scott Hoyer, a veterinarian from Scottsdale, Arizona

David Huemer, a commodities trader from Hoboken, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to, as part of your response, do something with your hands to point out. You know, point to your noise, point to your eye, or wherever. All right? The clue will tell you what you have to do.)
    $100 1
This country captured Eugene Hasenfus after he bailed out of a C-123K shot down October 5, 1986
    $100 5
Cleese, Chapman, Idle, Palin, Gilliam, & Jones were collectively known as this
    $100 7
1926 song subtitled
"Will Ya Huh?"
    $100 19
Total number of ventricles in a mammal's heart
    $100 13
In 1778, this captain mentioned in his log the surfers he saw around the Sandwich Islands
    $100 15
Locks that can be seen on the contestant standing next to you
    $200 2
Sailing under the Dutch flag, he's credited with discovering what is now Delaware in 1609
    $200 9
The British quiz show "University Challenge" was based on this American game show
    $200 8
Title girl to whom Jolson bid "Goo' Bye!" in 1922
    $200 20
Order that contains the flesh-eating mammals
    $200 14
Type of surfing where the only equipment, if any, is swim fins
    $200 22
To show you're telling the truth, this precedes "& hope to die"
    $300 3
In 1898, the Spanish fleet was destroyed in this inlet of Luzon island
    $300 10
Rumpole's creator John Mortimer adapted this Evelyn Waugh novel for a 1981 miniseries
    DD: $500 21
Alternative courses of action given in the title of the following:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $300 26
In humans, the cochlea contains the organ of this sense
    $300 16
Encyclopedia Americana calls the North Shore of this Hawaiian island the "Everest" of surfing
    $300 23
Hand signal done "for luck" or to counteract a lie
    $400 4
In 1574, Ivan IV gave the Stroganovs part of this big, almost empty area with orders to beef it up
    $400 11
"Fame" star Nia Peeples hosts the new U.S. segments of this 24-yr-old British music chart countdown show
    $400 29
"There's a somebody I'm longing to see. I hope that he turns out to be..." this
    $400 27
As its name implies, the main use of an insect's ovipositor
    $400 17
Bruce Brown's 1966 classic film documentary
    $400 24
How Senor Wences made Johnny
    $500 6
It's said a map by Toscanelli inspired this Genoese sailor to seek a westward route to the Far East
    $500 12
Sequels to this comedy series were "Doctor at Sea", "Doctor at Large", & "Doctor on the Go"
    $500 30
Title of the tune with the lines "You're the starch in my collar, you're the lace in my shoe"
    $500 28
Types of these, like ornitthine, link up to form proteins
    $500 18
Known by this royal title, Paoa Kahanamoku helped revive surfing in the 20th century
    $500 25
Standing with arms akimbo

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Scott George
$1,600 $700 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Scott George
$3,200 $1,700 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
According to the reference books, the total permanent human population
    $200 8
For 1966, Vanessa Redgrave was nominated for "Morgan!" & her sister Lynn, for this movie
    $200 23
In America, one can contain toothpaste; in England, one can contain a train
    $200 7
Color of Henry James' "Bowl" or Clifford Odets' "Boy"
    $200 5
In our solar system, it's the planet closest in size to Venus
    $200 1
Descriptive of Morton's most famous product, or a really great guy, finest of his kind
    $400 18
The elephant species of this animal breeds on Antarctica
    $400 9
In 1961, this winner of a 1934 miniature statuette presented Hayley Mills with one
    $400 27
One can contain your eye, your humerus bone, or a light bulb
    $400 11
"Wild Cargo" was Frank Buck's sequel to this popular book
    $400 6
In 1975, the 1st close-up photo of the surface of Venus was taken by a spacecraft of this country
    $400 2
Mention Mephistopheles
    $600 19
Another name for the parallel of latitude at 66ยบ30' S
    $600 10
3 of the 6 studios whose cartoons were nominated for 1943
    $600 22
Part of an animal in which American frontiersmen carried gunpowder
    $600 12
D.W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" was based on this 1905 book by Thomas Dixon
    $600 25
Venus ranks 3rd, after these 2 objects, among the brightest objects in our sky
    DD: $800 3
Proverb given as an excuse by a person who proverbially shows up at 9:30 for 8:00 appointments
    $800 20
In 1823, Englishman James Weddell discovered this feature that now bears his name
    $800 28
Best Song winner "Up Where We Belong" was from this 1982 film
    $800 30
French for "self-locking", it's a strong, pressurized, steam-heated vessel used for sterilization
    $800 13
Paul Fatout's biography of this writer was called, "The Devil's Lexicographer"
    $800 26
While ours mainly consist of water vapor, those of Venus mainly consist of sulfuric acid
    $800 4
Last male survivor of a family, or conductor's call to let you know this is the last stop
    $1000 21
After this famous program ended December 31 1958, a group of countries banded to carry on further research
    $1000 29
At the 1st Oscars, a separate directing Oscar was given for this genre
    $1000 24
"Suitcase" term for a single word containing parts of 2, like "chortle" made up from chuckle & snort
    $1000 14
He came up with "A Guide to Confident Living" before his "The Power of Positive Thinking"
    DD: $1,400 16
Reason early astronomers had 2 different names for Venus--Phosphorus & Hesperus
    $1000 15
After Henry VIII wrote a treatise attacking Martin Luther, Pope Leo X gave Henry this title

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Scott George
$8,200 $500 $6,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

Appropriately, congressional pages attend school in this building

Final scores:

David Scott George
$2,599 $0 $13,400
2nd place: KitchenAid refrigerator + Helix TV/clock radio 3rd place: Ricardo Beverly Hills luggage New champion: $13,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Scott George
$9,400 $500 $7,400
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
4 W
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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