Suggest correction - #357 - 1986-01-21

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    $1000 16
Relation of Telemachus to Ulysses

Show #357 - Tuesday, January 21, 1986


Ann Antell, a teacher from Ypsilanti, Michigan

Daniel Dorse, a restaurant manager and a comedian from Santa Ana, California

Erik Bergman, a writer from Portland, Oregon (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Old Joe is the name of the animal on this pack of cigarettes
    $100 2
After going "Back to the Future", this actor went back to his "Family Ties"
    $100 6
At 664 arrests for 100,000 population, most frequent in U.S., this crime makes people "MADD"
    $100 9
Of population, wealth, or quality of commanders, the one advantage the South had
    $100 12
Today's Persian rugs come from this country which used to be Persia
    $100 1
In 1970, Elvis walked in the rain of this Southern state
    $200 22
From contraction of the French phrase "sans caffeine" comes this brand of coffee
    $200 3
From 1968-73, Michael Cole, Peggy Lipton, & Clarence Williams III were better known as this
    $200 7
The crime which brought Raskolnikov punishment in Dostoyevsky's "Crime & Punishment"
    $200 10
D.W. Griffith classic which told of war & aftermath from Southern point of view
    $200 13
It's peachy keen that this Southern state makes about 60% of all U.S. carpet
    $200 18
For 19 weeks in 1969-70, "raindrops kept falling on his head"
    $300 23
Song based on the poem "The Defense of Ft. McHenry"
    $300 4
Married to playwright David Rabe, she was "An Unmarried Woman" in 1978
    $300 8
Smuggling the fruit of genus Passiflora or killing a lover could be called this type of crime
    $300 15
The number of years the Confederacy was in existence
    DD: $10 14
Kind of carpet in title of the following:

"I like to dream /
Yes, yes, right between the sound machine"
    $300 19
According to Albert Hammond, "it never rains" here, but "man, it pours"
    $400 24
The U.S.S. Nevada was the only ship present at both Pearl Harbor attack & this epic European event
    $400 5
From 1972-78, he was Bob Newhart's ego-altering alter-ego
    $400 26
Crimes punishable by less than a 1 year sentence are usually classified as this
    $400 16
To court aid & recognition from England & France, the Confederacy offered this "white gold"
    $400 20
Neil Sedaka chuckled all the way to the bank with his #1 comeback song in 1974
    $500 25
In 1939, Warners of Connecticut gave bras these for the 1st time
    $500 11
1978 saw him "Goin' South" with Mary Steenburgen
    $500 17
In 1862, fearing collapse of armies, the Conf. Congress passed 1st law of this kind in American history

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Erik Daniel Ann
$300 $1,600 $1,110

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erik Daniel Ann
$1,200 $2,400 $1,210

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
4 of the 7 continents begin with this letter
    $200 1
Every year, Jerry Lewis hosts the telethon to help "his kids" who have this disease
    $200 2
What a surfer refers to when he talks about his Blue Cheer, Gordon Smith, or Hobie
    $200 12
Its author
    $200 10
Direction of wart hog's tail points when running
    $200 21
Nook's companion
    DD: $500 25
The 4 continents generally considered to border the Indian Ocean
    $400 7
After accidents, this "SIDS" disease is leading cause of death in children up to 1 year old
    $400 3
When winter waves are highest, surfers flock to famous north shore of this populous Hawaiian island
    $400 13
The sirens try to lure Ulysses & his men to death by this vocal approach
    $400 17
Besides hearing, 1 of 2 other main functions of the elephant's huge ears
    $400 20
With this auditory condition, the bells "ringing for me & my gal" might be in your ears
    $600 26
It has nearly 3 times the population of any other country in Europe
    $600 8
Disease which makes kids look like "connect the dots", same virus can cause shingles later on
    $600 4
What it's called when a surfer loses both his balance & his board during a "ride"
    $600 14
Basically, "The Odyssey" picks up where this, the author's earlier epic, leaves off
    $600 18
Only wild sheep in Western North America, it's sometimes called the Rocky Mountain sheep
    $600 22
2 of 4 U.S. states that fit this category
    $800 9
Due to sugar, additives, & preservatives in processed foods, that "overly rambunctious" kids might be this
    DD: $1,800 5
2 of the 3 Top-20 hits The Beach Boys sang with "Surfin'" or "Surfer" in the title
    $800 15
For 7 years, Ulysses was held captive by this sea nymph, the symbol of the Cousteau Society
    $800 19
The 2nd largest bird in the world is this Australian native
    $1000 11
Amblyopia, it could be called the indolent optical organ affliction
    $1000 6
Challenging maneuver of riding face of wave while staying under its breaking point
    $1000 16
Relation of Telemachus to Ulysses
    $1000 23
One of the few tool-using animals, this ocean mammal opens mussels by using stones as "anvils"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erik Daniel Ann
$4,000 $2,600 $5,910

Final Jeopardy! Round

THE '40s
Mussolini, Hitler, & FDR all died during this month in 1945

Final scores:

Erik Daniel Ann
$1 $0 $8,110
2nd place: Shapiro & Son bed + WhiteWestinghouse washer & dryer 3rd place: Lane recliner New champion: $8,110

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Erik Daniel Ann
$4,000 $4,400 $6,100
10 R,
1 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $14,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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