Suggest correction - #2180 - 1994-02-11

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    $200 23
The orchestration for his "Porgy and Bess" includes a part for banjo

Show #2180 - Friday, February 11, 1994


Tina Kaidanow, a Ph.D. candidate from Lutherville, Maryland

Hanson Yoo, an insurance auditor originally from Seoul, Korea

David Kraut, a writer from Roosevelt Island, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,801)

Jeopardy! Round

COOKING "A", "B", "C"s
(Alex: The correct response will begin with the letter A, B, or C, or perhaps all three.)
    $100 26
It might "amuse" you to know that this bone extends from the shoulder to the elbow
    $100 4
Opponents of this Japanese monster have included Megalon, The Smog Monster & Mothra
    $100 2
This term for the backward ticking off of seconds to a launch came into use in the 20th c.
    $100 1
This city's seal features a canoe and diamond head, among other items
    $100 16
Part of the body that's "greased" with a bribe
    $100 21
The most popular type of this fruity dessert is Apple Brown
    $200 27
The occipital & temporal bones form a large portion of this structure
    $200 5
This creeping ooze was incapacitated when Steve McQueen & others froze it
    $200 3
He headed the Prohibition unit nicknamed "The Untouchables"
    $200 12
City in which you'd find Pontchartrain Park & Louis Armstrong Park
    $200 17
This term for an illegal item came from smuggling liquor in footwear
    $200 22
Cookbooks advise sticking 3 or 4 of these spice buds in an onion to flavor meat dishes
    $300 28
This bony ring that supports the head is named for the mythical Titan who held up the heavens
    $300 6
In Michael Landon's first film, he played a teenage one
    $300 9
These small food packets for soldiers were named for Ancel Keys, who devised them
    $300 13
This East Coast city's Beacon Hill once served as a signaling station for ships
    $300 18
It's the process of making illegally-gained money look legitimate
    $300 23
The tomato type of this gelatin salad can be made with canned tomato juice
    $400 29
This lower jaw bone is the largest facial bone
    $400 7
This monster was born Imhotep, the high priest of the Temple of the Sun
    $400 10
This comic strip boxer who first appeared in 1928 lent his name to any simple, lovable person
    $400 14
This city's Golden Triangle is formed at the confluence of the Allegheny & Monongahela Rivers
    $400 19
It's a bribe made to a DJ to get a certain recording played
    $400 24
This fish paste is often combined with butter & seasonings & spread over broiled steak
    $500 30
Named for their shapes, the stirrup & these 2 bones connect the eardrum to the inner ear
    $500 8
Kevin Peter Hall played the title monster in this 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger film
    $500 11
In 1987 surrogate mother Mary Beth Whitehead's baby was code-named this
    DD: $500 15
A federal office building named for Strom Thurmond was completed in this state capital in 1979
    $500 20
2-word slang term for the central location of telephone scam salesmen
    $500 25
These fruits, often mistaken for huckleberries, make wonderful jams, pies & muffins

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Hanson Tina
$1,400 $1,500 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Hanson Tina
$3,600 $2,100 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
"Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom" is written above his Hanoi tomb
    $200 18
To discourage drug use among kids, this First Lady appeared on the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes"
    $200 13
The Catholic prayer "Hail Mary" is known as this in Latin
    $200 23
The orchestration for his "Porgy and Bess" includes a part for banjo
    $200 11
Forked hazel branches are used as divining rods to find this
    $200 6
In 1980 "The Shining" was 1 of 3 of his books on the N.Y. Times bestseller lists at the same time
    $400 2
In May Vietnam celebrates the defeat of this country's forces at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    $400 19
Some of his nicknames were "Long Tom", "The Apostle of Liberty" & "The Sage of Monticello"
    $400 14
Used in Jewish ritual, a shofar is this
    $400 28
Frederick Shepherd Converse's "Flivver 10,000,000" celebrated this company's 10 millionth car
    $400 12
This houseplant that forms plantlets at the ends of its stems is named for its arachnid appearance
    $400 7
From 1840 to 1846, this "Rip Van Winkle" author served as U.S. minister to Spain
    $600 3
This holiday begins on the first new moon of the lunar calendar
    $600 20
From 1960 to 1972, this North Carolina senator worked for the parent company of the Tobacco Radio Network
    DD: $1,700 15
Since 1830 this text has appeared in over 20 languages, including the Deseret alphabet
    $600 29
"Rule," this place! Comes from T.A. Arne's 1740 masque "Alfred"
    $600 30
It's the kind of fruit that grows on the tree whose scientific name is Prunus americana
    $600 8
His 1951 work, "Return to Paradise" was a volume of stories & essays about the South Pacific
    $800 4
There are 2 great river systems in Vietnam: the Red River in the north & this in the south
    DD: $1,200 21
Sophia Birchard was this president's mother
    $800 17
In Islam the waging of these "holy wars" can be fulfilled by the heart, tongue, hand or sword
    $800 26
A special high-pitched type of trumpet is named for this composer of "The Art of Fugue"
    $800 27
The Sitka, which can grow 200 feet high, is the largest species of this evergreen
    $800 9
After years as a playwright, he wrote his first novel, "The Young Lions", in 1948
    $1000 5
Located 64 miles east of Hanoi, this is Northern Vietnam's most important port
    $1000 22
This Hull House founder shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize with Nicholas Murray Butler
    $1000 16
2 of the 3 gods that make up the Hindu Trinity called the Trimurti
    $1000 24
Haydn's 1798 mass in D minor is thought to celebrate his victory in the Battle of the Nile
    $1000 25
The name of this climbing plant means "lover of trees"
    $1000 10
In 1939 this "Tobacco Road" author married photographer Margaret Bourke-White; the union lasted 3 years

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Hanson Tina
$7,200 $2,700 $2,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Henry Hudson named this island for the Dutch legislature

Final scores:

David Hanson Tina
$7,200 $0 $0
2-day champion: $15,001 3rd place: Wallace Silversmiths candelabra + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Hanson Tina
$7,200 $2,700 $5,700
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
10 R,
2 W
20 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $15,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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