Suggest correction - #300 - 1985-11-01

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    $300 20
At one time, this lineman began play by kicking the ball back to the quarterback

Show #300 - Friday, November 1, 1985

Introductions entered from audiorecording.


Diane Oles, a teacher from Reno, Nevada

Brian Sanders, a sales representative from Los Angeles, California

Greg Miller, a sales representative from Santa Ana, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
"The Last Frontier"
    $100 7
1985 film in which Chuck Norris cracked "code" to critical as well as box office success
    $100 15
The use of tables comes from this ancient land, 'cause things fall off of pyramids
    $100 6
Before 1880, it was 140 x 70 yards
    $100 23
This "All American" picnic pork was 1st cured by the Chinese
    $100 9
The father, son, & Holy Ghost
    $200 2
Gulf state whose counties are called parishes
    $200 8
1973 movie that asked, "Where were you in '62?"
    $200 16
The ball & claw foot is believed to be ancient symbol of world power from this Asian country
    $200 19
Winners of the 1985 Super Bowl
    $200 22
Some experts say red-eye gravy is made with water, others say to use this "breakfast" beverage
    $200 10
Branch of mathematics from Greek for triangle measurement
    $300 3
Only state bordering directly on both the Atlantic Ocean & the Great Lakes
    DD: $500 11
Phrases which complete the titles of "Star Trek II" & "III"
    $300 21
A duchesse bed is a canopy bed without these at the corners
    $300 20
At one time, this lineman began play by kicking the ball back to the quarterback
    $300 24
"Yellow weed" vegetable picked for eating before it blossoms
    $300 14
From 1977 through 1985, its been John Ritter's TV surname
    $400 4
TV's "Little House on the Prairie" is set in Walnut Grove, in this state
    $400 12
Instrument Richard Gere actually played in "Cotton Club"
    $400 25
General term for U.S. furniture built in period circa 1600-1720
    $400 17
The French flag, for example
    $500 5
Before joining Union in 1791, this New England state was an independent republic for 14 years
    $500 13
Both the Motion Picture Academy & AFI have honored this director whose latest is "Prizzi's Honor"
    $500 26
To talk to Wilbur, Mr. Ed would push open the top part of this type of split door
    $500 18
The most powerful civil officers in ancient Rome, they could veto bills & could not be imprisoned

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Greg Brian Diane
-$400 $100 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Brian Diane
$300 $200 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Before going over to British side, he was court-martialed but not punished
    $200 4
Esther & Richard Shapiro created this, West Germany's favorite American TV show
    $200 3
Their motto was "all for one, one for all"
    $200 21
Babies still fall asleep to this bachelor's popular 'lullaby"
    $200 22
Leukocytosis is an increase in the number of these blood cells
    $200 10
Dick Martin's response to Dan Rowan's "say goodnight, Dick"
    $400 2
To keep his men busy during the winter, he had them build the militarily useless "Ft. Nonsense"
    $400 5
"Tony Clifton--live!" was a benefit in Apr. '85 for this late comic's American Cancer Society memorial fund
    $400 6
This author's "Main Street" has setting similar to one he grew up in, in Sauk Centre
    DD: $200 24
Composer of following famous Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $400 23
Though caused by fungus, this skin disease is known by a "wiggly" creature's name
    $400 12
He ends "20/20" with "We're in touch, so you be in touch"
    $600 17
Henry Hamilton, British Lt. Gov. of Detroit, was called "hair buyer" & accused of this
    $600 11
"Diet" company headed by Mark Hughes put under scrutiny by a Senate investigation
    DD: $800 7
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" character who said she was never born, had no parents, but was raised by a speculator
    $600 25
Medical term used to indicate normal test results
    $600 13
Jimmy Durante's famous sign-off line
    $800 18
Provisional congress of N.J. arrested that colony's loyalist governor, son of this patriot
    $800 14
Country of birth of 1985 Miss U.S.A. Laura Elena Herring
    $800 8
Tennyson quotes this knight as saying, "my strength is as the strength of 10 because my heart is pure"
    $800 16
Dave Garroway used this word to close the "Today" show
    $1000 19
America's "Gunga Din", Mrs. Mary Ludwig Hays, is better known by this name
    $1000 15
Psychic Kenny Kingston reported these 2 Hollywood reporters loved TV movie "Malice in Wonderland"
    $1000 9
19th century poet who "heard America singing" in Brooklyn
    $1000 26
Humans produce it in the islets of Langerhans but now lab bacteria can make it, too
    $1000 20
Cowboy star who said "Good-bye, good luck, & may the good Lord take a likin' to ya"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Brian Diane
$1,100 $3,000 $3,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1794, 1830, 1846, 1848, 1861, & 1863 this neighbor unsuccessfully revolted against Russia

Final scores:

Greg Brian Diane
$2,198 $6,000 $1,195
2nd place: La-Z-Boy sofa + Stiffel's table lamps New champion: $6,000 3rd place: Skyway luggage

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Greg Brian Diane
$1,100 $3,000 $3,400
8 R,
4 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $7,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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